Black Clover: What Exactly Are Grimoires? (2024)

In the world of Black Clover, Grimoires are special books made of mana, that allows its user to cast amplified magical spells, which they would normally not be able to cast without the help of a Grimoires. Magic Knights and other mages in the Black Clover series use these special books to maintain the balance between good and evil.

Although there are evil mages who use Grimoires to hurt others, the magic knights ensure that this does not happen and uses Grimoires to protect the innocent. Instead of mages choosing a Grimoires, it works the other way around, where a Grimoires gravitate towards the user and grows together with the user as they progress as a magic knight or mage and are also used to keep records of the user's spells.

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What Are They?

Black Clover: What Exactly Are Grimoires? (1)

Each Grimoires have a unique binding and cover which represents their owner's magical attribute, the Grimoires also have the insignias representing which kingdom they are from, such as the Clover, Heart, Spade and Diamond Kingdoms on the front cover of the Grimoires. Each mage has different ways of carrying their Grimoires around with them, some carry them in satchels on their belts while others have custom-built satchels that are strapped to their legs or chests.

As a mage grows stronger, they are able to unlock spells on their Grimoires allowing them to cast more powerful magic spells. Most of the time, mages are faced with tough situations that push them to grow stronger, thus increasing the chance of a Grimoire unlocking these special spells for them. The connection between the mage and a Grimoire is also a unique one. As soon as a new spell is unlocked, it is then magically written into the Grimoire so that when the mage wishes to use a particular spell, the Grimoire automatically turns to the page where the spell is written. When the Grimoire is in use, it's usually floating in front of its owner, giving off a slight glow.

Grimoires can also not be used by a different owner, in case it is stolen or sold, only the rightful owner is able to use it to cast spells. To be eligible to receive a Grimoire, a mage must be 15 or older. Once a mage turns 15 they are able to visit the Grimoire tower based in the region they live in and take part in the Grimoire acceptance ceremony where a Grimoire will choose the mage. This is seen in the Black Clover series, when Asta visits the Grimoire tower in the hope that he receives a Grimoire. Grimoire towers can be found all around the kingdoms and are looked after tower masters. A mage can still visit a Grimoire tower if they happen to miss the annual Grimoire acceptance ceremony to receive a Grimoire.

Types of Grimoires

Black Clover: What Exactly Are Grimoires? (2)

Mages from the clover Kingdom usually receives Grimoires which has a 3 leafed clover on it, but there are also instances in which some mages receive Grimoires which have either 4 leaf clovers or even 5 leaf clovers. Mages who receive Grimoires which have 4 leaf clovers on them are considered special and also very rare. In the Black Clover series, Yuno receives a 4 leaf clover, and he turns out to be one of the most powerful and talented members of the Magic Knights. The 4th leaf on the 4 leaf clover Grimoire is said to represent luck.

Grimoires which have 5 leaf clovers on them is said to contain a devil. A 5 leaf clover Grimoire is created when the owner of a 4 leaf clover Grimoire falls into unhappiness and despair, thus creating a 5th leaf on the 4 leaf clover Grimoire while also turning the Grimore a dark shade or black, once this happens a devil is able to take control of the Grimoire. Asta is also one of the chosen few who receives a 5 leaf clover Grimoire. When the owner of a Grimoire dies, the Grimoire is seen to disappear, however this is not the case for a 5 leaf clover and the Grimoire is dormant until a new owner claims ownership.

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Black Clover: What Exactly Are Grimoires? (2024)
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