Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (2024)

Foods to Nourish

Trisha Gilkerson 11 Comments This Post Contains Affiliate Links

These grain-free granola bars are a guilt-free snack idea for both you and your kids. Ditch the chemical and sugar loaded store-bought granola bars and check out how easy it is to make your own tasty granola bars!

My fondest childhood memories take place in the kitchen. Whether it was helping my mom stir the broth into the cornbread dressing for Thanksgiving, melting chocolate for Christmas candies, or making jelly with our summertime haul of blackberries, I was always in the kitchen with the adults, learning and experimenting.

Amidst the laughter, the mess, the cramped kitchens, and the mouthwatering smells that filled the room, I found my home.

Looking for more gluten-free recipes and resources? This Everything Gluten Free pageis a library of everything gluten free we’ve worked on.

Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (3)

A lot of my feelings towards the kitchen changed, however, when I was told I needed to eat a gluten-free diet. Suddenly, I was in a new world with a strange new language – and I did the easiest thing I could.

I stopped cooking and just grabbed the pre-made gluten-free items. I didn’t even want to think about cooking with so many odd flours and grain-free substitutes. With one diagnosis, I allowed my joy of cooking to be taken away.

Over the last few years, my feelings towards gluten-free cooking have once again changed. Now, I look forward to experimenting with coconut flour, almond flour, and even flax seed meal. I look forward to converting traditional recipes into something that is not only safe for my body, but pleasing to my mouth as well.

Why Homemade Grain Free Granola Bars?

Most store-bought granola bars contain chemicals and additives that I am just not comfortable giving to my daughter. However, when I make my own, I can control what goes into her body; and honestly, these couldn’t be easier.

All you need for these grain free granola bars is coconut oil, honey, your choice of nuts, fruits, and nut butter – and whatever else you want to throw into your bars. You can mix up the ingredients in under 10 minutes. It’s super easy and lots of creative fun!

Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (4)


Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars

Cook: 20 minutes mins

Total: 20 minutes mins

These grain free granola bars are a healthy treat you can feel good about eating AND sharing with your kids!

Author: Mary Bush


  • 2 1/2 cups nuts up to 3 cups
  • 1 cup dried fruit chopped, no sugar added
  • 1/3 cup golden flax seed
  • 1/3 cup raw honey
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons almond butter or your favorite nut butter


  • Roughly chop approximately 1.5 cups of mixed nuts. Chop the remaining nuts in a food processor, being careful to not turn it into nut butter.

  • Combine chopped nuts, chopped fruit, and golden flax seeds.

  • In a small sauce pan, combine honey, vanilla, coconut oil, and nut butter. Over low heat, bring mixture to a boil.

  • Pour immediately into nut mixture and stir to combine.

  • Pour granola mixture into a 9x9 inch dish, lined with parchment paper.

  • Bake at 325 for 20 minutes.

  • Allow to cool completely before cutting.

  • Keep granola bars refrigerated.


In the recipe pictured above I used peanut butter, walnut, cashews, almonds, and dried apricots. But remember, this recipe is very versatile and you can use whatever nut butter, nuts, and dried fruit you have available!

courses: Breakfast, Snack

cuisine: American

keyword: breakfast, easy, gluten free, grain free, nuts, snack

Need more Grain Free Snack Ideas? Check out these Recipes:

  • Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Scones
  • Grain-Free Apple Pie Muffins
  • Grain-Free Banana Chia Muffins
  • 101 Grain-Free Snack Ideas for Kids

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Reader Interactions


    • Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (9)Trisha Gilkerson

      Thanks 🙂

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    • Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (10)Mary Bush

      Thanks! I hope you like them. 🙂

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  1. Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (11)Mary Bush

    Thanks! I’ll check it out.
    Hope you enjoy the granola bars 🙂

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  2. Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (12)Angie

    I see it’s been almost 2 years since you published this recipe, but I have been looking for some nut bar ideas that I can make. I have a question about the recipe: The ingredient list says “golden flax SEED”, but in the instructions, it says to combine the chopped nuts & fruits and “golden flax MEAL”. I’m guessing we would use the seeds in this recipe, but since I’m fairly new at this, I thought I better ask which one should be used. 🙂

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    • Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (13)Trisha Gilkerson

      Yes, it should be flax SEEDS thank you for pointing that out! I’ll make the change ASAP.

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  3. Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (14)Amy Daly

    Are the nuts toasted or raw? Looking forward to making these!

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    • Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (15)Trisha Gilkerson

      Hi Amy,
      I’ve made them both ways, but personally prefer them toasted.

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  4. Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (16)Diana Shirley

    What if I need something nut free for my son to take to school. Also he doesn’t like coconut anything.

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    • Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (17)Trisha Gilkerson

      Unfortunately, I don’t have a nut-free recipe for a whole-food granola bars and all of the ones I know of have nuts. I’m not sure what you’d use as a base if you’re avoiding both nuts and grains.

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  5. Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (18)Denise

    What is “no-sugar added”? And where do I buy it?

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Delicious, Healthy, Grain Free Granola Bars (2024)
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