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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


Tishwash: Al-Sudani: The government has provided a safe investment environment and financial and banking facilities that are attractive to experienced companies

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed that the government has provided a safe investment environment, and financial and banking facilities that are attractive to experienced companies, which opens horizons for continuous cooperation, reflects positively on the local economy, creates job opportunities, and maximizes Iraq’s oil resources, in light of The goal of converting at least 40% of Iraq's oil exports into derivatives and refining products, in addition to gas investment.

A statement from his media office said that today, Sunday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al Hilal Companies, Mr. Hamid Jaafar, and his accompanying delegation, indicating that the meeting witnessed a review of the progress of work in the projects undertaken by the company in Iraq, especially the company’s project within the fifth round of licensing. In addition to confirming the government’s vision to expand productive partnerships with companies and regional and international economic groups, in cooperation with the Iraqi private sector, within the government’s platform for economic reform.


Tishwash: Al-Sudani: The government has provided a safe investment environment and financial and banking facilities that are attractive to experienced companies

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed that the government has provided a safe investment environment, and financial and banking facilities that are attractive to experienced companies, which opens horizons for continuous cooperation, reflects positively on the local economy, creates job opportunities, and maximizes Iraq’s oil resources, in light of The goal of converting at least 40% of Iraq's oil exports into derivatives and refining products, in addition to gas investment.

A statement from his media office said that today, Sunday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al Hilal Companies, Mr. Hamid Jaafar, and his accompanying delegation, indicating that the meeting witnessed a review of the progress of work in the projects undertaken by the company in Iraq, especially the company’s project within the fifth round of licensing. In addition to confirming the government’s vision to expand productive partnerships with companies and regional and international economic groups, in cooperation with the Iraqi private sector, within the government’s platform for economic reform.

For his part, Hamid Jaafar expressed his appreciation for the government’s steps in facilitating all aspects of fruitful work, and the Prime Minister’s directives to remove obstacles and impediments that hinder the work of investment companies, and to prepare everything that would raise levels of cooperation. link

Tishwash: Iraq bids farewell to the list of “high-risk countries”

Observers and specialists in political affairs expressed their optimism about Iraq’s exit from the list of “high-risk countries” that was officially announced by the International Task Force (FATF) last week, noting that the international declaration represents an important step in the correct path that the Sudanese government is taking in achieving reforms. Financial and economic along with political stability.

Political affairs analyst, Qasim Balshan Al-Tamimi, told “Al-Sabah”: “Iraq’s exit from (the follow-up area) and from the list of (high-risk countries), according to the announcement of the International Task Force (FATF), is a very important step,” noting that “the announcement The International Bank came as a result of the reforms carried out by the Central Bank of Iraq, as well as the procedures and reforms of the Office of Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.”

He added, "Iraq's exit from the list also comes as a result of the legislation of the Anti-Money Laundering Law No. 39 of 2015, and also the establishment of the Anti-Money Laundering Council," and explained that "Under the announcement of the International Working Group, Iraq has become outside the monitoring and follow-up process, and this means that it has regained the confidence of the group."

"By restoring this confidence, Iraq can play a major and pivotal role in the region and in the world, and this step would also make Iraq a destination and a source of interest for major international development and investment companies." The International Financial Action Task Force (FATF) officially announced Iraq’s exit from the follow-up area, due to the significant progress achieved by the Central Bank of Iraq and the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Office in improving and addressing deficiencies and in fulfilling all its obligations towards the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force and addressing the requirements of the strategy to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism. Terrorism, and thus Iraq is no longer subject to monitoring and follow-up by the international Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

For his part, the political analyst, Ali Al-Baidar, stated in an interview with “Al-Sabah” that “Iraq’s exit from the list of the most corrupt countries is evidence that the Sudanese government is not a government of services - as it is referred to - but rather a reform government that has achieved many political and governmental aspects and prevented "A lot of cases of corruption."

He noted that "Iraq's exit from the list confirms the important steps that the government has worked on, and from here we can look at the deep vision with which the authority dealt with and the method of implementing its service programs in a reform manner, many of which were directed towards preventing corruption, such as activating electronic automation, and there is also awareness Socially, it contributed to rejecting cases of rampant corruption in recent years.”

He explained that "the fingerprints that Al-Sudani placed on the wheel of reform were reflected positively on the projects and the clarity of vision for many matters related to services and reform. It also appears that Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani laid the foundation for basic visions and ideas that are reflected in the lives of Iraqis, including creating a culture of transparency and integrity, and this The matter affects Iraq's reputation positively, and also affects international support and the creation of an investment environment in Iraq to attract companies, and these are the first fruits of reform that Sudanese reaped as a result of the positive repercussions of his government program.” link


CandyKisses: Within months. Jump in Indian merchandise exports to Iraq

Baghdad - Iraq Today:

The "Iraq of the Future" Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations said that the value of Indian exports to Iraq from April 2023 to March 2024 increased by 24% compared to the same period last year.

According to data from the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the value of direct Indian exports to Iraq amounted to 3.4 billion US dollars, up from 2.7 billion dollars for the same period last year.

According to a report released by the institution today, India's rice exports rose 131 percent to $910 million, up from the same period last year, which was worth US$392 million.

Fossil fuels decreased by 9.15% to $799 million from $879 million.

Indian meat exports increased by 41.5% to US$329 million from US$232 million for the same period last year.

Iron exports also increased by 153%, tea exports by 141%, fruit exports by 114%, clothing exports by 106%, and vegetable oil exports by 103%.

The commodities that fell were sugar, whose exports from India to Iraq fell by 85%.

The report indicates that India is the fifth exporter to Iraq of goods after the UAE, China, Turkey and Iran, and the establishment of India's exports is considered direct to Iraq, and may rise if it is added to the value of re-exported goods from the UAE, which is represented by a large percentage of Indian products.

On the other hand, the value of Iraq's exports to India, mainly of crude oil, decreased from 34 billion US dollars compared to 30 billion US dollars in the period from April 2023 to March 2024.


Tishwash: Association of Private Banks: Iraq witnessed a major revolution and widespread change in electronic payment tools

The Iraqi Private Banks Association confirmed today, Sunday, that Iraq has witnessed a major revolution and a wide change in the level of use of electronic payment tools since 2023, while indicating a significant increase in the size and number of electronic payment operations.

The Executive Director of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Ali Tariq, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The Iraqi Private Banks Association Foundation and the Iraqi banking sector are fully prepared to cooperate within the directions of the Central Bank of Iraq, which are greatly supported by government directions, especially after the recent visit to the United States.” The American efforts resulted in framing the process of working to solve the problems related to preventing the use of the dollar for a group of Iraqi banks.”

Tariq added, “The role of the Association of Private Banks believes in implementing these trends related to amending work mechanisms, using modern technical tools, and reviewing previous accounts,” stressing that “the Association will be very supportive of these trends.”

He pointed out that "the Association of Private Banks hopes for the return of banks that can meet the above requirements," pointing out that "the issue that occurred on the private banking sector had negative effects," adding that "the general trends and the banks' directions must be to repair the damage that occurred in the stage." previous".

He stressed that "Iraq has witnessed a major revolution and a wide change since the previous year until now in the level of use of electronic payment tools, which the government has approved the adoption of electronic payment in government or private institutions," noting that "Iraq has also witnessed a significant increase in the volume of operations and the number of operations related to electronic payment, In addition to an increase in the number of bank cards, and doubling the number of electronic payment points (pos), therefore there is a big change.”

He stressed that "the current year will witness significant and tangible change by the citizen."

Tariq pointed out that "the institution seeks as much as possible to strengthen relations between electronic payment companies and banks on the one hand and between government institutions and the Central Bank of Iraq on the other hand, in addition to educating the community on the continuous use of electronic payment tools link

Mot: I Just Loves the Insight Ya Gets frum da ole Internet!!!!

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Mot: .... Get Ready!!! --- Its Time!!!!

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Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Sunday AM 6-9-24

Investment Law In The Balance Of The Economy

Economical 06/06/2024 Dr.. Adnan Hadi Jaaz

There is no doubt that investment is one of the most important factors that can contribute effectively to

correcting the defect in the structure of the Iraqi economy,

diversifying sources of income, and

reducing dependence on oil.

Reaching this goal is one of the most important strategic goals that contribute to Iraq’s stability and development and confronting economic, political and social crises.

Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Sunday AM 6-9-24

Investment Law In The Balance Of The Economy

Economical 06/06/2024 Dr.. Adnan Hadi Jaaz

There is no doubt that investment is one of the most important factors that can contribute effectively to

correcting the defect in the structure of the Iraqi economy,

diversifying sources of income, and

reducing dependence on oil.

Reaching this goal is one of the most important strategic goals that contribute to Iraq’s stability and development and confronting economic, political and social crises.

Therefore, the law that is drawn up to

attract investment must direct the financial surpluses of Iraqi society and

make them move in the direction that uses capital efficiently and

achieves the maximum for Iraq. Possible benefit.

Private sector investments, whether local or foreign, are among the most important factors that can be relied upon to solve the problems of the Iraqi economy.

The private sector is the second wing of the economy, and

reality and history have proven that its distance from the economic scene was one of the biggest historical mistakes in Iraq.

However, in a quick reading of the new investment law, we are disappointed according to our vision and economic ambitions, and fears have increased for the future of this country’s economy, and

in this article we try to explain the reasons for this not optimistic vision.

According to our reading, the proposed investment law is nothing more than a law for investment in residential cities, which is not considered a channel for transferring the financial surpluses of Iraqi society into the hands of a small, non-productive group, some of whom are foreign.

The investor in building residential cities can import all the materials he needs for the project without any return to the state or the state treasury.

He can grant the land for free, and we all know that the lands overlap and there is no difference between what is inside the basic design and outside it.

Obtaining financial facilities and soft loans.

After 25% of the project is completed, he has the right to withdraw the capital and profits in full.

He has the right to employ foreigners, and of course these facilities will be used to import many times the materials and goods that the investor needs, which is the biggest source of increasing his profits and exporting foreign exchange many times the amount he obtained. Return as well as remittances of foreign workers.

As for what was mentioned in the privileges, he has the right to use what he increased from the land after the completion of the residential project without restricting or even specifying the land

This is a lot of talk.

If we assume that he decided to build facilities that are not appropriate for the privacy of Iraqi society, or any of the investments that are not appropriate for them to be in residential areas.

Does the law allow us to prevent it?

The second question is: He has the right to invest the surplus, regardless of its size: five, ten, or even twenty dunams, and perhaps more!

All of this is for the sake of producing housing units that are so far beyond the capacity and capacity of the middle class and even those with above-average incomes, and so far we only see from it an increase in the well-being of the wealthy by isolating them and settling them in private cities and in return absorbing the community’s financial surpluses and exporting them abroad.

Is this goal worth all these high economic costs?

Yes, it can stimulate the economy and increase growth if Iraq produces what the real estate sector needs, and

therefore we say that it is an expansionary financial policy that aims to increase growth rates and income by increasing production rates and thus increasing employment and income rates in a way that contributes to solving the unemployment problem that haunts the political class and always threatens it. By failure.

If we give the land for free with exemptions from taxes and fees, in addition to an interest-free loan to the investor, and we allow the employment of foreigners, and

we allow the export of foreign exchange, which is the financial surpluses of citizens and the loans that came from the Central Bank and Iraqi banks,

then all these sacrifices are for the sake of increasing the well-being of the wealthy, nothing more and nothing less.

There is a real solution to the problem of housing the poor and the middle class, and even if the needs of these segments are to be met, there are shorter and much less expensive ways, as the cost is great and very significant for the economic policy in general.

If we assume for the sake of argument that the visionary aims to increase the supply of housing units until it exceeds demand, then the gradual decline in prices will begin.

I believe that with the presence of crazy financial surpluses, including money laundering and the legalization of corruption funds, and some segments on which there are no restrictions, and

they are many without detail, this is what I call the effect.

The double negative of this money is that it deducts from public funds and exploits citizens.

It works to increase prices in a way that cannot be kept up with in the real estate sector, and real estate in Baghdad and Basra are the best examples.

Therefore, this goal is difficult to achieve and requires a long period of time or for these cities to reach remote areas. Too far.

We must be patient in approving this law, and we must push financial surpluses of all kinds in another, more efficient direction, as

they are an important financial resource and the key to solving many of Iraq’s economic, political and social problems.

We push them towards industry, especially with goods that meet the needs of the real estate sector and modern agriculture that meets the market’s need, and this is something that can be achieved.

Easily with the very large profit opportunities from the very large movement of the real estate sector due to the support of the financial and monetary policies represented by the initiatives of the Central Bank,

then it can be said that Iraq is pursuing a financial and monetary policy with clear features and results for the present and the future, and that these reasons for the investment law are somewhat logical.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

From a fallen tree, all make kindling. -Spanish proverb

The virtue of prosperity is temperance; the virtue of adversity is fortitude, which in morals is the heroical virtue. -Francis Bacon

The keenest sorrow is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. -Sophocles

No untroubled day has ever dawned for me. -Seneca

You can't have more bugs than a blanketful. -Spanish proverb

Even in the deepest sinking there is the hidden purpose of an ultimate rising. Thus it is for all men, from none is the source of light withheld unless he himself withdraws from it. Therefore the most important thing is not to despair. -Hasidic saying



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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

I’m a Financial Advisor: Here Are the 6 Worst Secrets You Can Keep from Me

Cara Danielle Brown Sat, Jun 8, 2024,

Some may be surprised to learn that the relationship between a client and their financial advisor can be an intimate one — largely because the events occurring in a client’s personal and professional life can have a significant impact on his or her financial future. And that means all those events — no matter how bad or ugly — need to be disclosed. It may even help to think of your financial advisor like a monetary life coach.

For various reasons, ranging from pride to shame, clients often fail to reveal sensitive information to their advisors which can put their financial future in jeopardy. To find out more, GOBankingRates spoke with seasoned financial advisors to reveal the worst secrets you can keep.

I’m a Financial Advisor: Here Are the 6 Worst Secrets You Can Keep from Me

Cara Danielle Brown Sat, Jun 8, 2024,

Some may be surprised to learn that the relationship between a client and their financial advisor can be an intimate one — largely because the events occurring in a client’s personal and professional life can have a significant impact on his or her financial future. And that means all those events — no matter how bad or ugly — need to be disclosed. It may even help to think of your financial advisor like a monetary life coach.

For various reasons, ranging from pride to shame, clients often fail to reveal sensitive information to their advisors which can put their financial future in jeopardy. To find out more, GOBankingRates spoke with seasoned financial advisors to reveal the worst secrets you can keep.

Income or Assets from Illegal Activities

For CFP Stephen Kates, this one tops the list largely due to the fact that there is a risk such activities might taint the advisor, which can destroy their career. If a client manages to hide income or assets from unsavory activities and this comes to light, the blowback for the financial advisor could include civil fines, sanctions and reputational damage.

And it’s not as simple as the financial advisor claiming ignorance given the “Know Your Client Rule,” which lays out a process of background checks that financial institutions must adhere to in order to guard against financial crimes. If anything manages to creatively slip through the cracks, the punishment can be swift.

Hiding Assets or Investments

Kates explained that some clients take a piece-meal approach to money management, choosing not to disclose certain assets because they prefer to manage them on their own or have an entirely different financial institution manage them instead. However, Kates said, “One of the most important parts of building a portfolio is having a cohesive strategy. When you hide assets, you risk the advisor recommending investments that are not appropriate in light of the true breadth of your assets.”

Overstating Income

On the opposite end of hiding assets is overstating income, explained certified financial planner and founder ofRetire to Abundance, Tyler Meyer, who once had a couple report their income as 30% higher than it actually was. Turned out, they were reporting their gross income instead of their net income.

“We had to have a very real conversation about why they weren’t hitting their savings goals,” said Meyer. “We were able to set more realistic goals, including their savings rate, but more importantly, a more realistic timeline to retire.” Overstating income can lead to inappropriate investment strategies and unrealistic goals.

Hidden Debts

In the absence of a complete financial picture, Meyer explained, advisors can’t adequately help clients in effectively managing their debt, avoiding excessive interest payments or prioritizing debt reduction.

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

KTFA:RMF: Just thinking out loud. If I remember right Parliament passed the 2024 Budget Schedules on 5/3/24. Then the Budget went directly to the Gazette on the 4th.

Now we know that if not signed it goes into effect automatically 15 days later...which takes us to the 20th of June...the stuff dreams are made of.

Always hopeful and believing this may be the month the people and investors have something to celebrate.

Of course any day would be just fine to wake up and find that I can stop worrying about paying my bills. etc.


RMF: Just thinking out loud. If I remember right Parliament passed the 2024 Budget Schedules on 5/3/24. Then the Budget went directly to the Gazette on the 4th.

Now we know that if not signed it goes into effect automatically 15 days later...which takes us to the 20th of June...the stuff dreams are made of.

Always hopeful and believing this may be the month the people and investors have something to celebrate.

Of course any day would be just fine to wake up and find that I can stop worrying about paying my bills. etc.


Reconstructing Iraq: The role of banks in financing the future


Reconstructing Iraq after years of wars and conflicts represents a great challenge, but it also represents an opportunity to rebuild a strong and sustainable economy.

Banks play a crucial role in financing reconstruction, by providing the loans and credit facilities necessary to finance construction and infrastructure projects.

The Iraqi Deposit Insurance Company played an important role in enhancing the confidence of investors and depositors in the Iraqi banking system, which made it easier for banks to obtain the necessary financing for reconstruction. It is estimated that Iraqi banks have provided loans worth more than $10 billion to finance reconstruction projects in recent years.

Germany's experience after World War II is an inspiring example of how banks can play a crucial role in the country's reconstruction. The KfW German Development Bank has contributed to financing many vital projects in Germany, such as rebuilding industrial and residential infrastructure, and providing financing for small and medium-sized companies. LINK



Al-Lami chairs the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Press Day celebrations


Today, Saturday, the head of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, Muayyad Al-Lami, chaired the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Press Day celebrations, while stressing the importance of showing the bright image of Iraq to the delegations that will visit Iraq.

The union stated, in a statement, a copy of which was received by {Al-Furat News}, that “Al-Lami chaired the meeting of the Supreme Committee charged with preparing for the celebrations of the National Day of the Iraqi Press on its 155th anniversary, reviewing before the members of the Supreme Committee assigned by the Prime Minister the union’s procedures regarding the invitation Hosting delegations and personalities from various countries of the world, which include Arab and foreign ministers of culture and information, heads of Arab media institutions, and international organizations concerned with journalism and media.

She added, "The meeting reviewed the preparation of all logistical and technical requirements for holding the celebrations, most notably the preparation for the central celebration that will be held in the Al-Zawraa Hall of the Al-Rashid Hotel on the morning of Sunday, June 30, under the auspices of the Prime Minister, the celebratory festival of the union’s branches in the governorates, which will be held in the gardens of Abu Nawas Street, and the public celebration in the center."

Cultural and social activities, One Thousand and One Nights, as well as hosting meetings of the General Secretariat of the Arab Journalists Union.”

The union continued, “The meeting discussed the facilities that the supporting bodies represented by a number of ministries and other departments will provide to make this national celebration a success,” noting, “The meeting included representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Culture, Transport, the Intelligence Service, the Baghdad Operations Command, the Baghdad Municipality, and the Iraqi Media Network, in addition to members.” Union Council.

Al-Lami stressed "the importance of showing the bright image of Iraq and the major reconstruction campaign that the country is witnessing in front of the Arab and foreign media delegations that will participate with the journalistic family in its celebrations this year of the National Day of the Iraqi Press, which represent more than (50) countries around the world." LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Mnt Goat The electronic systems are taking hold...This will allow the shrinkage/withdrawal of the tangible currency notes from the market that is needed in the process to Delete the Zeros...a critical part of it...I can remember hearing as far back as 2010 from Dr Shabibi the importance of the electronic banking effort and its advantages to the process. Yes, they MUST shrink down the currency mass...if you shrink down the monetary mass than what is left will be worth more.

Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani and Alaq...gave us a big speech...He started to compare corruption to terrorism saying we are not in terrorism as bad anymore, more secure, however corruption is still a daily thing...It is due to a lack of enforcing the anti-corruption law...Sudani said corruption will end and the tools needed will be utilized to its full maximum capacity to stop this corruption. FRANK: He's trying to explain to you what he promised to you but he's not going give it to you in this ugly environment...so they can steal it again.


The IQD Wait What's Taking So Long?

Edu Matrix: 6-9-2024

The IQD Wait: What's Taking So Long?

The 2003 Invasion, ISIS, and the Pandemic have all contributed to the delay in the Iraqi Dinar's increasing value.

Iraq's economy got into trouble during the Iran-Iraq eight-year war and has been struggling ever since.


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

The Economic Ninja: The Petrodollar will be Destroyed on June 9th, 2024

June 8, 2024

The economic world is abuzz with the recent prediction by the enigmatic figure known as the Economic Ninja. In a bold statement, they have declared that the Petrodollar will be destroyed tomorrow, June 9th, 2024. But what does this mean for the global economy, and should we take this claim seriously

Let’s delve into the inner workings of the Petrodollar system and scrutinize the Economic Ninja’s arguments.

The Petrodollar System: A Brief Overview

To understand the potential destruction of the Petrodollar, we must first grasp its concept. The Petrodollar system was established in 1973 when the United States and Saudi Arabia reached a historic agreement. In essence, the United States would provide military protection to the Saudi kingdom, and in return, Saudi Arabia would denominate all oil sales in US dollars. This arrangement created a global demand for US dollars, as any country needing to import oil had to first acquire dollars, thereby strengthening the US currency’s position and influencing the global economy.

The Economic Ninja: The Petrodollar will be Destroyed on June 9th, 2024

June 8, 2024

The economic world is abuzz with the recent prediction by the enigmatic figure known as the Economic Ninja. In a bold statement, they have declared that the Petrodollar will be destroyed tomorrow, June 9th, 2024. But what does this mean for the global economy, and should we take this claim seriously

Let’s delve into the inner workings of the Petrodollar system and scrutinize the Economic Ninja’s arguments.

The Petrodollar System: A Brief Overview

To understand the potential destruction of the Petrodollar, we must first grasp its concept. The Petrodollar system was established in 1973 when the United States and Saudi Arabia reached a historic agreement. In essence, the United States would provide military protection to the Saudi kingdom, and in return, Saudi Arabia would denominate all oil sales in US dollars. This arrangement created a global demand for US dollars, as any country needing to import oil had to first acquire dollars, thereby strengthening the US currency’s position and influencing the global economy.

The Economic Ninja’s Case Against the Petrodollar

The Economic Ninja’s prediction is rooted in several factors, including the recent shift in global economic power, the rise of cryptocurrencies, and the ongoing geopolitical tensions. They argue that the Petrodollar’s days are numbered due to the following reasons:

1. The Decline of the US Dollar: With the increasing US debt and the rise of other economic powers like China and the European Union, the dominance of the US dollar is waning. Countries are seeking alternatives to the dollar for international trade and reserves, thereby weakening the Petrodollar’s foundation.

2. The Emergence of Cryptocurrencies: Decentralized digital currencies, like Bitcoin, pose a significant threat to the Petrodollar. Their borderless, anonymous, and secure nature appeals to nations and organizations seeking autonomy from the US-led financial system. If countries start adopting cryptocurrencies for oil transactions, the Petrodollar’s demise will accelerate.

3. Geopolitical Tensions: The ongoing tensions between the US and major oil-producing countries, such as Iran and Venezuela, have prompted these nations to explore alternatives to the Petrodollar. For example, Iran and Russia have already started trading oil in local currencies, bypassing the US dollar.

Analyzing the Prediction: Fact or Fiction?

While the Economic Ninja’s argument is compelling, predicting the exact date of the Petrodollar’s demise is ambitious, if not impossible. The global financial system is complex and interconnected, with numerous variables and stakeholders. Moreover, the US still holds significant influence over the global economy and the international political landscape, making a sudden collapse of the Petrodollar unlikely.

However, it is undeniable that the Petrodollar is facing challenges, and its days as the dominant global reserve currency may be numbered. The trend towards alternative currencies, the increasing US debt, and the ongoing geopolitical tensions all contribute to the potential weakening of the Petrodollar. The economic world should take these warnings seriously and prepare for a possible shift in the global financial landscape.

In conclusion, the Economic Ninja’s prediction of the Petrodollar’s destruction on June 9th, 2024, may be more of a symbolic call-to-action than a precise forecast. Nevertheless, it serves as a reminder that the global economy is constantly evolving, and the Petrodollar’s days as the undisputed global reserve currency might indeed be numbered.

Stay informed, stay vigilant, and stay prepared for the future of the global economy.



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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20


Saturday Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


Saturday Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


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KTFA, News Dinar Recaps 20 KTFA, News Dinar Recaps 20

KTFA:BuckEyeTree: Wonder if the budget made it into the Gazette. It was supposed to be sent there. Even if the Tables still show the program punishment rate, the publication would be one more step toward the goal.

IMO, Sudani (with Alak and Minister of Finance next to him) can go on TV at anytime and make an announcement to Iraqi citizens via the big screens and the world that the Iraqi dinar has s new rate. The budget tables can be amended shortly after IMO.

The good guys, Sudani and Alak, have been speaking a lot lately, and they will have more to say and maybe soon. Just how soon is the question. A public broadcast and then going on Forex would grab the attention of the world. The printed page, radio and TV, and internet are powerful means to communicate but especially the latter.


BuckEyeTree: Wonder if the budget made it into the Gazette. It was supposed to be sent there. Even if the Tables still show the program punishment rate, the publication would be one more step toward the goal.

IMO, Sudani (with Alak and Minister of Finance next to him) can go on TV at anytime and make an announcement to Iraqi citizens via the big screens and the world that the Iraqi dinar has s new rate. The budget tables can be amended shortly after IMO.

The good guys, Sudani and Alak, have been speaking a lot lately, and they will have more to say and maybe soon. Just how soon is the question. A public broadcast and then going on Forex would grab the attention of the world. The printed page, radio and TV, and internet are powerful means to communicate but especially the latter.

BuckEyeTree Cont……IMO it is possible and has been said that the Iraqi dinar with its REER may rescue failing economies. The countries which hold dinar especially after exchanges will have an asset of value in their reserves in addition to precious metals that may be held.

IMO, there will be an increase in economic activity in the USA after dinar holders exchange then purchase new homes, cars, furniture, and other goods along with charitable donations. I can only imagine and hope that those with incredible new wealth would remember to include giving to Children's Hospitals and food pantries, and to those less fortunate, etc, although charity starts at home.

We hear it is all done. So, now time to get it done and expose the rate, such as what rate is in those contracts? For those huge projects, Iraq needs more than an operational budget IMO and each day brings more drop the mic news. Arrest the bozos who stole money and get it done. Seat belt on ready for take off & miracles.


BuckeyeTree: I was hoping maybe the Gazette was out later than usual. There must be a good reason for postponement. Wonder if Eddie had something to say about that.

The greater impact would be to make a special announcement on TV and on the big billboard screens. No idea how many Iraqis or if most Iraqis read their gazette.

If budget only has the sanctioned rate, the Iraqis can celebrate that the projects are in the budget, but the projects cannot be realized at 1310 IMO. They would still be waiting for Sudani to keep his promise that they would have purchasing power. The reinstatement is primarily for them. They have waited long for it. Hopefully, "coming days" does mean days (or hours) away.


Clare: Reconstructing Iraq: The role of banks in financing the future


Reconstructing Iraq after years of wars and conflicts represents a great challenge, but it also represents an opportunity to rebuild a strong and sustainable economy.

Banks play a crucial role in financing reconstruction, by providing the loans and credit facilities necessary to finance construction and infrastructure projects.

The Iraqi Deposit Insurance Company played an important role in enhancing the confidence of investors and depositors in the Iraqi banking system, which made it easier for banks to obtain the necessary financing for reconstruction. It is estimated that Iraqi banks have provided loans worth more than $10 billion to finance reconstruction projects in recent years.

Germany's experience after World War II is an inspiring example of how banks can play a crucial role in the country's reconstruction. The KfW German Development Bank has contributed to financing many vital projects in Germany, such as rebuilding industrial and residential infrastructure, and providing financing for small and medium-sized companies. LINK


Clare: Watch the raid on a currency smuggling den and the arrest of two speculators in possession of 74 million dinars

6/8/2024 Baghdad –

Today, Saturday, the National Security Service raided dens of speculation and currency smuggling operations in Baghdad, arrested suspects, and seized more than a million dollars in their possession, and about 74 million dinars prepared for smuggling.

National Security Statement, a copy of which the 964 Network received:

As a continuation of the security operations carried out by the National Security Service against economic crime gangs and currency dealers, our detachments in Baghdad were able to arrest two defendants after raiding one of their hideouts in which speculation and currency smuggling operations were conducted. They were caught red-handed and in possession of more than a million dollars and approximately 74 million dinars prepared for smuggling after an intelligence effort and careful field follow-up.

They were referred, along with the seized items, to the competent judicial authorities to take the necessary measures against them in accordance with the law. LINK

Clare: Atripartite meeting tomorrow between oil companies and the Ministries of Federal Oil and Natural Resources


Rudaw Media Network learned from sources in oil companies operating in the Kurdistan Region that a tripartite meeting will be held tomorrow, Sunday, between the Ministries of Federal Oil and Natural Resources and oil companies, to discuss resuming the export of Kurdistan Region oil via the pipeline to Turkey.

A senior official in one of the oil companies operating in the Kurdistan Region told the Rudaw Media Network today, Saturday (June 8, 2024), that the oil companies have observations on the Iraqi government’s conditions for resuming exports.

The official, who did not want to reveal his name, added: “The Iraqi Oil Ministry set a condition for our participation in the meeting, during which we were asked to submit a copy of our contracts.”

According to the official, oil companies are afraid of this condition, because the Ministry of Oil has previously filed a lawsuit against these contracts.

He continued: "The Iraqi government should either withdraw its lawsuit against our contracts or grant legal guarantees to oil companies after we present our contracts during the meeting."

The Federal Ministry of Oil responded positively to the oil companies’ request to hold a tripartite meeting to discuss their financial dues.

On May 28, the Ministry invited the international oil companies operating fields in the Kurdistan Region, and the Ministry of Natural Resources, to a meeting with the aim of “discussing and discussing the issue and reaching an agreement to accelerate the restart of production and resume the export of oil produced through the Turkish port of Ceyhan and according to the quantities specified in the budget law.”

The Minister of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Kamal Muhammad, noted, for his part, that “the main problem facing the resumption of exports is that the Ministry of Oil sees the cost of production as high.”

In this regard, Kamal Muhammad pointed out that “Iraq annually allocates trillions of dinars to its oil sector.”

Sunday's meeting comes one year and two months after the Kurdistan Region's oil exports stopped, which caused billions of dollars in losses to the Iraqi economy, the Kurdistan Region, and oil companies.

According to information, there are two main problems facing the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, which are the cost of production and contracts. LINK


Clare: Iraq: We seek to achieve self-sufficiency in the refining industry and export its surplus abroad


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani opened, on Saturday, the Al-Azmara unit project for producing improved gasoline in the Basra Refinery with a capacity of (11) thousand barrels per day.

During his speech, Al-Sudani pointed out the importance of opening the Azmara unit in the refinery, and the provision it represents for the country’s need for high-octane gasoline, stressing that these projects will stop the process of wasting wealth and put an end to the import of petroleum products, which has continued for many years, stressing that the optimal investment for oil wealth is Gas and maximizing resources are among the top priorities of the government programme.

The Prime Minister explained that a series of measures and steps were being taken to expand the production of petroleum derivatives, stressing that the increase in filtering and refining capacities at daily rates, with every opening of a new oil unit, makes us close to achieving self-sufficiency.

He indicated the existence of a new indicator for the export of some derivatives, such as gas oil, naphtha, sulfur, and jet fuel, stressing the continuation of this program during the period of the government’s work, and that the goal is to increase production capacity and improve product specifications. He explained that gasoline production in 2022 was (15 One thousand cubic meters per day, while production today reached (24.8) thousand cubic meters per day.

The project, which was implemented by the National Effort at the South Refineries Company in cooperation with supporting companies, is considered one of the important projects in increasing the production of improved gasoline, with a production capacity of (11) thousand barrels per day, and it will contribute to reducing the quantities of imported gasoline, which will save more than 200 million dollars annually. .

This project, which is considered one of the lagging projects, comes in addition to a number of projects that are being implemented, to contribute to increasing the refining capacity of petroleum products, upgrading the specifications and improving the quality, within the plans of the Ministry of Oil, and in harmony with the government program, to achieve self-sufficiency.

In turn, Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul Ghani, said in his speech on this occasion, “Today we celebrate the opening and completion of the (Al-Zamra Unit) project with a capacity of eleven thousand barrels per day. This project is considered one of the important projects in increasing the production of improved gasoline fuel.” With a capacity of one thousand three hundred cubic meters per day, which is equivalent to one million three hundred thousand liters per day,” indicating that this project “contributes to reducing the import of gasoline by a rate of one thousand three hundred cubic meters per day, and saves the state treasury approximately three hundred and fifty million dollars per year.”

Abdul Ghani pointed out that “the project comes within the ministry’s plans to increase refining capacity, improve the specifications of petroleum products, and improve their quality, after the completion of the fourth refining unit project with a capacity of seventy thousand barrels per day, which entered into operation and production a short while ago,” considering that “the most important thing that distinguishes These projects came about as a result of the national effort of the Southern Refineries Company and its supporting bodies, after foreign companies hesitated to implement them.”

The Minister of Oil continued to say: “The government and the ministry have given great attention to the refining industry sector, with the aim of increasing national production to reach self-sufficiency, and gradually shifting to exporting its surplus outside Iraq.”

He noted that "the period of the year and a half of the government's life witnessed the realization and completion of a number of projects in the refining industry sector, including the North Refinery with a capacity of one hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day, the Karbala Refinery with a capacity of one hundred and forty thousand barrels per day, and the Azmara unit in each of the Refineries Company." The Central and North Refineries Company, in addition to what was achieved in the South Refineries with the completion of the fourth unit with a capacity of seventy thousand barrels per day.”

For his part, Undersecretary for Liquidation Affairs, Hamid Younis, said in his statement, “This project comes within the plans of the government and the ministry to maximize national production and improve its specifications.”

He stressed that the coming period will witness the announcement of the completion of a number of projects in the north, center and south that will add production capacities and enhance the plans of the government and the ministry in producing petroleum derivatives, including the cofactor cracking project, which is one of the promising projects that converts oil waste into white products with Euro 5 specifications and a refining card. Its capacity is 55 thousand barrels per day, which is implemented by the Japanese company “JGC”. All of these projects represent an important addition to the refining industry sector.

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani also opened the steam boiler unit in the Basra Refinery, with a production capacity of 300 tons/hour, to supply the production expansions in the refinery’s units and facilities with the steam necessary for operation. LINK

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-8-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Stablecoin News:

"Three Stablecoin startups are announcing funding rounds:Mountain Protocol,M^0and Tether-backed XREX. Additionally, Paxos announced a yield earning stablecoin in Dubai, andFranklin Templetonsaid it would allow investors to use USDC to buy its tokenized money market fund FOBXX."

It looks like more asset managers are beginning to issue more Stablecoins. The momentum in Stablecoin production and soon to be used is an indication of where we are in the process of implementing this QFS.

There would be no reason to manufacture digital currencies that pay for tokenized assets unless there was a reason to do so. As we edge closer to the end of this month and laws go into play to govern our new QFS, "liquidity" is being built for its implementation.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-8-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Stablecoin News:

"Three Stablecoin startups are announcing funding rounds:Mountain Protocol,M^0and Tether-backed XREX. Additionally, Paxos announced a yield earning stablecoin in Dubai, andFranklin Templetonsaid it would allow investors to use USDC to buy its tokenized money market fund FOBXX."

It looks like more asset managers are beginning to issue more Stablecoins. The momentum in Stablecoin production and soon to be used is an indication of where we are in the process of implementing this QFS.

There would be no reason to manufacture digital currencies that pay for tokenized assets unless there was a reason to do so. As we edge closer to the end of this month and laws go into play to govern our new QFS, "liquidity" is being built for its implementation.

As stated many times in this room, Stablecoins represent a country's currency. The use of these banking coins will create demand and price pressures. This will help to redirect our currencies' current path and send them into a more positive direction.

Going forward, Stablecoins are backed by some form of a commodity. This will give our currencies a real value and enable a deflationary effect on our Global economies. This move will reset Global currencies and put them into a positive direction over time. Ledger Insights The Motley Fool

© Goldilocks


Bitcoin Scarcity Grows as Miner and Exchange Reserves Drop by 183,253 BTC Since January –Bitcoin News

Over the past 158 days, starting from the beginning of the year, the quantity of bitcoin held by exchanges and miners has decreased by 183,253BTC, valued at nearly $13 billion. Roughly 90.95% of this bitcoin withdrawal originated from cryptocurrency exchange reserves.

From Jan. 1 to June 7, 2024, a substantial amount of bitcoin (BTC) has exited the reserves of bitcoin miners and exchanges. Although less than 10% of the total originated from BTC miners, their combined holdings are steadily decreasing.

This continuous depletion of bitcoin from exchanges and miners not only underscores a trend toward greater individual holding but also amplifies bitcoin’s inherent value through increased scarcity.


Meld Gold and Ripple are partnering to bring Real World Assets (RWAs) to the XRP Ledger (XRPL) platform. This partnership will bring in institutional grade functionality along with secure and efficient protocols.

This is done through leveraging the Algorand Standard Asset Core functionality. In essence, Meld will tokenize digital gold in the form of a Meld Digital Gold Certificate. Each token will be equal the value of 1 gram of physical gold.

The implementation of this new digital asset (Meld Gold) is just around the corner. Fungible gold and silver assets on XRPL will begin in Q3. Yes, July.

Through the use of the new digital economy, gold standard protocols uniting real world assets backed by gold and gold payment tokens are about to usher in a new Financial System.

Medium Algorand Technologies Algorand Developer

Gold will set us free!

© Goldilocks


A multipolar economy is needed to reduce the risk of global economic instability caused by problems in large economies, Dilma Rousseff, a former president of Brazil and the current president of the New BRICS Development Bank (NDB), said Thursday. |Anadolu Agency


Sturdy central bank gold buying since 2009 and a rising gold price has grown the precious metal’s share of global international reserves to the detriment of fiat currencies. By the end of 2023 gold surpassed the euro and the next fiat currency to be challenged is the US dollar. |ZeroHedge

👆 Goldilocks pointed to this article


New Texas-based stock exchange looks to take on Nasdaq, NYSE |CBS News Texas

"TXSE will be a "fully electronic national securities exchange" that seeks to expand access to U.S. capital markets "for all investors while providing greater access and alignment for public companies and those seeking access to public capital," according to the press release."


Bretton Woods meeting 2024 |Twitter

“Where we go with our money isn’t being led by central banks, its led by society. It’s our mandate to provide for the needs of the population.
We need to replace our plastics and metals for bits and bites, and we can do that in many different ways.
The physical economy is going down, and the digital economy is going up”


Join the Seeds of Wisdom Team SNL call with Freedom Fighter breaking down Goldilock's weekly posts! Jester will be joining too!SNL Call Link

9 pm EDT / 8 pm CDT / 6 pm PDT

TheSNL Q & A roomwill be open at 8 pm ET, 7 pm CT, and 5 pm PT to ask questions that will be answered on the call if time allows!Listeners can also ask questions on the call following Freedom Fighter's breakdown!

The call will be recorded and you can find it in theArchive Call Roomafter the call is over.


Gold is in an intermediate degree profit-taking event |Youtube


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Tishwash: Parliamentary Services: The government has completed 65% of its program, and the next stage will include new projects

The Parliamentary Services Committee confirmed today, Saturday, that the current government has completed 65% of its service program, pointing out that the next stage will include the entry into force of new projects.

Baqir Al-Saadi, a member of the Parliamentary Services Committee, told Al-Furat News Agency, “The current government has completed 65% of its service program, as service and housing projects have been started, the completion rate of which has reached approximately 20%.”

He added, "The next stage will include the entry into force of new projects from the 2004 and 2025 plans, and reconstruction will begin as soon as possible, in addition to allocating financial sums in the budget, which amounted to 2 trillion dinars, in addition to the amounts allocated from the Food Security Law, which reached the share of projects in the southern governorates." 27 trillion dinars.

He stressed, "The current budget is large and specializes in the service aspect."link


Tishwash: Parliamentary Services: The government has completed 65% of its program, and the next stage will include new projects

The Parliamentary Services Committee confirmed today, Saturday, that the current government has completed 65% of its service program, pointing out that the next stage will include the entry into force of new projects.

Baqir Al-Saadi, a member of the Parliamentary Services Committee, told Al-Furat News Agency, “The current government has completed 65% of its service program, as service and housing projects have been started, the completion rate of which has reached approximately 20%.”

He added, "The next stage will include the entry into force of new projects from the 2004 and 2025 plans, and reconstruction will begin as soon as possible, in addition to allocating financial sums in the budget, which amounted to 2 trillion dinars, in addition to the amounts allocated from the Food Security Law, which reached the share of projects in the southern governorates." 27 trillion dinars.

He stressed, "The current budget is large and specializes in the service aspect."link

CandyKisses: Abadi's coalition compares the decision to end UNAMI's mission with the exit of the Americans: negotiations will last for two years - urgent

Baghdad Today - Baghdad

Aqeel al-Rudaini, a leader of the Victory Coalition led by former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, said on Saturday (June 8, 2024) that the Iraqi government is serious about removing US forces from Iraq, while noting that negotiations in this regard will extend for two full years.

Al-Rudaini said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", that "the negotiations of Baghdad and Washington on the removal of US forces from Iraq are continuing according to the data and assurances of the Prime Minister's Office, and we do not believe that they will end within a year if we know that the closure of the headquarters of the United Nations mission will take two years, let alone with large forces on the ground and have communication with joint operations."

He added that "the removal of US forces will take two years or more, but in any case the government is serious in this regard and is continuing its negotiations by a higher committee for coordination, pointing out that what strengthens Baghdad's position in the negotiations is the ability of its forces to hold the reins of the border and internal security file and succeed in confronting terrorism and dismantling its cells."

Al-Rudaini pointed out that "the removal of US forces cannot be overnight, and negotiations will determine the time limit, but it is certain that Baghdad's decision in this direction is past and it is serious at the same time."

Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani stressed on Tuesday (June 4, 2024) that the UN Security Council's decision to end the work of the UNAMI mission in Iraq does not mean a break with the United Nations.

A statement by the Prime Minister's Information Office said that the recent Security Council decision to end the work of the UNAMI mission in Iraq came at the request of Iraq, indicating that it represents international recognition of the progress made in the Iraqi arena.

He added that the termination of UNAMI's work does not mean a break with the United Nations and specialized international agencies, noting that international organizations have reached a positive performance evaluation for Iraq that supports stability.

The UN Security Council unanimously decided, on Friday (May 31, 2024), to terminate the United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) at the request of Baghdad, and to have the date of withdrawal by the end of 2025, after its presence in Baghdad for more than 20 years


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26 The third phase of the monetary reform is being introduced...There are 7 parts to Phase 3... Article: "They published the text of the third strategic plan of the Central Bank of Iraq on their financial reform" Quote: "...include the ability to issue medium and long-term securities... increase gold reserves and offer new issuance of high quality currency." It doesn't get any better than that...

Militia Man Article: "News publishes the text of the third strategic plan of the Central Bank of Iraq" Here's the powerful stuff. Quote: "...ability to issue medium or long-term securities, the transition from the platform to the banks...the increase of gold reserves, the introduction of new issuance of the high quality currency, the automation of monetary process..." This speech that Alaq has done will be one to remember...He will be likely showing us something very soon...For Allaq to be talking about the issuance of a new high quality currency is awesome! It's huge. Especially when he uses the word 'issuance'. It means it's coming or it's about to be released...It's phenomenal. It's looking very good. It sounds like they're about to issue new money.

Debt Crisis Reaches ‘Place Of No Return’, Fed Has Only One Option | Peter Grosskopf

David Lin: 6-8-2024

Peter Grosskopf, Chairman of Argo Digital Gold and former CEO of Sprott Inc., discusses the critical situation of America's debt crisis, and why the Fed "needs" inflation.

0:00 - Intro

0:55 - Rate cuts

2:26 - Scariest chart in America

4:53 - Gold demand net inflows

7:20 - India repatriating gold

9:35 - Gold price direction

13:04 - Fractional gold

15:30 - Argo Digital Gold

20:00 - Tokenizing assets

22:36 - Argo Gold vs ETF

25:11 - Argo Gold's next steps


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Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Saturday AM 6-8-24

International Support To Remove Iraq From Corruption Indicators

Money and business Economy News – Baghdad The United Nations Development Program announced that it will support Iraq in the field of combating corruption and enhancing integrity, with the aim of raising its ranking in the corruption indicators issued periodically, while the “Arab Network for Promoting Integrity and Anti-Corruption” recommended continuing work on developing and implementing coordinated and effective national strategies that enhance community participation and embody the principles of The rule of law, good management of public affairs and property, integrity, transparency and accountability.

At the conclusion of the regional meeting held in Baghdad from June 3 to 5, the network praised the relative progress achieved in terms of strengthening the participatory approach in developing public policies related to promoting integrity and combating corruption, calling on the concerned parties to deepen this approach and expand its scope.

The network, in its forum held under the slogan “Strengthening cooperation for effective national anti-corruption strategies” under the patronage of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, stressed the importance of adopting and implementing effective mechanisms to monitor, evaluate and follow up on the implementation of national strategies to enhance integrity and combat corruption, including appropriate indicators that combine productive indicators. Internationally and nationally produced indicators.

Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Saturday AM 6-8-24

International Support To Remove Iraq From Corruption Indicators

Money and business Economy News – Baghdad The United Nations Development Program announced that it will support Iraq in the field of combating corruption and enhancing integrity, with the aim of raising its ranking in the corruption indicators issued periodically, while the “Arab Network for Promoting Integrity and Anti-Corruption” recommended continuing work on developing and implementing coordinated and effective national strategies that enhance community participation and embody the principles of The rule of law, good management of public affairs and property, integrity, transparency and accountability.

At the conclusion of the regional meeting held in Baghdad from June 3 to 5, the network praised the relative progress achieved in terms of strengthening the participatory approach in developing public policies related to promoting integrity and combating corruption, calling on the concerned parties to deepen this approach and expand its scope.

The network, in its forum held under the slogan “Strengthening cooperation for effective national anti-corruption strategies” under the patronage of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, stressed the importance of adopting and implementing effective mechanisms to monitor, evaluate and follow up on the implementation of national strategies to enhance integrity and combat corruption, including appropriate indicators that combine productive indicators. Internationally and nationally produced indicators.

The network confirmed in its forum, in which 150 individuals representing 12 countries participated; Establishing proactive approaches to confronting corruption through capacity building and supporting initiatives that seek to fill the legislative vacuum in various fields and protect the drafting of legal texts from the risks of corruption.

It also called for expanding the approved approach regarding working to strengthen ethics and behavior in the public service to include the political, administrative and judicial fields, in addition to more specialized fields as needed.

For his part, Chief Advisor Arkan Al-Seblani, Director of the Regional Anti-Corruption Program at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), said that “the voice must be loud and clear in the anti-corruption process,” noting that “the Arab Network for Promoting Integrity and Anti-Corruption is the platform Through which the voice of the Arab region emerges in this field, to send political and artistic messages concerned with this important topic.”

He added, “The conference formed 6 working groups to develop detailed visions for six teams based on establishing joint cooperation mechanisms between countries, developing training programs to overcome procedural obstacles and integrating integrity issues in the health, education, and public transportation sectors.”

He explained that “the United Nations Development Program will support Iraq in the field of combating corruption and enhancing integrity, with the aim of raising its ranking in the corruption indicators issued periodically.” 130 views Added 06/08/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=44104

Risks And Expected Solutions Regarding The Decision To Adjust The Estimated Price For Selling Crude Oil

Economy News – Baghdad Researcher in finance and development affairs and academic Aqeel Jabr Ali Al-Muhammadawi

The decision to amend the estimated price for selling crude oil from the source contained in the planned federal general budget law from the price of $70 to the price of $80, which resulted in the addition of an amount of 17 trillion Iraqi dinars to cover the planned budget deficit for the year 2024;

It is a decision fraught with risks, the most prominent of which are the risks of unsustainability/or the risks of anticipating the failure of financing the federal budget, both operational and investment, resulting from the $10 budget price difference that was not planned in advance, as it generates risks of financial and economic instability in 2024.

We are not satisfied with the pessimistic vision, but rather we offer an optimistic vision and solutions, and among these logical and realistic solutions is the importance of returning to/and adopting the balanced or weighted budget price for the purpose of hedging against fluctuations in the cycle of oil assets on the stability of the revenues planned in the 2024 budget, including the risks of expectations of a decline in selling prices. Crude oil in global markets.

Modifying the estimated price for selling crude oil for the fiscal year ending 2023 from $70 to $80 is an unusual financial procedure that establishes unsystematic, non-pre-planned, professional financial foundations. If the feasibility of this change is achieved, the amendment should only be made for the years 2024 and 2025, with the exception of The year is 2023.

And the importance of devoting a new concept within the goals of the federal budget for the year 2024, which is the targeted deficit in addition to the planned deficit!!! 142 views 06/08/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=44103


Economy | 09:28 - 06/08/2024 Baghdad - Mawazine News Crude oil futures recorded, at the end of trading yesterday, Friday, a third weekly loss in a row due to fears that demand may decline even with OPEC+ plans to increase production.

Brent crude futures settled at $79.62 per barrel, down 25 cents, or 0.31%, during Friday trading.

US crude futures contracts also recorded $75.53 per barrel at settlement, down two cents, or 0.03%, during Friday trading.

US crude oil and benchmark Brent crude saw selling off earlier in the week after OPEC+ members announced they would begin phasing out 2.2 million barrels of daily production cuts starting in October. Weak US manufacturing data and weak private payrolls also weighed on the market.

Oil prices have rebounded over the past two days on hopes that lower interest rates will boost demand, but the two benchmark crude oils are still down about 2% during the week.https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=249337

Iraq's exports to America during a month amounted to more than 5 million barrels of oil

Saturday 08, June 2024 | Economical Number of readings: 153 Baghdad / NINA / The US Energy Information Administration announced that Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to more than 5 million barrels during the month of May.

The administration said in a statement: “Iraq exported 5.806 million barrels of crude oil to America during the month of May, with an average of 187 thousand barrels per day, lower than the month of April, in which Iraqi oil exports to America amounted to 8.866 million barrels and an average of 295 thousand barrels per day.” ".

She added: “Iraq exported 123 thousand barrels per day of crude oil to America during the first week of May, while 239 thousand barrels per day were exported in the second week, and 233 thousand barrels per day were exported in the third week,” indicating: “Exports in the fourth week amounted to 126 thousand barrels per day.

The US Energy Information Administration stated: “Iraq ranked fourth in its exports to America during the past month after Canada, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia, and ranked second in the Arab world after Saudi Arabia,” noting that “Canada ranked first as the country that exports the most oil to America, followed by Mexico and Saudi Arabia.”/ https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=1131381

Central Iraqi Sales Exceed One Billion Dollars In A Week

Saturday 08, June 2024 15:40 | Economical Number of readings: 122

Baghdad / NINA / The Central Bank of Iraq's total sales of hard currency to the dollar during the last week in which the auction opened amounted to more than one billion dollars.

During the past week and for the 5 days in which the auction was opened, the Central Bank sold 1 billion and 115 million 909 thousand and 967 dollars, at a daily rate of 231 million 181 thousand and 993 dollars, lower than what it recorded last week, which amounted to 1 billion 328 million 251 thousand and 675 dollars.

The highest dollar sales were on Sunday, when sales amounted to 281 million, 584 thousand and 592 dollars, while the lowest sales were on Thursday, when sales amounted to 272 million, 066 thousand and 650 dollars.

Foreign remittance sales during the past week amounted to 1 billion 62 million 804 thousand 964 dollars, an increase of 91% compared to cash sales which amounted to 93 million 105 thousand dollars.

Sales in the form of cash and transfers abroad went to finance foreign trade, while the selling price of documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards amounted to 1,310 dinars per dollar, and the selling price of transfers abroad amounted to 1,310 dinars per dollar, while the cash selling price reached 1,305 dinars per dollar./ https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=1131404

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

Some minds seem almost to create themselves, springing up under every disadvantage and working their solitary but irresistible way through a thousand obstacles. -Washington Irving

Every calamity is a spur and valuable hint. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Treasure the memories of past misfortunes; they constitute our bank of fortitude. -Eric Hoffer

If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circ*mstances may seem to be. -John Heywood



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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


CandyKisses: The Office of the Supreme Reference determines the first day of Dhu al-Hijjah and the first day of Eid al-Adha

Information / Baghdad

The office of the Supreme Reference, Mr. Ali al-Sistani, announced today, Friday, that tomorrow, Saturday, is the first day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah.

The office set Monday 17/6, the first day of Eid al-Adha


CandyKisses: The Office of the Supreme Reference determines the first day of Dhu al-Hijjah and the first day of Eid al-Adha

Information / Baghdad

The office of the Supreme Reference, Mr. Ali al-Sistani, announced today, Friday, that tomorrow, Saturday, is the first day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah.

The office set Monday 17/6, the first day of Eid al-Adha

Spec1: Dhu al-Hijjah is the twelfth and final month in the Islamic calendar. It holds special significance for Muslims worldwide:

Hajj: During this month, Muslim pilgrims from around the world gather in Mecca to perform the Hajj (Pilgrimage). The Hajj rites begin on the eighth day and continue for four or five days.
Eid al-Adha: Also known as the “Festival of the Sacrifice,” Eid al-Adha begins on the tenth day of Dhu al-Hijjah and ends on the thirteenth day. It commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Isma’il (Ishmael) for Allah.

Sacred Days: The first nine days of Dhu al-Hijjah are considered sacred. Muslims engage in acts of worship, including extra charity (Sadaqah), better prayers (Salaah), and recitation of the Qur’an.

Remember that Dhu al-Hijjah migrates throughout the seasons due to the lunar calendar. Its significance lies in the Hajj and the observance of Eid al-Adha
During Dhu al-Hijjah, countries do not typically close down entirely. However, there are specific events and observances associated with this month:

Hajj Pilgrimage: Dhu al-Hijjah is the month when the Hajj pilgrimage takes place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Millions of Muslims from around the world participate in this annual pilgrimage.
Eid al-Adha: On the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha (the Festival of Sacrifice).

It’s a significant holiday marked by communal prayers, feasting, and acts of charity.
Arafat Day: The ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, known as Arafat Day, is a key part of Hajj. Pilgrims gather at Mount Arafat for prayers and reflection.
While there are no widespread closures during the entire month, specific religious and cultural activities occur


Tishwash: Sudani arrives in Maysan to inaugurate projects

Shafaq News / Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Sudanese arrived, Saturday morning, to Maysan province, south of the country.

His media office said in a statement, received by Shafaq News, that Al-Sudani inaugurated the associated gas processing project in the Halfaya field in Maysan province with a capacity of 300 million standard cubic feet / day.

On Saturday, Sudani is scheduled to visit the southern provinces of Maysan and Basra to inaugurate a number of oil projects, a government source told Shafaq News.


CandyKisses: Tomorrow.. Tripartite meeting between the Ministries of Federal Oil and Natural Resources in the Region and oil companies

Baghdad /Nina/ Sources in the oil companies operating in the Kurdistan region revealed that a tripartite meeting will be held tomorrow, Sunday, between the ministries of federal oil and natural resources in the region, and oil companies, to discuss the resumption of the export of oil in the Kurdistan region via the pipeline to Turkey.

A senior official in one of the oil companies operating in the Kurdistan Region told the Kurdish Rudaw Media Network on Saturday: "The oil companies have comments on the conditions of the Iraqi government to resume exports."


Baghdad praises its financial budget and confirms: We have important projects in 2024

Economy News - Baghdad

Baghdad Governor Abdul Muttalib al-Alawi announced on Friday a package of projects in various sectors within the budget for the current year 2024, while stressing that the province's allocations in the budget were good.

Al-Alawi said that "the financial allocations for Baghdad province within the budget for the current year 2024 are good," explaining that "the government and the parliamentary finance committee have an understanding and knowledge of the real needs and resources required in Baghdad."

"There is continuous communication with the government to meet the special needs required for the projects that will be implemented," he said.

He pointed out that "the province has several important projects during the 2024 budget, including projects in the water sector, the construction of schools and roads, as well as the construction of pedestrian bridges that will be implemented in all areas of Baghdad, paving main roads, strategic sewage projects at the four entrances to the capital, in addition to almost completed hospitals that will open soon, health centers and strategic water projects."

"All project packages will be placed on the list of priorities of Baghdad province in stages of implementation, whether within the 2023 budget or the 2024 budget," he said.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.