Free Student Planner Printable (2024)

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By Kristie Sawicki Leave a Comment

Set your kids up for success this school season with this free Printable School Planning Kit!

No matter what the success looks like for you and your family this year, a student planner can help your kids keep everything organized and more.

Why this planner for kids is so great:

  1. A weekly schedule is very helpful because it gives you a visual representation of what needs to happen each day.
  2. Having a homework tracker is essential to keeping up with all those assignments.
  3. The Monthly activity calendar is perfect for posting on the refrigerator door so everyone knows what activities are happening each month.
  4. Finally, creating a fun and colorful school planner is a must for any child who loves art.
Free Student Planner Printable (1)

Back to School Planner

Back to School can be a stressful time for the entire family.

It’s important to have some sort of system in place so everyone knows what they need to do each day.

A printable planner like this one will make it easier on yourself and your children during the hectic days of the school year.

You don’t want them stressing out over their homework or missing assignments because they lost track of something that was expected of them.

Free Student Planner Printable (2)

This free printable daily planner has been designed with students in mind.

It’s easy to use and includes all the information needed to get started using it right away.

Once everyone is ready for the new school year, having a system in place to keep all the information organized in a neat and easy way is crucial to having a smooth year.

A good plan helps us stay on track with our goals. It helps us from getting overwhelmed by too many details at once.

It also makes it easier to remember what we need to do each day or week so we don’t forget anything important.

So let’s get started!

First of all, I have created an awesome free printable planner template for students.

This planner has been designed specifically for elementary aged children.

Free Student Planner Printable (3)

Printable School Planner

I have always done better when I had a great planning system in place.

I have included several printable forms with this Printable School Planning Kitthat I think you will find very useful for you and your kiddos this school year.

This is a great way to keep track of all that important contact information.

As well as all of the appointments, classes, meetings, etc. that will be added to your schedule.

Free Student Planner Printable (4)

School Info Printable

This school info page is great for moms too! Just fill it out with all your kids school info and stick it to the fridge. It’s nice to be able to find all of the important stuff when you need it.

Free Student Planner Printable (5)

Homework Tracker

Use the Homework Tracker to keep track of all your kids assignments.

This is a great way to see at a glance what has to be worked on each night.

It is also a really great way to begin teaching how to manage their time. This will help them make sure they get all assignments complete when they are due.

Free Student Planner Printable (6)

School Schedule

And my favorite part: The School Schedule.

It allows you to see exactly where your students are going to be at any time during the day.

Free Student Planner Printable (7)

Monthly Activity Calendar

The printable monthly calendar is great to keep posted on the fridge.

It makes it easy for everyone can add to it throughout the month.

It’s also helpful to see at a glance what is happening each day, so I can prepare for the upcoming month also.

How to Use a School Planner

Choose the forms that you think will work best for your family.

You can use all of the printable school planning forms or select just a few different ones. It is totally up to you!

Grab your FREE Printable School Planning Kit!

The best part will be seeing your kid learning how to take responsibility for their own lives a little more, with the help of these planning and tracking charts.

If you like this Back to School post, you will also like these ones too:

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About Kristie Sawicki

I'm the blogger behind Saving Dollars & Sense. I started this website over ten years ago, to share my journey out of debt, while living a simple, frugal lifestyle. You'll find lots of great MONEY SAVING TIPS, DIY PROJECTS, HOMEMADE RECIPES, SIMPLE LIVING IDEAS and MORE!! I'm so glad you're here.

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Free Student Planner Printable (2024)
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