How To Create A Histogram In Matlab (2024)

Histograms are essential tools for data visualization and analysis, especially when working with large data sets. Matlab offers robust functionalities to generate these graphical representations with ease. In this article, you'll learn the practical steps to create and customize histograms using Matlab's built-in functions and features.

Article Summary Box

  • The article highlights the importance of histogram function in MATLAB for efficient data visualization and analysis, especially with large datasets.
  • It emphasizes the flexibility of MATLAB in customizing histogram appearance, such as bar colors, edge lines, and bar width, to enhance clarity and visual appeal.
  • The use of multiple data sets in a single histogram is discussed, showcasing MATLAB's capabilities in data comparison and layered visual analysis.
  • Advanced topics like normalization and binning are covered, offering insights into making histograms more representative of the underlying data distributions.
  • How To Create A Histogram In Matlab (1)
  • Setting Up The Environment
  • Basic Histogram Creation
  • Customizing Histogram Appearance
  • Multiple Data Sets In One Histogram
  • Normalization And Binning
  • Interactive Features
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Setting Up The Environment

  • Installing Required Packages
  • Setting The Working Directory
  • Verifying The Environment
  • Before diving into histogram creation, it's crucial to set up your Matlab environment properly. This ensures that you have all the necessary libraries and dependencies in place.

    Installing Required Packages

    If you're missing any essential packages, you can install them directly from the Matlab interface. Navigate to the Add-Ons tab and search for the packages you need.

    % To install a package from Matlab command windowpkg install -forge package_name


    After running the command, Matlab will automatically download and install the package.

    Make sure to replace package_name with the actual name of the package you're installing.

    Setting The Working Directory

    Your working directory is where Matlab will look for files and save your work. You can set it manually or through the Matlab interface.

    % To set the working directory in Matlabcd 'C:\path\to\your\directory'


    After executing this command, Matlab will change the current folder to the specified directory.

    Replace 'C:\path\to\your\directory' with the path where you want to work.

    Verifying The Environment

    Once everything is set up, it's a good practice to verify that all the required packages are installed and that you're in the correct working directory.

    % To list installed packagesver% To get the current working directorypwd


    Running ver will list all installed packages, and pwd will display the current working directory.

    This ensures that you're all set to proceed with creating histograms.

    Basic Histogram Creation

  • Using The histogram Function
  • Specifying Number Of Bins
  • Setting Bin Edges
  • Displaying Frequency Or Probability
  • Creating a basic histogram in Matlab is straightforward. The primary function you'll use is histogram, which takes an array of data as its main argument.

    Using The Histogram Function

    The simplest way to create a histogram is to pass your data array to the histogram function.

    % Create a histogram from a data arraydata = randn(1, 100); % Generate 100 random numbers from a standard normal distributionhistogram(data);


    After running this code, Matlab will display a histogram of the data array.

    The function automatically chooses the number of bins and the range.

    Specifying Number Of Bins

    You can specify the number of bins to divide your data into by adding a second argument to the histogram function.

    % Create a histogram with 20 binshistogram(data, 20);


    In this example, the data is divided into 20 bins, providing a more detailed view of the data distribution.

    Setting Bin Edges

    If you want more control over the bins, you can specify the bin edges directly.

    % Create a histogram with custom bin edgesbinEdges = [-3:0.5:3];histogram(data, binEdges);


    Here, the bin edges are set from -3 to 3 with an interval of 0.5.

    This gives you precise control over how the data is grouped.

    Displaying Frequency Or Probability

    Matlab allows you to choose what to display on the y-axis: either frequency or probability.

    % Create a histogram displaying probability instead of frequencyhistogram(data, 'Normalization', 'probability');


    By setting the 'Normalization' property to 'probability', the y-axis will show the probability of each bin instead of the frequency count.

    Creating histograms in Matlab is a straightforward process, but the flexibility of the histogram function allows for various customizations to better understand your data.

    Customizing Histogram Appearance

  • Changing Bar Colors
  • Adding Edge Lines
  • Adjusting Bar Width
  • Setting Transparency
  • Labeling Axes
  • Once you've created a basic histogram, you might want to customize its appearance for better visualization or to meet specific requirements.

    Changing Bar Colors

    Matlab allows you to change the bar colors of your histogram easily.

    % Create a histogram with red barsdata = randn(1, 100);histogram(data, 'FaceColor', 'r');


    In this example, the 'FaceColor' property is set to 'r', which stands for red.

    This will color the bars of the histogram red.

    Adding Edge Lines

    You can also add edge lines to the bars to make them more distinct.

    % Create a histogram with black edge lineshistogram(data, 'EdgeColor', 'k');


    Setting the 'EdgeColor' property to 'k' adds black edges to each bar, making them stand out more clearly.

    Adjusting Bar Width

    The bar width can be adjusted to either widen or narrow the gaps between bars.

    % Create a histogram with narrower barshistogram(data, 'BarWidth', 0.5);


    Here, the 'BarWidth' property is set to 0.5, making the bars narrower than the default width of 1.

    Setting Transparency

    For overlapping histograms or for better visibility of the grid, you can set the transparency of the bars.

    % Create a histogram with transparent barshistogram(data, 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);


    The 'FaceAlpha' property controls the transparency.

    A value of 0.5 makes the bars semi-transparent.

    Labeling Axes

    It's often useful to label the x-axis and y-axis for context.

    % Create a histogram and label axeshistogram(data);xlabel('Data Values');ylabel('Frequency');


    After creating the histogram, xlabel and ylabel functions are used to label the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.

    Customizing histograms in Matlab is straightforward, and these properties allow you to make your histogram as informative and visually appealing as you need.


    Analyzing Temperature Data with Histogram in Matlab

    A climate research team wanted to analyze the distribution of monthly average temperatures over a decade for a specific city. The goal was to visualize the frequency of temperatures to understand patterns and anomalies.

    Data Collection

    The team collected monthly average temperatures from 2010 to 2020. This resulted in 120 data points.


    Implementation in Matlab

    The data was loaded into Matlab, and a basic histogram was created to visualize the distribution.

    % Sample temperature data for 120 monthstemperature_data = [23, 25, 24, 22, 21, 23, 24, ...]; % and so on% Create a histogramhistogram(temperature_data, 12); % 12 bins for 12 monthsxlabel('Temperature (Β°C)');ylabel('Number of Months');title('Distribution of Monthly Average Temperatures (2010-2020)');



    The histogram revealed that the most frequent average temperature over the decade was around 23Β°C. There were noticeable peaks during the summer months, with temperatures reaching up to 30Β°C, and dips during winter, going down to 15Β°C.

    Multiple Data Sets In One Histogram

  • Overlaying Histograms
  • Side-By-Side Histograms
  • Stacked Histograms
  • Adding Legends
  • Displaying multiple data sets in a single histogram can be incredibly useful for comparison. Matlab makes this easy with a few additional steps.

    Overlaying Histograms

    To overlay histograms, you can simply call the histogram function multiple times before using hold off.

    % Generate two data setsdata1 = randn(1, 100);data2 = randn(1, 100) + 2;% Create overlaid histogramshold on;histogram(data1, 'FaceColor', 'r');histogram(data2, 'FaceColor', 'b');hold off;


    Here, hold on keeps the current plot active, allowing you to overlay the second histogram on top of the first.

    The colors are set to red and blue for distinction.

    Side-By-Side Histograms

    Another approach is to display histograms side-by-side using the subplot function.

    % Create side-by-side histogramssubplot(1, 2, 1);histogram(data1);title('Data Set 1');subplot(1, 2, 2);histogram(data2);title('Data Set 2');


    The subplot function divides the figure into a 1x2 grid.

    The first histogram is displayed in the first grid and the second in the second grid.

    Stacked Histograms

    Matlab also allows you to create stacked histograms for better comparison of two data sets.

    % Create a stacked histogramhistogram2(data1, data2, 'DisplayStyle', 'bar', 'ShowBinEdges', 'on');


    The histogram2 function creates a 2D histogram where bars from data1 and data2 are stacked on top of each other.

    The 'DisplayStyle' set to 'bar' ensures that the histograms are displayed as bars.

    Adding Legends

    For clarity, adding a legend is often necessary when dealing with multiple data sets.

    % Add a legend to an overlaid histogramhold on;histogram(data1, 'FaceColor', 'r');histogram(data2, 'FaceColor', 'b');legend('Data Set 1', 'Data Set 2');hold off;


    The legend function helps to identify which histogram corresponds to which data set, making your plot easier to understand.

    Displaying multiple data sets in one histogram can provide valuable insights, and Matlab offers various ways to achieve this effectively.

    Normalization And Binning

  • Normalization Techniques
  • Cumulative Distribution
  • Custom Binning
  • Variable Width Bins
  • Logarithmic Binning
  • Understanding normalization and binning can help you make more sense of your data. These techniques adjust how the histogram represents frequency or density.

    Normalization Techniques

    Matlab allows you to normalize the histogram in various ways, such as by probability or cumulative distribution.

    % Create a histogram normalized by probabilitydata = randn(1, 100);histogram(data, 'Normalization', 'probability');


    Setting the 'Normalization' property to 'probability' scales the heights of the bars so that the total area sums to 1.

    Cumulative Distribution

    You can also display the cumulative distribution of the data.

    % Create a histogram showing cumulative distributionhistogram(data, 'Normalization', 'cdf');


    By setting 'Normalization' to 'cdf', the histogram will display the cumulative distribution function of the data set.

    Custom Binning

    Choosing the right bin edges can provide more insights into your data.

    % Create a histogram with custom bin edgesbinEdges = [-3:0.2:3];histogram(data, binEdges);


    Here, the bin edges are set from -3 to 3 with an interval of 0.2, allowing for a more granular view of the data distribution.

    Variable Width Bins

    Matlab also supports variable width bins, which can be useful for skewed data.

    % Create a histogram with variable width binsbinEdges = [-3 -2 -1 0 1 3];histogram(data, binEdges);


    In this example, the bin edges are not uniformly spaced, allowing you to focus on specific ranges of your data.

    Logarithmic Binning

    For data that spans several orders of magnitude, logarithmic binning can be useful.

    % Create a histogram with logarithmic binsbinEdges = logspace(-1, 1, 20);histogram(data, binEdges);


    The logspace function generates bin edges that are spaced logarithmically, which can be useful for data with a wide range.

    Normalization and binning are powerful tools for tailoring your histograms to the specific needs of your data analysis.

    Interactive Features

  • Data Cursor
  • Zoom And Pan
  • Brushing Data
  • Adding Annotations
  • Interactive Legend
  • Matlab provides several interactive features that can enhance your histogram visualization. These functionalities can make your histograms more informative and easier to navigate.

    Data Cursor

    One of the simplest interactive features is the data cursor, which provides information about specific points on the histogram.

    % Enable data cursor modedatacursormode on


    After running this command, clicking on any bar in the histogram will display its properties, such as bin range and frequency.

    Zoom And Pan

    Matlab allows you to zoom and pan within the histogram for a closer look at specific regions.

    % Enable zoom modezoom on


    Activating zoom on lets you zoom in and out by scrolling your mouse.

    % Enable pan modepan on


    Similarly, pan on allows you to move the view area by clicking and dragging.

    Brushing Data

    You can also brush data to select and analyze a subset of your histogram.

    % Enable brushing modebrush on


    Once you activate brush on, you can select multiple bars by clicking and dragging.

    This is useful for identifying and analyzing specific ranges of data.

    Adding Annotations

    Annotations like text labels or arrows can be added interactively to highlight specific features.

    % Add a text annotationannotation('textbox', [0.2, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3], 'String', 'Important Feature');


    The annotation function allows you to add various types of annotations.

    In this example, a text box is added to point out an important feature in the histogram.

    Interactive Legend

    An interactive legend can be particularly useful when dealing with multiple data sets in one histogram.

    % Add an interactive legendlegend('show', 'Location', 'best');


    The legend function with the 'show' and 'Location' options displays an interactive legend that allows you to toggle data sets on and off.

    Interactive features in Matlab add another layer of utility to your histograms, making them not just static representations but dynamic tools for data analysis.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How Do I Change the Number of Bins in a Histogram?

    To change the number of bins, you can add a second argument to the histogram function. For example, histogram(data, 20) will create a histogram with 20 bins.

    Can I Create a 2D Histogram in Matlab?

    Yes, you can create a 2D histogram using the histogram2 function. This allows you to visualize the relationship between two different data sets.

    How Do I Save My Histogram as an Image?

    You can save your histogram as an image using the saveas function. For example, saveas(gcf, 'my_histogram.png') will save the current figure as a PNG file.

    What Does 'Normalization' Do in a Histogram?

    Normalization scales the histogram in some way. For example, setting the 'Normalization' property to 'probability' will scale the heights of the bars so that the total area sums to 1.

    How Can I Add Labels to My Histogram?

    You can add labels to the axes using the xlabel and ylabel functions. For example, xlabel('Data Values') will label the x-axis as "Data Values".

    Let’s test your knowledge!

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    How To Create A Histogram In Matlab (2024)
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