Jasper's Burden - imadumdumjewel - Teen Titans Go! [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter Text

Flashback? That’s unexpected but welcomed!

Jasper: If you dislike humans so much, why do you spend your time with one? You are such a duplicitous dog

Topaz: That's a different story-

Jasper: It still doesn't change the fact how much you dislike humans. I can sense it in your eyes. Don't hide it.

Topaz glared at the cheetah, who was her very youngest brother that she always had hated for defying her.

Jasper: Alicia is right. You need to be reasonable.

Topaz: She is the only person who changes my mind. Shut up, you blunt wood.

Jasper: With an attitude like that, you won't even become queen-

Topaz: I'll show you! I'm PERFECT to be the next queen! Because? I AM HARDWORKING AND THE MOST DESERVED! I should’ve won that previous election, AND YOU KNOW IT!

Jasper: Again with the election?

Topaz: I should’ve won. Not that annoying fox who keeps poking holes in my perfection!

Jasper: What if becoming queen isn’t your destiny, even if that is what our mother yearns for you?

Topaz: -shot daggers at Jasper- How dare you even mention her…

Jasper: I’m just saying. The votes have already DECIDED the election. You have no control over that.

Topaz: Mother loves me the most. I will oh-so punish anyone who doesn’t vote for me the next time another election happens! -stormed off-

Jasper: Sister! Sigh… . Come on…

We return to the present, where Jasper is closing up the Qwik Mart.

Jasper: -leaves the shop and locks the doors- Another day finished. And I get my paycheque tomorrow! Can’t wait. Maybe I can do something about those cracked windows in my trailer. -he stares at the sunset sky, deep in thought- I wonder if I’ll ever see her again…?

While Jasper is deep in his thoughts... in the Tower...


Sunset and Skywynne are fighting over Ruby, who is dressed as a baby to play "House".

Sunset: No! Baby needs a bath!

Skywynne: No she needs foodies!

Ruby: Stop it, you're stretching my arms out!!!

Sunset: Baby can't talk yet!

Ruby: Ugh. I mean “babu babu”...

Raven: Girls, it’s just a game!

Luea: Is it any different to how we argue too?

Raven: -rolls her eyes- I guess not.

Angela: Now girls. How about we give her a bath AND foodies-paca?

The girls think for a moment.

Sunset: Yes!

Beast Boy: See? You gals laugh it out with Angela. I's sure that you ladies can do the same, yo.

Ruby: Saved at last…

Sunset and Skywynne: Baby can't talk yet!

Ruby: -groans- Babuuu…

Luea and the couple laugh things out. But then Luea looks at Raven, who is the first to stop laughing and staring out the window at the city. The city skyline does look nice at night.

Luea: You okay, Rae?

Raven: I'm just... thinking about Jasper...

Robin: Why waste your time thinking about him? He’s just caught up in that weird “prophecy” thing.

Luea: I know you're frustrated. I'm frustrated too. Just give him some space.

Starfire: But the kitty needs our assistance.

Diana: Duh, he’s just being deluded. The only thing I want to be concerned about? -looks at herself in the mirror- My self-image.

Everyone groans at Diana’s usual ego, but Raven seems to have a thought.

Raven: I think there's something much bigger. He honestly... reminds me of myself.

Luea: AHHHH ha! You said what I wanted! You're such a smartie, dear sister!

Raven: If it's alright, I think I'll go shopping at the convenience store tomorrow. Try to get him to talk.

Robin: No one is stopping you. Go ahead.

Sunset and Skywynne: Can we come? -puppy dog eyes-

Raven: No, sweeties. This one is personal for Mommy. Tell you what. If you're good, I'll ask Angela to take you to see Rosa this weekend.

The two kids cheer upon hearing Rosa, as they have always wanted to go to the national park.

Sunset and Skywynne: -spinning and dancing together- YAY ROSA!!!

Angela: Aha, gives me an excuse to visit Rosa-paca.

Diana: Do you REALLY think Jasper will talk?

Raven: Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something.

Ruby: -shouting from the bathroom- This water is cold!!!

Sunset and Skywynne: Baby can't talk!

Next day, Raven embarks on her quest, as she departs from the Tower in the morning.

Raven: Now time to find this shop… Qwik-Shop… or Quik Mart… What a name...

Raven then enters the store to enact her plan.

Raven: -vigilantly scans the store- What should i purchase for my vegetarian Beast Boy? Hmm. Not chips…

Jasper: -busy organizing the magazine rack that he doesn’t notice Raven had entered- You can find it in the frozen food section.

Raven: There are frozen healthy vegs? For cheap?! What a bargain! Such a discount!

Jasper: -still focused on his work- Yup. We got a sale.

Raven: Hey. I was wondering if- -Jasper goes into the supply room and the door hits her- OOF!

Jasper: -offscreen- Sorry, got supplies to retrieve.

Raven: Jasper. Could you please tell me- -Jasper places some boxes in front of her-... Never mind. Jasper, is there a discount?

Jasper: -peeks out from behind the boxes- Oh! Morning, Raven! I didn’t know you entered!

Raven: Looks like you’re preoccupied today.

Jasper: Yeah. Business as usual here.

Raven: So, uh… You’re not too upset about the other day, right? With how we kinda treated you with that whole prophecy thing.

Jasper’s face changes to a more somber look.

Jasper: Oh, uh… No, I’m not too upset.

Raven: Your tone of voice says otherwise.

Jasper: -looks away- Wow… Didn’t think someone could read me like a book…

Raven: It’s because I know how you feel.

Jasper: You do…?

Raven: Jasper… Can I let you in on something I don’t like talking about?

Jasper: Yeah?

Raven: -deep breath- I was that little girl at the gates.

This is when Jasper’s face darkens, and glares at her.

Jasper: Wait… Then that means… -gets a brief flash image of Trigon-... That demon who destroyed Jewel Land… was your father…

Raven: Wait wait, just hear me out for a little bit, before you start attacking me!

Jasper: You better have some explanation…

Raven: Okay, listen. I never wanted any of this to happen, alright? You think I WANTED to be born to such an evil demon?

Jasper: Look, even if it was out of your control. Why didn’t you just stop him?

Raven: Stop him? My powers are NOWHERE near his! Okay, granted I did destroy an entire universe at the age of 3, but I’m not proud of that, okay?!

Jasper: You can’t sympathy bait me here!

Raven: I’m not asking for sympathy! I just want to set the record straight.

Jasper: Well, you’re doing a terrible job at convincing me otherwise. Now go home!

Raven: Things happened out of my control-

Jasper: Just… go… -points to the door-

Raven: -sighs-... I’m sorry… -she takes her leave from the store-

When Raven returns to the Tower, it is already lunchtime.

Robin: Back already? How did it go?

Raven: I told him that I was part of the reason Jewel Land is in shambles, and… got booted out the store.

Diana: To be fair, it’d be hard to forgive someone who is partially to blame for the destruction.

Luea: -sighs- Enough pointing fingers, Diana. I do understand why, though. I was on the frontlines of the conflict on that fateful day. I too witnessed the queen’s sacrifice.

Raven: I assume, being a royal guard, it’s affected him in such a negative way?

Luea: I’m afraid so… Jasper guards every queen with his life. It shouldn’t be the queen who sacrifices themselves.

Cyborg: Dang. If only every bodyguard was like him, we’d have less assassinations in the world.

Opal: -chuckles- Oh, I’m sure.

Raven: He is still pretty mad at me, though… Thank god I didn’t witness his wrath. I know what cheetahs are like. Still, I feel I should talk to him more. Maybe the next step is to talk to him after he leaves work.

Luea: We don't even know where he lives. But then again, you have to find the right time to explain things better to him.

Opal: I remember... The Crystal Heart called him. It was glowing when he suddenly arrived to halt our staged act. But then again, We cannot use the Heart to figure out where he lives.

Raven: If we cannot use the Crystal Heart, then… I can search for him, by myself!

Luea: What are you... Planning?

Robin: Well, you better have some other plan. But this time, I'm not gonna be part of it.

Raven: You're not. Because I'm gonna follow him when he closes the shop tonight.

Luea: Rae. Wouldn't that be considered stalking?

Raven: We have no options if he doesn’t open up this adamantly. Besides. I want to show that we’re not so different.

Peridot: Not so different? But you’re not a cheetah-desu.

Raven: Not like that…

Later that night, Raven, concealing herself in the dark, hides behind a wall to observe Jasper’s direction.

Raven: Alright. Time to do a bit of sneaking. -she is in her ninja grab uniform after a finger snap to change her attire-

Jasper closes up shop and heads to the direction of the trailer park.

Raven: Sniff sniff. -closes her eyes and uses magic to detect his motions and movements- Hmmm heading south. -follows Jasper stealthily as her silhouette soon blends in with the darkness- Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

Turns out Raven has casted shadow blending just to stick close to Jasper easier.

Jasper: -muttering to himself- It’s cup noodles again tonight… Maybe when I make a little extra money, I should consider buying that really premium brand.

Raven soon reaches a trailer park, which takes her almost by surprise. Jasper really lives in a trailer park?! She really believed he was joking about that detail, but looks like reality has confirmed her otherwise.

Raven: Wow, that’s a rudimentary lifestyle… Not very fitting for a royal guard.

She watches as Jasper heads into a dingy old trailer.

Raven: -stays within Jasper’s shadow- Hm. Does look comfy around here.

Jasper: I am a vehicle person... Sigh. No palace, no queen… -kisses his key, then proceeds to cook-

Raven can only feel pitiful for him, while still lurking in his shadow.

Raven: Dang, to see how he conversely was more enthusiastic about seeing our Jewelpets again after so long… And now I made him upset… I gotta put things right.

Jasper: -humming a song, while starting up his kettle- Mhmhmmmmmm~

Just as he cooks… Jasper accidentally trips, spilling the hot water on the very shadow that Raven is hiding in!

Jasper: CRAP! -attempts to catch the spilling kettle-

Raven: -cannot endure the sudden spill of hot water onto her- AAAH! HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!

Raven’s screeches result in her losing control over her spell, thus revealing herself in front of Jasper…

Jasper: What?! What are you doing here?!

Raven: Umm haha... a visit... -but then she winces in pain from the burn she got- Oooh, this stings! Be careful with the water next time!

Jasper: ...Go sit over there. -pulls out a first aid kit-

A few minutes later, Jasper finishes bandaging Raven up.

Raven: Enduring this should be a walk in the park.

Jasper: You’re underestimating the severity! Burns like these are severe enough to scald your skin! You got lucky I didn't accidentally dump all the water on you.

Raven: -deadpan- I have endured worse pain than this.

Jasper: That’s awfully casual for somebody who just endured a burn.

Raven: How about dying multiple different times, and being brought back in the next episode? Yeah, I’ve had my fair share. Oh, and labor cramps. TWICE.

Jasper: Ohhhh, those are indeed worse. -mutters- She died multiple times? What…?

Raven: However, I really am just here… to try asking and helping you with the prophecy and coming clean with something…

Jasper: -begins to become agitated- Just WHY do you want to help me so much?! None of your friends believe in my recounting of the legend!!! You all give me the cold shoulder! And you are the demon's daughter!

Raven: Because you and I are no different.

Jasper: Same punchline. I’m not falling for that. -swings his arms and tail backwards, trying to get a cloth to clean his key- Now leave me in peace and go home.

This is when Jasper accidentally knocks over some of his cabinets, and several important objects spill out. In his panic, he tries to pick them all up.

Raven: -notices several photos of a green fox Jewelpet- What's all this? Is that a fox..."xoxo"…

Jasper: -immediately blushes, and attempts to rip the photo into shreds yet cannot bring himself- NOTHING!!

Raven: Then why are you acting like this?

Jasper: Confidential!

Raven: Just be honest with yourself. There is no way you can just protect the Crystal Heart and uphold that prophecy, despite saying it's not our business.

Jasper: …Umm…

Raven: Just talk to me. Why are you so adamant about us bringing the prophecy to life?

Jasper: Don't tell Luea and the rest unless I want to...It is about the Queen and me. She...gives me heartthrobs… That’s why when I heard about your truth, I felt like the trauma related to losing her just came back like a flood… Because it’s her dream to witness a paradise where not only Jewel Land, but also Earth and other planets and dimensions’ species unite, through fairies and humans making peace with each other.

Raven: Hey hey, having heartthrobs is NORMAL. Feel free to vent that out, I’ll listen.

Jasper: -sits down- As you may know, I've been the queen's right-hand man for years. The royal advisor. But this particular queen… The 34th...she...gives me...feelings...it is a different experience. I had served our ancestors and predecessors, however I had never felt so...shy...around...one. That feeling...was beyond my job duties. -he blushes again, and hesitates-

Raven: And?

Jasper: As the royal advisor, I must also guard and protect the queen at all costs. I've done that with every queen we've had. Except the first 2 queens. I was too little. It is safe to say, I was raised by the early queens, who are my older sisters. I do remember those warm smiles, though. From every queen that came and went. By the 4th queen, I remember deciding to guard her. And then I was bestowed with the key to Jewel Land. It was a proud moment for me.


Jasper [flashback]: Sister-no… Your highness! I will devote my whole life, just to protect you.

Jewelina 4th [flashback]: You have finally passed all trials. I am incredibly proud of you. And now. I shall bestow you with the very key that unlocks Jewel Land. -she summoned it to Jasper-

Jasper [flashback]: Aaah! I will!

Back to the present.

Jasper: I had a purpose in life. To make sure the royal family is protected. No Jewelina ever left the castle without me by her side.

Raven: I’m the oldest sibling, so I guess I can’t really understand what it’s like to be acknowledged as a younger one. But that’s still commendable, and… your family does seem to be… functional?

Jasper: -still immersed in nostalgia- How nostalgic. And the best moment came upon me when it was the 34th...she was...so adorable… Created by Jewelina 24th. She was... different, to say the least. She was on that "border" to the 24th. The transitional period, as Topaz called it. Which one was her creator doesn't matter. I...just love holding her soft paws… She talked in mysterious ways. Always trying to predict the future... even if she wasn't good at it. She is a hard-worker. A lovely one. A one that makes me soften up and- -he gulps upon realizing he spilled his soft spot- But I digress. With that aside, the 34th... I suppose you already know what happened…

Raven: Man, Jewelpets really have better families than a cambion like me.

Jasper: You really think being in a large family of mixed species of Jewelpets is that functional?

Raven: Don't get the wrong idea, Jasper. I'm doing my best to help fix up these mistakes too.

Jasper: It's okay. I already know you're doing your best to help. Sorry for lashing out at you.

Raven: You do?

Jasper: I can see it in your eyes. Just like how I sensed Topaz's hatred for humans, despite being with Alicia. It's just...that...something...doesn't permit me...to completely...open...up...I feel...like...no..matter...how...honest...you...are… Regarding my family.

Raven: Well... what's your side of the story regarding family ancestry?

Jasper: What about you divulging yours first? I do want to let you say your end of the deal, rather than presuming you.

Raven: Oh my, mine is COMPLICATED with how irresponsible, manipulative, and controlling my father is.

Jasper: Umm...Yeah, the same red demon who coerced us into apologizing to you, just because we shunned you.

Raven: Yup, that’s him, the same old bastard who misconstrued what I meant deliberately. I never asked him to destroy your kingdom!

Jasper: What else has he committed to you?

Raven: Placing me into pageants, making me babysit my three younger brothers while he went golfing instead. The list rolls on.

Jasper: Then I shouldn’t be too harsh on you… Although unfortunately my family isn’t as functional as you have surmised it to be.

Raven: Huh? Really? You guys are from the Light Magic sector, of course you’re bound to have better emotional bonds.

Jasper: Raven, it’s not as glamorous as you think. If anything, what was supposed to be a utopia eventually morphed into a dystopia. Things were not going well.

Raven: How so? Don’t be vague, I just need to understand the context better. Don’t you have magic to solve these problems?

Jasper: No… It’s my oldest sister, Topaz, becoming the problem. She wanted to turn Jewel Land into her personal playground, and any change is considered a THREAT to her. There’s no innovation, and everyone was being miserable ignorant dumbasses, who couldn’t understand what diversity is! And she is the only sister left after the remaining sister I had all died out!

Raven: Hold up, dying out?!

Jasper: Us Jewelpets are immortal or at least semi-immortal, yes. But… Those who ascend to royalty also give up their immortality. Royalty powers are far more potent than regular magic. Because of this, a sacrifice needs to be made in order to keep them potent. It’s complicated to explain. But the idea is, every queen is on a timer. When that time expires…

Raven: -nods- I never realized it was this brutal…

Jasper: And their souls are stored in the Crystal Heart after their bodies perish…That’s why I have the connection with this relic.

Raven: Ouch… Now I’m not too keen on Sis Luea becoming a queen as I used to be.

Jasper: … You may not have to worry about Luea.

Raven: Really…?

Jasper: Well, I had… plans… with the 34th Queen.

Raven: Is it marriage?

Jasper: -blushes- N-NO! Nothing like that! -calms himself before continuing- I wanted her to be the first queen to not have her life expire.

Flashbacks of Jasper rummaging through different spell books and making potions, while he narrates.

Jasper: After the 33rd Queen’s life expired, I began to study and experiment ways to try and reverse the effects of the royalty ascension. To revert a Jewelpet back to the way they were before. And Jade would have been my first test subject. Well, until the disaster anyway…

Raven: -sheepishly- Yeah, again. Sorry about that one. Continue.

Jasper: If I could just use this spell, it could save every other Jewelpet who ascends to royalty. Even Luea.

Jasper puts down his empty cup, having finished his noodles, and stands up.

Jasper: So you see? You won’t have anything to worry about. Luea will be okay, if this is successful.

Raven: I… I guess I’ll trust you on that. Seeing as she trusts you a lot. So now that you’ve talked about queens life expiring. Anything else about Jewel Land I need to know?

Jasper: Topaz was able to manipulate almost every queen. Having a say in everything like politics, the economy, and who comes in or out. The political debates often boiled down to me arguing with her. It’s mind-numbing.

Raven: I have been living in a hellish realm with nothing new, so wow, we really aren’t too far off with being in living hells before.

Jasper: Yes… I guess you can say that Jewel Land is really hell. Especially after it was closed off to all worlds, except Sweetsland.

Raven: Which queen did that?

Jasper: -sighs solemnly- Luea and Ruby’s mother… The 13th Queen… it was due to her paranoia magnified by Topaz after some humans massacred so many Jewelpets at once for their Jewel Eyes. Topaz conspicuously took advantage of this situation to instigate human based hatred through her trauma, and I wasn’t timely enough to stop her from manipulating the 13th Queen…

Raven: Wow… That’s… -blinks- I’m in a loss for words… Does Luea know about this?

Jasper: Not yet. Let alone Ruby. They’re still in the dark about their mother’s grave mistake. Besides… Back then, Luea didn’t have the best attitude to care. Since her mother had favoritism that was also enabled by Topaz.

Raven: Yup. She told me about how she used to have a really bad attitude. Almost worse than me, according to her.

Jasper: This family mess was just affecting the whole kingdom, which in retrospect, was imminent to bringing Jewelina 34th to her disappearance.

Raven: To think. I wanted to come see Jewel Land myself. But I guess, I would hate living there too.

Jasper: -sighs- You would want to leave, honestly… There were times when I felt like quitting too. But… -remembers Jewelina the 34th’s smile- I kept going… I will say this. Around the time of the 33rd queen’s reign, we had the first human to fall to Jewel Land in a long time.

Raven: Really? I thought you would’ve kicked them out.

Jasper: Oh yes. Topaz REALLY wanted to kick her out at first. Seriously. She was fiery, the moment she laid eyes on that human.


Jasper [flashback]: -in the middle of yet ANOTHER political debate with Topaz- Sweetspets visiting Jewel Land must pay a higher tax than Jewelpets?! Are you mad, Topaz?!

Topaz [flashback]: Why not? They’re second-class, compared to us Jewelpets.

Jasper [flashback]: Look, you gotta be realistic here. We have to let outsiders in as reinforcements. And doing this to the Sweetspets will just ruin our diplomatic relations!

Topaz [flashback]: It’s not my fault. They’re the ones who still allow humans into their kingdom and NOT follow OUR example!

Jasper [flashback]: “Our” example? Sweetspets are innovating more than us! Have you seen their latest technolo-

The doors swung open, revealing a distressed Kris.

Kris [flashback]: Your highness- -realized the queen wasn’t there- Oh, uh… Jasper! We have a problem!

Topaz [flashback]: Kris! I told you to stay home-

Jasper [flashback]: No. Let him talk. -gives a reassuring look to the dachshund- What’s going on?

Kris [flashback]: You won’t believe what happened! A dimensional portal suddenly opened in the sky over our cottage!

Topaz [flashback]: -slammed her paws on the table- WHAT?! Another one?! I thought we had enough, after that dumb laid-back deer came into our world!

Kris [flashback]: No! A teenage human instead!

Topaz [flashback]: A HUMAN?!

Jasper [flashback]: -stood up- We’ll continue this debate later… -grabbed his key- Lead the way, Kris.

Kris [flashback]: She’s currently at our cottage resting. Let’s go! -and he ran off-

At Topaz and Kris’ cottage, a large crowd had gathered outside. Everyone was curious about this newcomer to Jewel Land.

Topaz: QUIT TRESPASSING RIGHT NOW!!This is my house!!!

Ruby: But you trespass on other people’s property, Fuzzy Butt.

Topaz: OUT OF THE WAY! -pushed her way through the crowd until she reached the front door of her cottage- What is this malarky?! A human coming into OUR paradise?!

Kris: -followed behind with Jasper- Topaz, please… Don’t do anything rash…

Topaz [flashback]: I’ll be as rash as I want!!! -opened the door- WHERE IS SHE?!

Jasper [flashback]: Let her explain first!!

Topaz [flashback]: -spotted the human laid on the couch- You… Oh, it’s been so long since I did this to a human! -raised her paws to pull a magic spell, but Jasper grabbed her arm- NGH!

Jasper [flashback]: Stop it!

Alicia [flashback]: I… I’m sorry for being intrusive…

Topaz [flashback]: Explain yourself if you want me to spare you!

Alicia [flashback]: I don’t know… I just… fell here and met a talking gray dog…

Topaz [flashback]: I won’t let you interact with my husband unless I trust you.

Kris [flashback]: -bowed apologetically- I’m really sorry about my wife!

Topaz [flashback]: But on closer inspection… your brown skin is lighter than the average Blacks. How peculiar.

Alicia [flashback]: Because I’m biracial… half white, half black…

Topaz [flashback]: I see. But I still won’t stand for a human coming to Jewel Land! Jasper! Send her back to where she came from!

Jasper [flashback]: Under what condition will you finally trust her, dang it!

Topaz [flashback]: You’re the one with the key! YOU send her back-

Alicia [flashback]: -curled up on the couch- I don’t want to go back…

The three Jewelpets looked at the teen in surprise.

Kris [flashback]: What…? But… How come? You’re lost, aren’t you?

Alicia [flashback]: -grunted, seemingly slightly irritated- I’d rather get lost than go back to a family who always takes “her” side…

Topaz [flashback]: -raised an eyebrow- Human drama…?

Alicia [flashback]: It’s not like you’d care anyway.

Topaz [flashback]: Hmm…

Jasper [flashback]: Well, I can’t make her leave. Not in her current state.

Topaz [flashback]: … Hmph! Very well! You can stay here for a day or two. But afterwards, I hope you get sent back to your world!

Alicia [flashback]: Whatever…

Present day…

Raven: I never knew random portals to Jewel Land could open up.

Jasper: It’s how we got Shikamarokun.

Raven: True.

Jasper: In theory, these portals mysteriously appear whenever they want… although there’s this hypothesis that strong desires to escape a circ*mstance can push a portal out… maybe that’s why you were able to precisely arrive outside of our gates, apart from your magic…

Raven: Maybe. I don’t know. I was too young to understand, so I can’t help you on that.

Jasper: It’s fine. We don’t have enough evidence to support why Shikamarokun and Alicia came to Jewel Land anyway. We’re not even sure if this phenomenon can happen again.

Raven: So, about Alicia.

Jasper: Anyway, this human is… Topaz’s human partner and friend, a human she finally trusted after years of human based hatred. After Alicia’s disappearance, she really seemed to have lost contact with me out of rage, I’m afraid…

Raven: Losing the one you finally trust is painful…

Jasper: Same happens to me, when your father disappeared our Queen.

Raven: Once again. My dad is the worst. It does take some balls of steel to stand up to him, though.

Jasper: I wish I could stand up to him… But our Queen did instead.

Raven: I guess… I gotta admire that about her. Standing up to my dad is like standing up to a brick wall. And the wall has spikes on it. Yet, she did it, even if it cost everything.

Jasper: -stares out the window- Yeah… She was always good at pointing out little details and trying to make things better. Still. Even with the queen gone, my duty still remained.

Raven: What would that be?

Jasper: Given how so many Jewelpets are in danger, I decided there was only one thing... to send all Jewelpets to this world.

Raven: Wait... so the reason all Jewelpets came to our world is REALLY because of YOU?!

Jasper: That's right. The queen would want it that way. Plus, aside from saving countless lives, I wanted to finally make the prophecy come true. I remember telling it to Luea, but she was confused. Rightfully so, since after telling her, I changed her and everybody into their Jewel Charm forms.

Raven: So that was why everyone presumed you were dead?

Jasper: ... All Jewelpets were sent to this world... except one. -he points to himself- Me.

Raven: No… You weren’t trying to-

Jasper: That’s right… I tried to fight your father by myself.

Raven: ... What happened?! He’s formidable! Even with my power, which is capable of destroying an entire universe, could never beat him!

Jasper: Let me explain... I thought the demon father of yours was distracted long enough that I could successfully find the queen... but I was wrong. So wrong. He confronted me right there. I harnessed my trusted key, but…

Flashback of Jasper yelling in agony after his key got scathed and he was defeated. And then he fell through a portal…

Raven: I should be the one who apologizes. It was my selfishness that brought about your home destruction… I recall how Luea tearfully cried and apologized to me when we finally watched the fireflies after years of her having promised to fulfill that moment. It was because of me. I shouldn’t have told my father…

Jasper: I just don't think I could be a proper guardian... I couldn't protect the queen... I couldn't even find her… So no, it’s my fault, not yours. -he somberly shows Raven regarding his damaged key- I have to bear the burden myself.

Raven: That’s your key? I can repair it with you. Don’t be a lone wolf. I know you love the Queen.

Jasper: It’s impossible… this key is made out of rare materials embedded with arcane magic… No ordinary Earth materials can suffice in repairing it.

Raven: I’m sure there’s a way to fix your key.

Jasper: It’s futile to fix it without the fulfilled prophecy anyway.

Raven: Jasper…

Jasper: -sigh- Well. I’ll figure something out. Thanks for the talk. But I think you should head home. Your friends are probably worried.

Raven: -stands up- Don’t hide your feelings. Okay? We’re equally concerned too. -heads to the door- Night. And thanks for bandaging me up.

Jasper says nothing as Raven leaves the trailer.

Jasper: Why do you have to be this kind? You’re a cambion... I am a failure! We are both failures! -he begins beating his forehead, then he cries tremendously-

Meanwhile, at the abandoned factory, Topaz is brooding like usual.

Topaz: Grrr…

Milky: You’ve been pacing back and forth for an hour now, m’lady.

Topaz: Well, what do you expect?! I’m annoyed that those pesky Titans have the Crystal Heart, and I don’t!

Milky: How do you seek to obtain it, precisely?

Topaz: Only my youngest brother can summon and be teleported to the Crystal Heart… Gotta have an elaborate plan that revolves around him. So we have to determine if he is still alive or not.

Ryl: Well, how do you know he’s still alive?

Topaz: I-... Well, I don’t know. But! Your statement has just… given me a spark!

Alex: This better be good.

Topaz: If, hypothetically, Jasper is still alive, he would be able to prevent me from getting close to the Crystal Heart! But since he’s not been on anyone’s radar, it means he’s probably dead!

This confuses the generals.

Topaz: However, now that we have more and more of known Jewelpets appearing on Earth so often… I’m confident Jasper might be lurking around, somewhere.

Garnet: I don’t get it.

Topaz: What do you mean? Speak up, Persian!

Garnet: Topaz. We’re not dumb. We know you’ve always hated Jasper’s guts. So why are you suddenly wanting to use him for our plan, when you KNOW he won’t cooperate?

Alex: That’s true, actually.

Brownie: Dang. The lowest-ranking General is spitting straight facts…

Topaz: I don’t think he’ll die too easily, with how persistently pesky he is. But I actually want to take advantage of him. It’ll be so much fun.

Milky: Forgive me, m’lady. But have you EVER taken advantage of Jasper before?

Topaz: Well, I… I did when he was still a clueless toddler.

All the Generals whisper to each other, clearly knowing Topaz’s plan might not work too well.

Topaz: I’ll think of something to blackmail him! Plans don’t grow on trees, you know!

Garnet: How will you blackmail?

Topaz: -suddenly has a veer of confidence with a sly grin- BY CONFRONTING HIM DIRECTLY!

Milky: I object to your lack of specific details.


Milky: Okay, NOW we’re getting somewhere.

Ryl: Oh so you’re… directly gonna fight him, and taunt him?

Topaz: My skills are superior to his. I’ll be fine.

Brownie: -whispering to Ryl- She says that every time, yet she can’t even defeat the average human leader of the Titans.

Topaz: -raising an eyebrow, unamused- Did you say something, Brownie?

Brownie: Um, you’re biting off more than you can chew-

Topaz: -instantly plucks several quills off Brownie- OH, SHUT UP!

Brownie: OWWIE!!!

Alex: -facepaw- Good job, idiot…

Topaz: Are there ANY more objections?

All the Generals shake their heads.

Topaz: -smiles- Good! I will prepare myself and then head out. I better have a welcoming victory party when I return~! -leaves the throne room-

Brownie: -crying over his plucked quills- Oooh, my beautiful quills…

Ryl: That was NOT beautiful destruction, hedgehog.

The next morning. Back to the Tower!

Robin: You actually listened to him on the whole prophecy thing?

Luea: And burned yourself in the process, apparently…

Raven: A little burn can heal.

Robin: Well, did you get ANY information?

Raven: I did… Lots of info. I just wanna say this, sis. I’m honestly glad I was sent away from Jewel Land, because it’s no different to Azarath.

Luea: Oh, so… He told you about the harsh reality that us Jewelpets had to live with…

Raven: Yeah, I got to understand you guys’ dysfunctionality within Jewel Land, due to his accounts. But he also mentioned someone important to Topaz. A girl named Alicia.

Luea: -ears perk up- Alicia? Oh wow, that brings back memories. I can’t believe I forgot about her!

Opal: I guess it’s been so long, we’ve forgotten that Alicia was there to keep Topaz in order.

Cyborg: -while massaging Io- Keep Topaz in order? That dog is a lunatic.

Peridot: That’s where you’re wrong-desu! Alicia was one of the very few individuals to make her happy-desu!

Ruby: Yup! She’s saved us from some of Fuzzy Butt’s antics and stuff. How does she do it?! I need to know her secrets!

Diana: She has seemingly disappeared since the disaster, though.

Raven: Maybe… him bringing up Alicia alludes to us that this chosen warrior prophecy is possible to fulfill, in order to help us reach the coexistence paradise.

Luea: How is this pertinent to the Crystal Heart then?

Raven: I mean, almost all of the former Queens transformed themselves into human forms, in order to bond with humans… But then, the isolationism policy was implemented by how paranoid and anguished the embittered Topaz was, according to Jasper, who is her youngest brother.

Opal: Ah, so he told you that Topaz is his eldest sister too…

Beast Boy: Wait, seriously? They’s siblings? They’s not dogs or cheetahs, yo!

Raven: Welp, Jewel Land has a different system! I’m not the one who makes the rules!

Shikamarokun: The only thing I remember is that, each time Topaz and Jasper are together, they always fight.

Raven: Speaking of you, Shikamarokun. Topaz hates you apparently, for coming into Jewel Land.

Shikamarokun: -laughs- Haha! Oh, you don’t think I knew that? She gave me the stink eye when I fell to Jewel Land! Not that I minded. Anyone would think a walking-talking deer mascot is weird.

Raven: Actually, Jasper might’ve also alluded coexistence is always meant to be a thing the Crystal Heart’s Queens’ souls have wanted, since… he seemed to mean you fell into Jewel Land suddenly, similar to Alicia’s circ*mstances. Granted, it’s only a theory.

Shikamarokun: Theory?

Raven: -shrugs- Whatever! It’s not very important to the conversation at hand. What I’m conveying is, to help Jasper tap into the Crystal Heart again at this critical moment, we have to trust him and the prophecy, and maybe that’ll lead to the prophesied paradise! It’s something the 34th Queen has always yearned for!

Cricket noises, followed by absent stares.


Peridot: We find this information too abstract-desu!

Diana: Yeah, after years of isolationism, we can’t revert to the ways of how species used to interact. Don’t be so naive, Raven.

Opal: If Alicia is already gone-gone, the probability of us Jewelpets and other species bonding with humans is even LOWER.

Raven: Well, YOU don’t know that.

Opal: Yes, well… It’s not like Topaz ever mentioned Alicia in every encounter with her!

Raven: I’m certain something happened to Alicia that has resulted in her becoming even more bitter and so hellbent to murder all of us to prove her argument with a honking cult.

Robin: Like, anything we do is going to change Topaz’s mind.

Starfire: Friend Raven, you are starting to sound like Friend Jasper now.

Raven: Ugh. Now I understand how sis feels when no one listens to her… Which I’m also guilty of, sometimes. Hehe…

Luea: Ha, we’re all guilty as charged! No pressure! So, what’s your plan?

Raven: To be honest, the scheme is to escort the Crystal Heart to Jasper at his trailer within three few days, so he can finally muster the courage to tap into this ancient relic.

This plan makes everybody shudder.

Luea: Y-you want us to…

Angela: Move… the Crystal Heart-paca?!

Raven: We have to. I think he mentioned that his mother is now slumbering deep within this Crystal too. So this former queen might be able to give us answers about him.

Cyborg: In a crime-filled city where there’s a new robbery every fifteen minutes?!

Beast Boy: Forgives me, mama. But you’s not right in the head, yo!

Raven: Look, I can’t bring him to the Tower! And we’re not doing that false alarm acting thing again. Besides, we need a discreet place to tell him the truth of what Topaz is up to now.

Peridot: Aw. I wanted to do some acting-desu.

Ruby: But… Jasper will lose his marbles if you tell him the truth about Fuzzy Butt!

Apatita: It’s common knowledge that he loves Topaz deeply… Don’t revoke his dignity this carelessly!

Raven: We have to. By a long shot, knowing that she’s the common enemy of him and us is the best way to go, and we have to give him and Topaz’s mother some updates…

Luea: But that’s-... -she ponders about it for a moment, before changing her stance- ... Necessary.

Everybody, but Raven: WHAT?!

Luea: Actually, I have an intuition that Topaz has been vying for the Crystal Heart, now that I remember she has always believed her mother wants her to ascend to the throne as the “ultimate queen” that turns Jewel Land into her own playground without trauma. So by having to risk the Crystal Heart…

Raven: We can lure her out and make her expose herself.

Robin: We’re really playing fire with fire…?

Angela: Yes-paca.

Robin: What?! Angela?!

Angela: The queens must see Topaz for who she really is-paca!

Diana: If it means shatting Topaz, then I’m hands down on deck.

Ruby: Yoooo, me too!

Peridot: Me three-desu!

Apatita: Worth a try.

Io: What are we doing-dachi? -everyone ignores him-

Opal: I… -hesitates- I don’t know…

Shikamarokun: Look, if we want to verify the authenticity of the prophecy, we have to get rid of the PROBLEMATIC culprit first. In this case, it’s Topaz being the obstruction to the alluded paradise Jasper and the 34th Queen hope for.

Opal: Hm… Sigh, we really are at a dead end then.

Raven: Then it’s settled! I’m arranging a meeting with Jasper tonight! …through my portal.

Cyborg: -unamused- You forgot to ask for his number.

Raven: YEAH I KNOW!! My oversight!

That very night, the Titans gang cautiously scan the trailer park’s vicinity, while veneering the Crystal Heart with a thick, white sheet of cloth, as they reach Jasper’s trailer.

Robin: Nice and discreet, Titans…

Cyborg: Man, I’ve forgotten how heavy this is.

Sunset: I’m tired…

Skywynne: Wanna go to bed…

Raven: Just hang in there, girls. We won’t take long to complete this ritual.

Unbeknownst to the gang, there’s some rustling in the nearby shrubs and trees.

Topaz: -peeks out- The Titans? …What are they doing out here in a poor-man’s place like this?

This is when Jasper opens his trailer with a yawn.

Jasper: Oh hey, what’s the delivery this time? Please don’t be another orchestrated theft.

Raven: Um, it’s about the crystal containing your mom.

Jasper: Whoa whoa, you’ve carried it all the way to here?! That…is oddly persistent. You really want me to talk to my mother, though? I mean, I’m a disappointment…

Luea: When have you ever disappointed us?

Raven: Your mom will be more disappointed in her oldest daughter being a crazy, xenophobic bish now.

Jasper: Huh? Is Topaz alive? I know her mental health has always been riddled with trauma, but… I doubt she’ll turn out so badly. Sure, the human world is alienating, but…

Robin: Mister. You do NOT understand the HELL we’ve had to endure with that dog you call your “sister”.

Jasper: Perhaps she has finally seen how much humans have improved!

???: Actually, there's another person who can talk to the Crystal Heart~!

Everybody is taken by surprise by the voice... an all too familiar voice, permeating ominously through the mostly quiet trailer park.

Luea: Who's there?!

Robin: Titans! Flashlights!


The attack appears to hit the Titans with a massive explosion!

Topaz: -walks out from the darkness- Honestly. You’d think you’d be prepared for me to arrive, you pesky Titans.

Raven: -offscreen- Actually, we were EXPECTING you to come.

Topaz: Huh?!

The smoke clears to show Raven had put up a barrier to shield everyone.

Ruby: -makes a taunting face at Topaz- You need to work on those sneaking skills, Fuzzy Butt!

Topaz: Grrrr!

Robin: You thought you could infiltrate so effortlessly?!

While the Titans argue with Topaz, Jasper stares at the terrier in silence.

Topaz: What is the meaning of this?! What do you mean “you were expecting me”?! -she attempts to grab the Crystal Heart, by extending her long flowing hair-

Raven: Sis! Everyone! Gotta stop her!

Robin: TITANS! GO!!!

Luea: -jumps into the air and uses a barrier to parry the hair away- NGH! Sunset! Skywynne! Your turn!

Sunset and Skywynne: Aye aye!

The two sisters take the Crystal Heart and run over to Jasper, pushing him back into the trailer.

Jasper: What are you doing?!

Sunset: Just trust us on this, mister!

Skywynne: We are helping you!

Beast Boy: -transforms into an elephant- You better get stomped, hairy dog!

Starfire: Starbolts! -parries with several starbolts in hand-

Topaz: -swiftly dodges every attack- I've gotten a little better, since the last time we met~!

Luea: HYAAAHHH!!! -tries to kick Topaz-

Topaz: -swiftly skids- Come on! You’d think a different attack would’ve been another option!

Raven: You can’t dodge forever, Topaz! -levitates a nearby bucket and launches it- HAH!

Topaz: -the bucket covers her head- ARGH!!! Who turned out the lights?!

Robin: Okay, I’ll turn them back on. -kicks the bucket, which also knocks Topaz back-

Raven: Attack from the back!

Robin: What?! That should be my idea!

Cyborg: Sounds easier said than done!

Raven: Look, do you want to protect the Crystal Heart or not?!

Robin: Fiiiine. Whatever!

Topaz: Now I’m REALLY mad!!! HAAAAH!!! -unleashes her hair in all directions to attack-

From inside the trailer, Jasper watches on, while Sunset and Skywynne keep the Crystal Heart safe.

Jasper: What’s going on…? Why is Topaz like this…?

Sunset: Mommy claims that she hates humans super much. For “humans being more superior than fairies” and “humans are cold and evil, so they must get decimated off the planet”.

Jasper: What?! When has she gotten like this?!!

Skywynne: Auntie Luea claimed that Topaz has always been this nutty. Something not wired right with her mind.

Sunset: Probably because she saw too many bad humans?

Jasper: I’m still pretty puzzled!

Skywynne: We aren’t lying. Lying is bad. This is what we have to deal with every day.

Jasper: Looks like being born to heroes really makes you two kids precocious…

Meanwhile, everybody is getting their arse kicked.

Robin: -hits a parked pick-up truck- AAAGH!!!

Raven: -shields herself, but her barrier breaks- NGH!!!

Diana: Reinforcements… where are reinforcements when we need them?!

Luea at the same time is already getting tired just from fighting Topaz by herself.

Topaz: What's wrong, Luea? Getting tired~?

Luea: Tired? I’m just getting started!

Topaz: Very slow in your recovery. Now I’m officially its successor~!

Ruby: HYAAAHH!!!! -tornado kick-

Topaz: -suddenly forced to dodge, before she could punch Luea again- Grgh! Pesky hare!

Ruby: Get away from our Crystal Heart! Dammit! I just wanted to have a good night's sleep!!!

Luea: -panting- Nice save, Ruby!


Luea: Thanks girls...

Diana: -removes her heart necklace and it becomes a spear- HEART SPEAR!!! -throws-

Topaz: -puts up a barrier to block it- Grrrrr!!!! You pesky vermins!



Peridot and Diana's attacks are also blocked off though, as Topaz magically conjures a battle-axe astral projection to deflect their combined projectiles.

Topaz: Too weak. TOPAZ VORTEX!!!

Angela: I’ll protect you both! -gets severely blasted- PACAAA!!!

Peridot: ANGELA!!!

Diana: Dammit, the crazy dog is swatting us like flies! At this degree, she’ll barge into the trailer and win!

Ruby and Luea then try to do their double teaming on Topaz, hoping to stall Topaz further.

Luea and Ruby: -together, they try to pummel Topaz- TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!!

Topaz: -at the last minute, Topaz grabs Ruby and Luea's arms- Too slow.

Luea: Huh?!

Ruby: Uh oh…

Topaz: YAH!!! -violently throws them into the ground- Towel fling, haha~!

Luea and Ruby: AAAGH!!

Topaz: Weaklings~! -wags her tail- No wonder you couldn't protect the Crystal Heart! That's why it should belong to someone who's more worthy to have it!!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~!

Topaz now turns her attention to Jasper’s trailer. Her sad*stically gleeful gaze is now making the cheetah’s fur stand up.

Jasper: -shivers a little, before ducking back down from the window- She’s coming for us…

Sunset: Looks like we’re the last line of defense, sis. Are you ready for a fight?

Skywynne: Yeah…

Jasper: … You kids stay back. -walks towards the door- There’s something I gotta do.

Sunset: Wait! WE can fight too!

Jasper: No… there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you all… I think I know why she is desperately vying for the Crystal Heart…

Sunset: Huh? Why? Because it’s glittering?

Jasper: No… because… -sighs with a heavy heart- She was a princess.

Sunset and Skywynne: PRINCESS?!

Jasper: And I’m technically a prince…

Sunset: That-... that-... This is like every movie that involves princes and princesses.

Jasper: Except, I never once used that title. Because I’m more humble that way. And… I don’t have the grand scheme of becoming a king anyway.

Sunset: So…

Jasper: -looks back at the kids- Just keep that gem safe and don’t let it out of your grasp. I’ll be back in a bit. -opens the door and heads out-

Back outside…

Luea and Ruby try to stand up.

Topaz: Oh, you two want more pain?

Sunset & Skywynne are worried, as they are staring out of the trailer to watch their family and friends being so battered and bruised.

Luea: We're not…

Ruby: Giving up!

Luea: The Crystal Heart needs to be protected...

Topaz: Sorry, Luea. I’m the real princess, the heiress! My mother planned for me to inherit the playground anyway!

The battered Titans are all flabbergasted at her mention of being a princess!

Raven: Prin-princess?!

Topaz: Oh cambion, you’ve finally caught up with your slow wits!

Luea: So… you were meant to inherit it… but then… your parent must’ve gotten a change of plans…

Topaz: -charges another Topaz Vortex to finish off Luea and Ruby- Oh, it’s probably just a hide and seek with the Crystal Heart my mother loves to play with me since I was a child! I’m here to retrieve what’s rightfully mine. It's game over for you~!!!

In slow motion, Jasper appears, and immediately KICKS Topaz in the back!!!

Topaz: AUGH!!! -hits the ground, rolling several feet back, before hitting a cinder block-

Luea looks up, as the dust clears, revealing Jasper.

Luea: ... Jasper!

Jasper: -offers his paw to help Luea up, while facing Topaz- Been a long time… Topaz…

Topaz: -stands up, with a very angry look- I can’t say it’s a pleasure… Jasper…

Jasper: Topaz. The rumor of you being a traitor...it’s true. I still can’t believe it! I’m the one in disbelief! I can’t believe you want to kill all humans!

Topaz: I'm not the traitor... you and ALL OF THESE OTHER Jewelpets are also the traitors! I'm merely trying to create a perfect world for us! If you think you can easily oppose me because you're a special Jewelpet, think again!!!

Jasper: -takes off his hat- I’m merely being honest. I have no options. Look, we’re not royalty anymore. Just get over this childish “I’m the heiress” game already!

Topaz: Anything you say, I do the opposite-

Jasper tosses his hat up, and in a flash, immediately dashes at Topaz!

Topaz: -tries to hit him, but misses at the last second- What?!

Jasper: -goes around and kicks her in the back- HYAH!

Topaz: GAH! Bastard! -she tries again, but Jasper grabs her arm, and then swings her into the wall-

Jasper: Just quit dragging everyone else into our family squabbles already!

Topaz: D’oh, NEVER! -summons her snakes from her hair as a means to petrify Jasper in a struggle-

Except Jasper simply grabs one of the snakes, and starts twirling around, going faster and faster, which is in the form of a "discus throw"!

Jasper: HHYYYYAAAAHH!!! -let's go, sending Topaz flying at multiple parked cars-

Topaz: AAGH!!! -domino-crashes into all of them-

Robin: Ooo! That's gotta hurt!

Topaz falls back to the ground, as Jasper catches his hat and puts it back on.

Starfire: The kitty is the handsome savior!

But as he turns to walk away, Topaz stands up, ready to subdue him.

Topaz: I’m.. not done yet!!

Until Ruby and Luea appear in front of her, preventing her from retaliating.

Luea: I think you're done. -they hold hands-




Topaz: You think a combined attack will scare me?! TOPAZ VORTEX!! MAXIMUM!!!

Both magical attacks collide into each other, creating an impasse. But with Topaz’s low stamina, it’s clear that her beam is already being overpowered!

Topaz: N-NANI?!

Luea and Ruby: HYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! -putting more force into it-

Realizing she can't overpower them, Topaz quickly teleports out, and the Petal Twister strikes the spot she was standing in with a massive explosion!!!

Raven: Coward.

Ruby: -sighs, lowering her paws- Thank god that's over. Now, I think I will sleep here-

Robin: Not bedtime yet!

Ruby: Aw man!

Robin: -looks to Jasper- So! Mr. Right-Hand Man! Now you can ask the Crystal Heart-

Jasper, however, is revealed to be weeping uncontrollably as he swerves around to face them.

Robin: Uh… Was I not supposed to call you “Mr. Right-Hand Man”?

Starfire: Why are you the melancholic…?

Robin: Be thankful! Why are you crying?!

Jasper: I cannot believe my own kin betrayed us... I can’t believe…this…is Topaz now…

Raven: Jasper… pal. About the whole princess subject… right? Is it related to the Crystal Heart?

Jasper: -wiping his tears, while Sunset and Skywynne walk out with the Crystal Heart in the background- I thought… I thought she would finally move on… I thought… Alicia… could change her for the better…

Raven: Wait… so… she is that deluded to how she believes she is a princess… and she must conquer the world…?

Jasper: I never thought… she would go on such a dangerous path… -bursts out sobbing- I’M SORRY FOR NOT BELIEVING YOU SOONER!!!

Sunset: Jasper just told us she and he were royal people too.

Skywynne: That Jewel Land ain’t for humans, but for her to play around all day!

Raven: -gently holds up Jasper- Ohhh… This is more complicated than we imagined…

Jasper: -still sobbing- Yes… Topaz was going to inherit the throne, and probably didn't know our mother changed at the last minute! So essentially, she has already mastered the art of tapping into the Crystal Heart, before my second oldest sister took the throne! She already had schemed all of the policies too, with how to lock the gates automatically… so humans would get electrocuted when trying to drop through a portal and then becoming fried jerkies… I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I wish I had talked her out of that delusion sooner…

The Titans can only pity and sympathize with Jasper, at this bombshell of a truth while Raven still embraces Jasper poignantly, allowing him to grief…

Honestly, she used to believe becoming her father’s vessel was her destiny.

Until Luea encountered her fatefully. And now she has all of her family and friends. Giving her a new purpose.

Unlike Jasper, and Topaz. Stuck in their ascribed roles, or thought-to-be-destined positions. Even if they aren’t royalty now, they are forced to be a pair of dueling prince and princess over the struggle of power.

Jasper… Everything will be okay… maybe Topaz will understand things have changed, in a better way.

That’s what she wishes she could convey to him.

But right now, she can only let him mourn his heart out.

While the veneered Crystal Heart emits a faint glow.

It seems, the Queens’ souls from within have detected Topaz’s malice, and Jasper’s sorrows…

[To Be Continued]

Jasper's Burden - imadumdumjewel - Teen Titans Go! [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.