Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY: 9. 1902. PRICE THREE CENTS Delivered 10a a HISTORY OF MARION Thief Taps. Safe in Office of Robert Van.Atta in the Glass Block for $478 at 2 O'Clock Yesterday NO GLUE FOR POLICE TO WORK ON A I Believed That Expert Did the Job, HowE ever, as the Safe Was Unlocked With Ease sneak thief robbed the sate 1d R. M.

Van Atta's office in the Glass block yesterday afternoon of $478, and there is absolutely no clue whatever to the guilty party. About 2 o'clock Mr. Van Atta, who is the agent for the Glass block, locked this safe and -went down -to the barber shop in the building to get shaved. He was not gone over thirty minutes, but when he returned and opened the sate Intending to take the money which he had it. to the bank he found that someone had beat him to The safe was looked the same as it was when he left it, but the money was gone.

Inquiry was made of the near neighbors, but no one had seen anyone enter the room during, his absence. The police were notified and are now working on the case. but" with little hope of success, as there is absolutely no clue to work on. The robbery was evidently committed by a professional as no one knew the combination to the safe except Mr. Van Atta and his stenographer, but she was away from the office yesterday on a vacation else the robbery.

could been, committed. Mr. Van Atta stated last night that the loss as nearly as he knew, was $478. There was $228 in checks and $250 in currency, and the money had just been collected as rent for several of the roome in the The thief ly left a $5 gold ptece and a diamond ring belonging to Mrs. Van 'Atta, which were in the same drawer as the other 1 money.

Mr. Van Atta's office is on the north side of -the building on the fourth floor and the thief most certainly had plenty of nerve else he would not have attempted the bold act. The doors of the offices joining the one robbed were i. at the time but it is natural that the man was not 'noticed as there are 80 many people passing the doors that the occupants of the offices seldom look MA up from their work. It is certainly a mysterious case and one which bafles the police as much as it does Mr.

Van' Atta. As soon as the discovery of the robbery was made the varlots banks were informed of the robbery and payment on the checks was stopped. MARION WILL HAVE A RINK M. C. Henley of Richmond May.

Erect Structure -MEETING OF POLO LEAGUE Appoint Committee to Incorporate--Styled Western Roller Polo Association Preparations are well under way in most of the cities represented In the Western Polo league for the coming season. Nothing definite has been done toward the construction of rink in this city. No local men are' interested financially in the proposed rink, the franchise being held, by" outside parties. The owners of the Marion franchise do not seem to be inclined to go ahead with the construction of the rink, and M. CA Henley of Richmond, manager of the polo team there, may secure the franchise for this city.

He 1s prepared to put up a building here as soon as the franchise already granted sis turned over. This decision of Mr. Henley makes it certain that Marion will have a polo- team in the Western league this Mr. Henley is the proprietor of the roller skate factory at Richmond. He believes Marion will prove a good polo town, and will see that the game is played here.

An Important meeting of the polo league was held at Anderson yesterday afternoon. Some of thermanagers reported as to their line Muncie, Richmond and Anderson now have all Continued on Page Three.) CO ICE PLANT A SEEMS A CERTAINTY It seems certain that the project for the establishment of a co-operative doe plant in Marion will be realized. The matter is now in the hands of the Chicago? Builders and Manufacturers company, which will have plans prepared. within twenty days. Nearly all stock has been subscribed for and it is said that the new plant will certainly be a reality within a short time.

DR. SWADENER HAS A CALL FROM THE EAST Dr. Madison Swadener, pastor of the First: Methodist church in this city, has been asked to take charge of the work of raising funds for the McKinley Memorial building of the American University at Washington, D. C.3 The request was made by Bishob McCabe. It is necessary to secure about 000 for the completion and equipment of the memorial building at the national Methodist university.

The corner stone of the memorial building was laid some time ago by President Roosevelt. Swadener has not yet decided whether he will be able to take up the work. 'BILLY" SUNDAY IS TO RETURN Noted Evangelist Coming to Fairmount -Again--Says a Man Can Play, Professional Baseball and be Christian 1 1 Sunday, at whose shrine half the July 29. 11 4 Evangelist 4W. A.

Sunday- tabernacle, and, will' be at Fairmount baseball world daily burnt Its incense It was during the 1 heat 4 in the "good" "days of ost race, of the greatmoved over into Indiana last week, and baseball had known, -or- -has de preparing to crusade known, and when the battle for the state. make a of the was singled Indiana" gas: bolt is to. and Detroit, down to Chicago operating tall that' the great" change his ground this and He will open at Elwood 1 on a 3 3 HOTWATER SYSTEM FOR COURT HOUSE HOBSON MAY. SPEAK HERE Local Y. M.

C. A. is Negotiating With Agent PASSED MARION Noted Sea Captain at. Winona -He is in Trouble Just Now With the Naval Authorities The local Y. M.

O. A. has been negotiating with the agent of Captain Richmond P. Hobson for a date during the coming season. He has been traveling over the country delivering lectures at various points and It is believed that he would be greeted by a large audience it booked for Marion.

At the present time the captain finds himself in an awkward position, with the department, and hells now. practically under surveillance by the office of the surgeon general." a Captain' Hobson applied for a leave of absence for an indefinite length of time. This, was refused because the naval construction bureau is run on 0 short allowance of 3. officers and the building of tho new pavy has required the services of every available man. Since the war with Spain the record appears to show that Mr.

Hobson has had more and longer leaves of absence than any oficer in the construction corps, and for the last Heighteen months, except for a brief tour of duty at. Ellzabethport, N. his work hasbeen confined to serving as one of the representatives of the navy department at the expositions at Buffalo and Charleston. His duties in both: places were almost wholly nominal, and be had frequent opportunities, which ho availed himself of, to. dellter public lectures for a- compensation, In.

granting the leave of absence the surgeon general to; make an examinasecretary of the navy has, ordered. the tion for the purpose of Anding out are whether too weak Captain to do Hobson's service In eyes, which the navy, will not be injured by the glare of the lights and other work In connection with the preparation and delivery of lectures. JOHN BOSWELL PASSED BAD COIN Is in Jail and Tells Conflicting Stories in Connection With Money John Boswell, colored, was arrested last- night-and placed in jail charged with passing counterfeit money, Dogwell passed two counterfelt dollars on Fred Wehr, tho South Adams saloon man, yesterday evening, and when arrested at: Irst stated that the' money. was given to him by a stranger. Later he told several other stories as to: how he came in possession of the spurious -coins, and was locked up unt til the matter could be investigated.

This is the first counterfelt money reported to the police since the carnival, when a considerable sum of bad money was placed in circulation in this HIGH RENT Marion Citizen- Will It Ever Come Doton!" RESTAURANT THIEVES CONFESS TO POLICE Eating House at Home Corner Burglarized and Two Men Are Arrested Thieves broke Into Mrs. Nellie Clemens' restaurant at the Home corner Monday night and stole a quantity of eatables. The matter was not discovered until yesterday morning, when the police were notified. About 9:30 o'clock last bight Charles Nonamaker was arrested at the Home corner by Patrolman Massena and taken to police headquarters, where he was accused of the robbery. He confessed tor Captain.

White and Sergeant Williams, and stated that William Leach was with him at the time. Leach was arrested about an hour later at the Home cord ner, and both were placed in jail to answer for the 'Leach denied all knowledge of the affair. Has Recovered Gar Coan, the young man who was injured by a fall from a Soldiers' hom*o, car on the Fourth, was able to be down town yesterday; NOVEL SIGHT IN DIANA L. OIL FIELD First Oil Well Ever Shot at Night in Indiana Field, and Biggest Charge of Nitroglycerin Used in the State Drew a Crowd to Witness, the Spectacle 1 BE A Several people witnessed the shooting of the first oll well ever. shot at night in the state of Indiana, when the Co-operative Torpedo company, shot a well last night for Frank Stebbins on Lee Hall's property, corner.

Thirtieth and Selby streets. The well which was 1,090 feet deep was drilled in twelve days by. Al J. A Foreman, Frank Wintsworth and son and Applebee, and 500 quarts of, nitro- glycerin was used to shoot' the well. The shooters, Fred Mack and Tom Hayes; spent the entire day.

loading the well, and the cont over Enter Into Con tract With Marion Company INCLUDES JAIL AND RESIDENCE Both County Buildings to Be Lighted and Heated for Sum $4,000 Per Year. Contract for Ten Years 1 The board of county commissioners signed a contract with the Marion Light and Heating company yesterday to light and heat the court house and the proposed jail and sheriff's residence as soon as the latter is ready for, use, and to heat the present Jail during the The proposition is one that has been before the board for six weeks and Ono which was laid before the county. council at ita special session. That body authorized. the of commissioners to enter into' a contract with any Arm for that purpose, provided, the services could be obtained.

at a reasonable cost to the county. The terms of the "contract call for the lighting and heating of both structures for a period of ten years for the sum of $4,000 per year, with the right of the board to renew the contract for another ten years at the close of the first period. In addition to furnishing all light and heat the Marion Light and. Ileating company is to put in such, pipes and registers In tho court house and jail as may be necessary free of cost to the county and to maintain operate the heating and lighting without nny other expense to the county than the stipulated amount. Work on installing the beating apparatus for the court house will begin very soon and by, the time heat is required for fall and winter use the hot water system will, supplant the systems, now in vogue.

The board of county commissioners has been figuring on this for several! weeks, investigating the syatem and Its cost, and -have come to the conclusion that the offer made by the Marion Light and Heating company was one much- cheaper and better than any system that had been used or could be installed by the county. The cost of light and heat for the court house and jail for the past few years has been about $3,045 a year, which Includes the following items: For light and" heat, for help to run the plant, $700; for repaire, interest on the money invested and inoidentals, $600. Taking into consideration that a new plant would have to be installed when the proposed jail and sheriff's residence is comploted, and the uncertainty of gas for fuel, the board concluded that a than for the county to be 'at the excontract of this character la" better ponse of building a larger, heating picat or depending on gas for its heat, to say nothing of the lights. The approximate cost of a now plant. adequato for both the court house and the Jail placed at $16,000, In order to furnish light and heat the' county.

would be required to employ at least two mon at. a salary of a year, and on the same basis as the exponse for the past ten years has been Agured would cost the county, on a conservative estimate, $4,345 a year. Before the board, entered into contract. the members 'conferred many of the best informed men of county as to the desirability of making it. and on explaining the proposition to them received the assurance that thi contract was a good one for the countri ps Hon.

G. I. Shideler when asked regarding the, contract eald: "The proposition made and accepted by the board of county commissioners today guarantees proper light and he for the court house and Jail for, several years to come at a Axed amount. This amount will, upon investigation, show that it 19 less than the county could possibly construct and maintain plant equal to the emergency. "The Marion Light and Heating com pany has a "capacity of from 75,000, 90,000 foot of radiation.

With the com tract closed today something over, 000 feet has been contracted for, Ar will be Installed 'in the different bust ness houses around the square. Ho water heating is considered by. all bu the up-to-date manner of furnishing hout. The price we are offering, foot of radiation is less than franchis have been granted for a long term years in Muncie, Anderson, Indianapo lis and other points throughout state. "We will, with the proper encoura ment.

proceed to Install radiation: the Mead plant for the residence tricts. Possibly for the coming what. a few mains will be extended west. expect hot water to be the predomi nant heat in Marion in' a very. years.

It is economical, cleaaly, mad and the approved heat for Wo hope to be able to meat they demands that we certainly expect atta the "experiences of the coming have become known." WANT ORDINANCE REPEALED Peanut Men Organized to Fight Ret cent Order of Council The peanut men of Marion have formed an organization. A recent or dor: of the city council barred. them from using the streets and aldewalki for stand purposes. The purpose. of the 'organization formed is to! make! united effort to secure repeal of thi order against them.

Ad yet ouly th peanut men are included in theses: clation, but the hot sausage' men and the fruit sellers are also to bey ted. 0 The Weather Story For Indiana--Fair, thunder showers B. F. Williams, a painter, yesterday moved his family from Fox Station Marion. FINE PET DOG DELIBERATELY SUICIDES: Something 19 radically, wrong when a weli-bred dog, known and beloved as a good and well-behaved canine, commits suicide.

This happened in West Marion Monday afternoon. An in bound car on the West Marion line was walting on the street switch for an outbound car when the dog came up -and-looking about and "emolling the car deliberately crawled under the car and placed his head across the track in front of the wheel. When the outs bound car came up and the motorman on the still car rang his bell as a sign nal that he was about to start; hiss dogship: made no move whatever, bus seemed to be perfectly contented? have his head cut off by the wheel. was accommodated, and was soon the happy hunting ground. FIVE GENERATIONS WERE PRESENT Carey Family Reunion Held at Home of Elias.

Carey East of the City. Yesterday The annual Carey family' reunion was held yesterday at tho country restdence of Elins Carey, east of the city. There -were about fifty people in- attendance. -Mrs. Lydia Carey, the oldest member Tot tho" family, was present, and! nursed her daughter.

Isaac. Carey, aged 90 years, although very feeble, was one of the happiest members of the A fine dinner was served and all those who A hearlest ever placed in well In diana, and was required from the fact that: the well was what is a "dry. well." That is, thero, was no sign oil in sand. It was 9:30 last might when the largo gas jet the rig was turned out and Miss Bessie Jamieon, a handsome young lady from Hartford City, stepped, up' to the rig and dropped the 16- pound co devil down the six 'and onequarter inch casing. There was a sharp report the go-devil struck the water in the well, and in a terrible on took place, shaking the miles Another whizzing sound the out of the well several feet higher than the derrick.

-This tinued, for several minutes, when it died down and' the oil began to flow. Owing to the large amount of gAS which escaped from the wolf last night a light could not be struck, and the condition of the well could not be deptermined. It is thought, however, that the flow will be exceedingly large, and the owners of the well are more than satisfied. PIt is nothing unusual for a lady to drop the go devil, but Miss Jamison bolds the proud distinction of 'having dropped the go-devil which discharged the largest charge ever placed In a woll in Indiana, and the first well' to be shot at night. were present look forward with" pleas ant anticipation to the coming reunions: of which each hopes he will be able to attend many.

-Photographs wore taken of tho entire party by Hartsoot The out-of-town guests were:" Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Patterson and Mrs. FI. Patterson of Alexandria; Mra.

Irwins Overman of Amboy, Mrs. Jesse, Habeon of Kokomo, Mr. and Mra Joho and Mies Pierce af a.

Marion News-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.