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VOL.20 N0.10

Up All Night To Make Your Day

Liability and Parking

Senate Discusses Future Changes
Mr. Warren Ashmead, o ne of
the University attorneys, and the
Uni versity Insurance Carrier
represented by Mr. Wafter Roher
discussed the liability of students
and student organizations with
the upcoming rise in the drinking
age at the Student Senate meeting
Tuesday night. They both explained how the University's insurance
policy does and does not cover a
student dispensing alcohol sane•
tioned by the University and individually.
Mr. Roher related to the Senate
how Colgate is looked on as a
desired liability and that some
universities can't even gel ade-quate liability insurance. ('As long
as you act prudenlly in the
dispensing of alcoholic beverages
w e should have no problem,"
stated Mr. Roher. He advised the
students to act responsibly and
not unnecessarily cause a "free
claim" because of irresponsible
Concerning the University's insurance coverage Mr. Roher said,
" Any time you dispense alcohol
at a University sanctioned event
you are covered; however, if you
dispense alcohol individually you
should have your own policy." If
a student has parties and gives out

alcohol the student should have
his parents get an " umbrella
policy" that would cover him in
case of any accident. The Univer·
sity's insurance and/or " umbrella
Policy'' will only cover the liabili•
ty, or the monetary part of 1he
d ispute, i n an accident. If the inci dent i nvolves any break tn
criminal law, the student can be
arrested and charged including
the person or persons dispensing
the ,1lcohol.
Mr. Ashmead elaborated for the
students on the possible liability
and criminal action that would
result in a variety of hypothetical
cases. He stated, " Anyone who
knowi ngly serving anyone under
the age of 2 I is liable for that person's actions and can be taken to
court." He emphasized this fact
and mentioned that fraternities
who serve underage people in
their tap rooms are heading for
I rouble. If the fraterni1y is private·
ly owned then the fraternity officers and 1heir company will be
liable for the actions of the individual that drank there. The
university ~ned fraternities fall
under the university's policy.
If the intoxicated student gets
into an accident and kills SO·
meone or breaks any serious
criminal law, the penalties can be
very severe for the organization

and person servi ng the student
alcohol. In some cases, " Any per·
son 5erving drinks, if it is proven
that he served an04her person to
intoxication, can be sent to jail,"
stated Mr. Ashmead. The sponsoring organization could also be
held accountable in some instances.
The University has a very
cohesive and strong i nSurance
Policy covering itself and its
students in case of some ,mfortunate mishap. " Don't c-ause thi~
mis.hap to occur because of poor
judgement" was the bottom line
of the discussion.
In addition to this presentation
the Senate e-valuated ~ new Parki ng Proposal that would take effeet the next school year. The proposal states that freshmen.
sophom*ores, and juniors w ill 001
be able to park on campus before
3:00 p.m. Off-campus students
outside a new zone will be able to
park on the hill regardless of their
class year. The new zone includes
downtown and everythi ng
beyond, but noc fraternities or
university apartments.
Seniors will only be able to park
on the hill one semester of their
senior year. A-K would park the
first semester and L·Z would park
the second semester (this would
continued on page 3

Nicaragua Subverts Democr~cy
On Wednesday, November 13,
Practical·De(ense USA sponsored
a lecture by Cunin Windsor, Jr. on
the current Nicaraguan crisis. Ambassador to Nicaragua from 1983
to 1985, Windsor resigned the
pos it i on
disagreements with the United
States government over policies
being implemented in Cental
Windsor began his lectue with a
basic political history of Central
America, stating that ever since
the conquistadors, the pattern of
that land has been one o( tyranny
and insaability. Recently, many
Central American countries have
made genuine progress towards
implementing a democratic
sysaem of government. Nicaragua
is the e.xception to 1hat trend.
According 10 Windsor, the
revolution in Nicaragua was
never completed. True. the
former tyrannical dic1atorship was
overthrown, but the Sandinistas
who gained control soon made it
clear that no democratic govemment would be formed. The first
sign of this was the refusal o(
Costa Rican aid in favor of Cuban
aid to help rebuild the Nicaraguan
institutions which were in a
Windsor also discussed how the
Nicaraguan govemment adversely affects 1he democratic countries
in Central America, through acts
of terrorism, border conflicts, and
economic schemes. He also says
1he Sandinista, could be judged
by the company 1hey keep, linking them 10 1he PLO, Jhe Red
Brigade, and many other terrorist
armies, and reminded us that the
Nicaraguan staff military advisors
sent by the Bulgarians, the
Czecheslovakians, and 1he
The intentions o( the

Photo: /. Hsu
Curtin Windsor, fr. speaks about Nicaragua
Nicaraguans are to destabilize
lheir democratic neighbors, to
train terrorists and paramilitary
forces, and to force other govern·
ments into totalitarianism. All, this
This year's Charity Fund Drive
Windsor said, was toward the
purpose of creating the type of Committee, headed by Vikki
chaos that the Communisls are in- Anderson and Art Ticknor, is asking for the support of the entire
terested in.
Windsor lhen offered his own Colgate community in its effort to
"prop()Sals on how to handle 1he raise money for Madison County.
situation: First, the United States All money raised during the drive
has to stop planning to lose. will go to ten local charities
Democracy must win, but the specializing in aiding the county's
policies we are following are handicaped, elderly, young,
doubted by friends and enemies troubled and impoverished
alike. ·we must plan to win." citizens.
The Drive has gone quite well,
The United States can achieve this
by " turning the tables on the San· with a good deal of faculty indinistas, like we did Samoza." terest; but as yet, not much from
Finally, we have to stop recogniz- students. There have been,
ing the Sandinistas as the official however. quite a few activi1ies
government, as the other Central which were very successful and
American countries have. Only well attended. A Halloween
after recognizing and implemen· balloon and candy sale raised
ting these proposals can over S300. The sisters of Zeta
democratic change be brought Delta Pi sold pizza. at the varsity
hockey game, and Cecelie's had
continued on page 5




Students receive advice from faculty

Photo: /. H su

Advising Fair Meets Need ·
Confused and doubtful students
had their uneasy minds somewhat
relaxes last Tuesday night at the
first Advising Fai r in the Hall of
Presidents. From 7pm until 1()pm,
professors, honors students. and
counsetors answered questions
for the few students who attended.
Mary Palmer, Head Residen1 in
Stillman Hall and Coordinator for
the Fair, said it was " intended to
provide suppon to academic advisors as well as to students." As
Palmer made a sign for the Peace
Studies booth, she indicated the
types of questions a student attending the Fair mighl have. The
questions could cOncem Spring
scheduling, requirements for majors, off-campus slUdy groups,
~areer planning, etc. According to
Palmer, the Fair was meant for
any student, however mostly
freshmen and sophom*ores attended. If it proves successful, iJ
may become a semesteriy event.
Sally Campbell. Dean o(
Freshmen, said, ''I was concerned
about first year students preparing
1heir Spring course schedules and
receiving advice." When the idea
for the Fair came up at an RA lunche0n about a month ago, the
two women immediately acted
upon it with much s.uppart from
the facuhy. They con1acted
depanment heads through Dean
Trout and requested a faculty

representative and an honors student from each department or
program to attend the Fair.
Dean Campbell mentioned
another reason for the Advising
F.iir: to minimize the number of
students wanting to drop/add
once the semester begins. By
answering questions concerning
courses beforehand. Dean campbell sees disillusionment about
certain courses decreasing.
Teri Delgado, an RA in East
Stillman (the location of the
Dewey-Newman Center. one
sponsor of the Fair), had her own
thoughts concerning the Fair's
purpose. "This is an opportunity
for students to talk to other
students, get a different kind of insight than just the professors',
although 1he professoB' inslghis
are v,ery helpful and valuable."
There was a general confusion
among those students queslioned
concerning requirements as e.xplained by the Handbook.
Sophom*ore Krista Hagenah said,
. "II (the Fair) is definitely a good
idea because I didn't undestand
what it said in the catalog." Aip
Wiehl, also a sophom*ore, was
"surprised at the language requirement for international relations." Freshmen David Schwartz
was " absolutely in the dark. total~
ly lost about what I had to take for
my major. Now I'm not, so ii was
exlremely helpful."
Michael Hayes, political
Continued on page 3

Talent Show Raises Money For Fund Drive
an open house with all proceeds Shriver.
The first prize of $150 in the
going to charity. However. the
most successful fundraiser to date group category was given to three
has been Wednesday night's break dancers known as Triple
Talent Show in 1he Hall of Alliance. The second place group,
five Swinging 'Gates calling
the Hamilton
The 1985 Talent show. sponsored by the senior honor society, Transfer, donated their S75 prize
Konosioni, proved beneficial for' to the Charity Fund Drive.
In the individual category jug·
all involved. NOC only was a good
deal of money raised for charity, gle, extraordinaire Adam Friedbut the audience and participants man walked away with top
seemed to enjoy themselves as honors and $100. There was a sewell. The show featured jugglers, cond place tie between jugsingers, ac-1ors, dancers and even gler/magician Dave Culton and
editor-in-chief of 1he Colgate , singer John Schwartz. Each per·
Maroon, Dave Talbot, performing former received S2S. Finally a
his very own piano composition. prize of $50 was awarded to the
All proceeds from the $2 admis-- funniest aCI of 1he evening, the
sion fee. totalling S310, went to · Elftones. All prize money was
charity. Prizes were also awarded donated by the sorority Gamma
10 1he beSI acts by a panel of Phi Bela and fratemities Phi Tau,
judges composed of Deans Camp- Chi Omega Rho, ATO and Beta.
bell, locke-Endy, Glos and
continued on oaRe J

The Cold and Flu

Turner Tees Off:

Last night we were treated to a flurry of snow. This snow 1
seems to be as good an opportunity as any to write the
obligatory editorial on weather. We at the N ews embarked upon journalistic inquiries and d[scovered that weather
To the Editor:
is not only the most popular subject this week on campus,
In response to Tom Fine's (Fine gate with the strenuous academic
it is also popular on T.V. News and in USA Today. The ,
Points 11/8/SS) column concern. den",1nds that are placed upon us.
subject of weather has gained substantial credibility this
Running a sports section is no
ing the apparent neglect of the re~
week. WIXT Channel 9 News featured it alongside Presi,
cent successes of Eugene Robin· bed of roses. A Sports Editor is
dent Reagan's address to the nation on Thursday.
son ' 85, an integral member of respon.sible for the content of ap.
It has rained for at least seven days straight in Hamilton,
the NFL's Se•nle Seahawks, I proximately 30 percent of a
New York. There are many implications that emerge from
believe Mr. Fine clearly illustrates newspaper. This means finding
reporters, chasing reporters and
such an environment.
that from a stattStical standpoint as
wriling your own
Biologically, the cold, wet weather creates a fertile
finally, after ac·
breeding ground for incapacitating illnesses like colds or
complishing all of that to the best
flus. Politically, the voter turnout last week on Election
the Year Award, Tim Driver '85 of your ability, you lay the section
Day was reduced. Several political experts have suggested
was indeed a more worthy can· out for the printer the night before
that Roy Bernardi's chances for Syracuse mayor were
didate for such honors. I do the paper is published. The time
seriously impaired by t he foul weather. Economically the
involved amounts to somewhere
believe however, that this does
merchants downtown have begun to feel the effects of
not accurately answer Mr. Bevac· between 15 to 25 hours a week,
prolonged rain-induced indoor activity. The social atqua's rword 11/1/85) p,ima,y depending on how the rest of
mosphere of strolling and shopping have been seriously
point, that being, why hasn't an your life is treating you.
A sports secttOn's first priority is
curtailed by the arrival of an unfriendly climate.
article been written about Eugene
keep the Colgate community
Most importantly, the psychological effects of this exinformed
of the successes and
The answer to this question is
tended period of ugly, dark ·skied, moisture have been
much simpler and devoKI of con· failures of its Si)Orts teams. This
broad and significant. As any lib rarian has observed this
As Sports Editor of both ·priority gobbles up whatever netweek, the attendance at Everett-Needham Case is
News and Maroon during my work of reporters you have to
significantly larger than normal for this time of year.
academic tenure at Colgate, I am cover the minor sports at Colgate.
Superficial analysis of this data may lead one to conclude
indeed fully aware o( the suc• As a Sports Editor, I believe we
that bad weather leads to good grades at Colgate. Unforhave done an excepcional job
cesses of our recent Colgate
tunately, quite the opposite is true. Tension, d istracting
Red Raider sports.
graduates in the professional
Beyond that priority, the
c hatter, lounge room antics, illegal beverages, 9athroom
ranks, yet not much attention has
been paid to their accolades resources run thin and the ideas
grafitti and document vandalism have all hit November
run rampant. But who's to for·
either. Eugene Robinson does not
h ighs this week. Rather than provide a mental s~elter from
late these i deas into
the storm, the Colgate library has been the center of social
No one really. For ex·
It applies to their likes of Rich
activity and academic backsliding. While many students
we ran a series that
Erenbel'g (although there has
may hope that the rain might act as a catalyst for scholastic
the scenes
been print about him), Steve
achievement, it seems instead that the forecast is gloomy
peopf.e i n our sports community,
Calabria, Jonh Joyce, Jon Kimmel,
for the transcript as well as the weekend.
a look into those people who
Jeff Cooper. Steve Smith, Eric
Internationally reknowned literary critic George Lukacs
receive little recognition for the
Jones, and others.
was well aware of the position of man in his environment.
The neglect stems from the in. hard work they put forth in mainHe observed, ''The more that circ*mstances [such as
ability of a sports section to ade- taining the Colgate tradition of exquately accomodate the tremen· cellence. Dennis Bishop '88 did a
weather] define man, the more difficult this problem
dous demands placed upon it. A r· temendous ;ob with the profiles
seems, and the more the very atmosphere appears to ab·
but I' ll always remember the
tides are not written wilh mirrors;
sorb alf into itself. Man, distinct contours, no longer exist,
times he'd come down to the
only air, only the atmosphere." Despite claims of physical
and effort. These resources simply News office at three thirty in the
a nd mental liberation, humankind is enveloped and
morning with his article and the
are not in abundance here at Colenslaved by the air that surrounds them. The sky above
our University is in the throes of climatic battle betrween
blue and gray, between dry and wet. As a result, we at
Colgate are subjected to yet another factor beyond our

:ditors Don't Get No Respect

Note From


Executive Editor
Tom Adams

Carl R. Goldberg
Managing Editor
Ann 8. Phillips


News Editors
Myron Rabij
Deborah Bailin

To the Editor:

On behalf of the Colgate Chris·
Sports Editors

Commentary Editors
James Cecchi
Steve Laux

Jamie Davis
Tom Fine

Arts Editors
Jane McNiven
Anne Mantegna

Photography Editors
John Hsu
Mark Baxter, Sports

BaciLisa Salvatore

Advertising Editor
Stepher. Hersh

Jeanne Oemento

Copy Editor

Graphics Editor

Jenny Marshall

Dave Kelley

Staff: Cayle McCorrian, Scott Kerr, Jon "Scoop" Citrin, John
Sz0$tak, Sunil Paul, Carin Reynolds. Jennifer Schaeffer, Otis Otis,
Matt Lisle, Dave Hart, John E. Thompson, Jr., Pete Abdella, Tom

Pencils: Chvck Coeben, Cliff Sirlin, Mark Baxter

litttttS Policy: The Colgate News encourages commems

0n news

coveratJe, ediror,al policy and Vnwt'rsity affairs. Leners should be
typew,iuen, double-spaced, SJ'sned by no more thJJn rwo peopJe. and not
,Onge, than 30 lines. Lttt('rs from alumni shovld include the ma;o, and
year of graduation of the writer. All writers should provide their address
and phone number fo, verification of the letter. The News ,ese,ws the
r,Slu ro edit letters for leng1h, ,nd to reject leue,s ii thty a.re libelous or do
nOl c011form lo sranda,ds of 1JOOd taste. The News c.annot gua,amee
publication of all (he leuers it receives.


About the News: The Colg.1te News is published weekly whil«- classes are
in sessN)I) by studenu of Colgate Unive,siry. The opinions expressed
herein rep,~1 those of a majotity of the edlto,i,t board and noc
n('('t>SQrily those of the administration o, the Student Association of Col·
gare University.
Ofr,ces a1eloc0Hedon the third floor oft.he Student Vnk>n. Mail should be
addressed ro The Colgate News. Box 688, Colgate University, Hamilton,
N~ Yo,k 13346. Subscriptions JU! $15.00 per year. Office telephone
n umbet is 3 IS--824·1000 ext. 745. Publication numt,e, is S62120.

1/ November IS, 1985 THE COLGATE NEWS ·

tian Fellowship, I would like to express my gratitude to the Colgate
campus for its overwhelming support of the food drive carried out
on Monday. October 27. I ampleased to announce that we col·
lected fifteen boxes or food for the

food bank located at the 8aptiSI
Church and tha1 many needy
families will be helped because of
the generosity of the Colgate cam·
pus. Over the years. I have read
many articles that have been
critical of Colgate students, and I
wish that the authors of those articles could have been with us on
Monday night. The loving and
joyous way in which the students
donated their food truly impress,.
ed and uplifted me, and I'd just
like to compliment the Colgate
students for their concern for the
hungry and for their willingness to
help mitigate, in a concrete way,
the needs of the hung,y. In our
collection, we were only able to
''hit" the Colgate apartments, a
few of the houses on the row, and
a few of the dorms; however, we
will be sponsoring another food
drive in the spring, and we. hope
to collect food from all the dorms,
houses, and apartments. Thanks
again for yoUr help, and I pray
you will be as generous when we
come around agaiJl in the spring.
Louis Markos

Colgate Chrisiian Fellowship

printer was but two hours from
picking up the final coP)'.
What I'm getting at is that stu·
dent publications do not get the
respect nor recognition that is
deserving of them. These publica·
tions are taken for granted and a

ve,y sm•II group of dedic•ted
peopl~ risk thei r GPA's in order to
deliver the news to the Colgate
community. The editors do not
get paid nor do they receive
academic credit for their time and
effort. It's a 1hankless task for a

thankful purl)OSO.
As Sp0rts Editor, I feh it was my
obligation to preserve, through,
the press, one of 1he finesr athletic
traditions of a school of such small
size with. such a tremendous
academic excellence. The com.
bination of the two is one I'm very
proud of and I have always tried
to convey this through my sports
section. I've done the beSI I can,
with what I've had. And it really
hits home when someone can
come up 10 you (sometimes SO·
meone you don't even know) and
say, " great section. Paul.'' To me,
that's what it's all about.
To be accused of not writing
about someone and being insinuated as a racist represents the
ultimate slap in the face. The Colgate press is an open forum for ex·
press.ion. This applies 10 a sports
section as well. So the next time
anyone has a gripe about SO·
meone on something not receiving proper press, sit down and
w rite an article. We'd be more
than glad to print it.
Paul "T. J." Turner

Who Says

You Can't
It All?
Write for the

Staff Meeting

8:00 p.m.
3rd Floor
Student Union

Students Show Talents For Charity
continued from page 1
The next major fundraising
event on the agenda is the facultv-

staff auc1ion scheduled for
November 23. This year's auctioneer will be Professor R.V.

Smith, who will also donate a
square dance fully equipped with

Scou Meiklejohn, a tour of
Madison County in Professor of
Chemistry Rowlen's airplane, c1
bed and breakfast for four for
graduation, and even the services
of 1he Jazz Band, 1he Colgale Thir-

teen or the Swinging 'Gates for an

a band and himself as caller.
01her notable i"ms up for auction

include: a

(ully · catered

lobSler dinner for four from
SAGA. yes SAGA!; a brunch with

The main goal for the remainder
of the Charity Fund Drive, according to co-chairperson Art
Ticknor, is to encourage faculty

and students 10 send in direc1
donations. All such direc1 dona.
tions will be splil among the ten
Madison County charities, unless
earmarked for a specific charity.
All students livirig on campus will
be contacted by their dorm
representatives and RA.s regarding
proper procedures for donations.
All faculty and off-campus
s1udents will be contacted by the
Charity Fund Orive Committee.
Donations are to be sent in campus mail 10 Box 2000.

This year's Charily Fund Drive
pamphlet sums up the sentiment
regarding this very worthy cause:
"Madison County has no major
city from which it can draw
money 10 assist its people in need.
The Charity Fund Drive Committee feels it is our responsibility at
Colgale 10 help make up 1he difference-Madison County needs
our support. With a linle sacrifice
we can help those in our midst
who are less fortunate. Let's do
our part-open the 'Gate to
... Madison County."


, Advising




Art Ticknor an

Vikki Anderson




Photo: J. Hsu

Group Sponsors Nuclear
Awareness Film And Vigil
This Sunday evening marks 1he
beginning of an effort to increase
the social awareness on the campus concerning nuclear arms. The
Three Minutes 'Til Midnight
organization is sponsoring some.
events this week in accordance
with the approaching Geneva
summit talks.
The first o( these events will be
the showing of the film, Threads
in 209 Lathrop at 7:30 p.m. on
Sunday. This British Broadcasting
Company produccion depicts lhe
effect of as nuclear war on British
society. It also focuses on what
the survivors will face following a
nuclear holocaust and the probability of a second generation.
The second stage of this
schedule includes a faculty teachin. Although the list of speakers
has yel 10 be disclosed, Lynne
Woehrle of Three M inutes 'Til
Midnight, did comment on the
proposed 1opics. The session intends to provide as much information as possible about the current
nuclear arms negotiations in
Geneva. In addition, there will
also be a brief analysis of the situation of balance of nuclear strength

between the United States and
the Soviel union.
All these events, however, lead
up to the p,articipation in a nationwide candle light vigil. According
to Woehrte, this idea was borrow·
ed from the Committee For A
Sane Nuclear Policy (S!\NE). The
proceedings begin at 6:30 p.m.
on the steps of the Chapel. From
there the group will walk
downtown and then return to
Bunche House, stopping at certain points to allow for personal
readings. These readings offer an
opportunity for anyone to present
a selection of poetry, ~ad their
works, or juSI express their own
feelings corlreming the nuclear
arms dilemma. Another member
of Three Minutes 'Til Midnight
said, ''The vigil serves as a reflection of what people are trying to
do as a community for peace."
Woehrle also mentioned 1hat the
vigil is for everyone and thar all
are welcome to participate. She
hopes that 1his symbolic gesture
along with the other events will
promote a feeling of "personal

continued from PtlRe J
science professor, had "a wide
variety of questions from students.
Most seem to be freshmen and
sophom*ores." Chuckling, Professor Hayes admitted that "one
guy asked me 'What will a
politic.al science major do for me
after I graduate?' " Marilyn Thie,
Aeling Oireclor of Women's
Studies. said, "It's a wonderful
idea, but I wish we had more
students here." By 8:00 only two
slUdents had approached her
table. Poor anendence was a
general concern and surprise 10
many of the faculty present.
Senior Reed McEwan, a
Geology honors sludent, was ask·
ed if a similar fair would have
been helpful when he was a
freshman. ''I don't know if I
would have anended." admined
McEwan. ''I probably would have
said 'Why do I have to worry
about this nowr But I think it's a
good idea. I know 1hat I struggled
for two years thinking of different
majors, different avenues to
follow in my career."
'"A 101 of people here probably
wanted to walk in and say, 'Okay,
advise me,' " thought freshmen
Howard Matteson. ''The problem
is the questions would have to be
in your mind. Since I haven't
thought about it yet, I'm nOI going
to learn anything. Next year when
I'm confused about what to major
in, I'm probably going to say,
'Damn, I wish 1 had asked about it
at the Advising Fair.' "

Drunkenness Tested At Pub
drinking session; their rate of consumption was typical of any camTo better acquaint Colgate pus party. In less than three hours
students with the problem of each student was legally drunk
drunken driving, Dewers wilh blood alcohol con1en1 (BAC)
Distributors of Utica, the ranging between .16 {Paul Hunter
Hamilton Police Force and aher eigh1 beers) and .28 (Steve
WRCU spansored their bi-annual Hines after eleven beers). Each
Alcohol Awareness Nigh t student still considered himself
Wednesday in lhe Pub. The event " buzzed" but capable of driving.
demonstrates how one's blood II was only through standard cooralcohol
leve l
increases dination tests given by the
arithmetically with the number o( Hamilton Police which proved
drinks consumed. Pamphelts fill- them unfit to perform even
ed with statistical information simplistic operations like walking
were. distributed. However, the a specified number of paces foron-sight drinking and breath ward and back.
analysis test most successfully
displayed the issue.
Each individuaJ has a different
level of tolerance, therefore it is
Four Colgate students, John possible £or many persons to conDunn, Steve Hines, Paul Hunter sume only three drinks in a twoand Sue Jacoby volunteered to hour period and have a .08 SAC,
particapte in a four hour social which is contension for OWAI


Mime Performs For Fast
Next Thursday, November 2151, mime Eliot Funtushel from the
Mime Workshop in Rochester will perform in the Hall of
Presidents. Spansored by the Hunger Task Force and the Kellogg
Grant, Funtushel's performance is part of a day long fundraiser
for Oxfam America.
Members of lhe Colgate and Hamilton community are invited
to help support 1he work o( Oxfam America by taking part in the
twelfth annual Fast for a World Harvest. SIUdents on SAGA meal
ptans are urged to give up their meals on Thursday and have a
monetary amount equal to what the meals would have cosi,
donated to Ox:fam by SAGA. Sign~up sheets for faSling will be
available in lhe dining halls for three days before the fast.
People not on a SAGA board plan a(e invited to fast and then
donate wha1 they would have spent for 1hat day's food to Oxfam
through the Hunger Task Force. All participants are welcome 10
come to a Break-the-Fast meal in the Hall of Presidents at
6:00 o.m. on Thursday the twenty.first.

Plum .Elected To Lobby
Student Association president Jay Plum has been elected Vice
Chairman of the lndeper\dent Student Coalition. Th'e ISC is a lobbying group for the independent schools in New York including
such schools as Columbia, Cornell and Hamilton College. The
election was held this past weekend at the ISC conference in

Islam Threatens U.S.S.R.
HAMILTON~- Martha Olcott, chairman of Colgate University's
political science department, has been awarded a $29,903 grant
from the National Council for Soviet and East European Research
for a research project titled u1slam and Nationalism."
Olcott, who teaches courses in Middle Ea.st politics and the
Soviet UntOn, will focus her research on how leading Soviet
orientalists undersiand the threat which Islam poses to political
stability in the Middle East and South Asia.
She is basing her research on materials gath~red from libraries
in the United States and the U.S.S.R. and from interviews already
conducted in the U.S.S.R. and planned for another visit there in
1986. Olcott has conducted several Colgate study programs in
"At the conclusion of my project," notes Olcott, " we will be in
a position to better assess 1he quality of unclassified analysjs the
policy analysts and strategists are receiving, and to speculate on
the potential impact of the literature on Islam and na1ionalism on
foreign policy formation." The grant provides support (or Okott's
research-related travel and the services of a multilingual research
assistant in addition to released time from her teaching responsibilities at Colgate.

Geologist Studies Margin
Cynthia Evans, assistant professor of geology at Colgate University, has been awarded a grant by the TexasA&M Research Foun.
dation to study petrology and geochemistry of the basem*nt
rocks which were recovered during ocean drilling in the Galicia
Margin off the coasts of Spain and Portugal.
The basem*nt rocks were recovered during ocean drilling P~O·
gram leg 103 when Evans was a member of the shipboard
scietific party of the drilling vessel Joides Resolution.
The Galicia Margin is a continental margin which was rifted
about 135 million years ago during the opening of the Atlantic
Ocean, and was separated from Newfoundland. The basem*nt
rocks which were recovered include both rhyolite (an igneous
rock typically found on continents) and peridotite (a rock
possibly from the mantle). The relationship of these rocks with
the rifted margin and the continental-oceanic crustal transition,
as yet unknown, is the subject of Evans' study.
Evans will gather geochemical and petrographic data on these
rocks and will compare the Galicia Margin perid01i1es with other
North Atlantic peridotites. ''The existence of these upper mantle
rocks at the continental-oceanic transition is unusual and problematical," says Evans. " How did they get there? Hopefully, the
compositional and Sluctural data on these rocks will lend insight
into the rifting process."

(Driving while Ability Impaired).
In New York a first offender of
DWAI has a S250 manda1ory fine,
along with up to 15 days in jail
and a 90 day license suspension.
OWi (Driving While Intoxicated)
is when the SAC is over .10. First
offenders of OWi have a maximum $500 fine, 6,month license
revocation and one year jail
sentence. Second round offenders
have a maximum SS,OCX> fine, one
year license revocation and up to
four years in jail. To this Sue
Jacoby replied with a .19 BAC,
·wow, four years ... that's a lot
of coloring books!"
Since roughly 10 percent of all
weekend night drivers are legally
intoxicated, the sponsors of
Alcohol Awareness Night believe
that alcohol education is vital for

Friday, N ov. 15- Semor
Club! Back Bacon Beer Parlor
- 8-10 pm. Free beet and
Friday, Dec. 6- A Nigh, at
the safety of those that choose to
drive, and to drink. A Colgate
observer stated. ''The saying
'friends don't let friends drive
drunk' finally hits home."




Don't Forget Your Senior
Du e5! Payable to Peter
Hawkins- Box 1092


fHE COLGATE NEWS Novembff 15, 1985 13


. .. . .


Semester At Sea: Different
Cultures Come To Life

Open For


cess to their professors, and the
relationships that are formed are
usually held by 1igh1 bonds.

"Semester at sea is far more rhan
a travel adventure. It is a ques{ for
Today, Semester at Sea is the
knowlege about our world; it is a only fully accredited, liberal arts
meaningful preparation for use,· it
university that travels world wide.
is an eager investigation of unive,.
In the past 20 years, almost
sal ideas; and it is a close personal 20,000 undergraduate students
relationship built on incernacional





I •


... ...

The Colga1e obseiva1ory will be


open to the public this weekend
(November 15-17) for viewin.g of
Halley's Comet and other
celestial objects. Weather permitting, several telescopes (including
the observatory's 16" reflector)
will be set up on Friday. Saturday,
and Sunday evenings from 8:00 to

have panicipated in this unusual

interesis, between students and program. Held on the S.S.

Paul Gebhart

Semester at Sea is a program
SPonsored by the University of Pit·
tsburgh, and has been operating
for 22 years. Originally known as

The University of the Seven Seas,
then World Campus AOoat,
Semester at Sea offers two Hips
around the world per year. Each

of these trips is 100 days long.
which include-s SO days spent in
the classroom and SO days in the
ports of various developed and
developing countries.

While in these countries,
students gain the field ex•
pe,iences that enhance their shipboard learning. By visiting
museums. universities, and attending performances of music,
dance, and drama, the students
gain further insight into the
cultures of the various countries.
With additional tuition, students
can also participate in trips to
places of historical impartance
and cultural interest. However
the majority of travelling is done
by the students alone, or in a
small group.
The program is run on a ship for
a variety of reasons. The slowness
of a ship as compared to other
forms of transportation is ideal for
learning, in that the time between
ports is a perfect amount of
classroom time. The classes that

Universe, an 18,000 ton cargo
ship that has virtually been converted into a floating campus, the
program accepts 500 students
from around the country each
semester. The ship itself is airconditioned, and contains among
other things, a theatre, student
union, bookstore, hospital, swimming pool, 14 classrooms, a dining hall, various offices and an
11,000 volume library. It also
holds a faculty of approximately
22 professors and a staff of 120
Taiwanese and Philippino crew
members. Joe Curl, a senior here
at Colgate who participated in
Semester a1 Sea last spring,
described it as a "very unique
The basic goals of the program
are to help students gain insight
and under$1anding of foreign
cultures so as to more effectively
interpret the current problems in
the world today, while expanding
their view of their own country.
These goals were e.s1ablished by
the Institute for Shipboard Education, a non-profit corporation lhal
is one of the two main entities of
the program. The University of
Piusburgh provides the academic
curriculum and most of the professors. The program is supported
by The lntemation Association for
Shipboard Education.
Offering 60-70 courses each

"The facl that many countries are visited
allows for an in-depth comparison of various
cultures, while on-board the ship, a close atmosphere is quickly established."
are offered are followed up by
field work in each of the ports,
thus the students can gain solid
background knowlege about a
country, so that the actual time in
that country is more meaningful.
The fact that many countries are
visited allows for an indepth comparison of various cultures, while
on-board the ship, a close atmosphere is quic.kly established,
the students have much better ac-


Semester At Sea ship docked at a faraway port
the University to get 1hese credits,
his gains from the trip seem irreplacable. For students interested in Semester at Sea, Joe
will be showing a video and
holding a discussion sometime
before Chri~mas vacation.
Semester at Sea is only slightly
more expensive than a semester
here at Colgate. From reading the
literature, and hearing Joe talk
about his experience, it is easy to
see that this is an opportunity that
would be hard to match. People
seem to gain from this program an
immedia1e enjoyment and long
run growth and understanding
that is extremely unique.

semester, the program has an ad- "My faith in Cod, and the future is
mirable range of academics. In unshakeable because I have met
addition to the courses, it visits and supped with peoples Of the
the cities of Cadiz, Piaeus, lstan· world. Everywhere there is a deep
bul. Alckandria, Bombay, Hong commitment to solving our
Kong, Keelung, and Kobe, begin- mutual problems. I am convinced
ning and ending in the U .S. Joe that together we c.an create a
Curl, who spoke extremely more peaceful, more plemifuf,
posi•'vely of the experience, was and a more pleasin8 world."
able 10 ge1 4 Colgale credils by
Lloyd Lewan
taking 5 courses on his semester.
Former Executive Dean
Ahhough he fell he had 10 fighl
of Semester at Sea

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41 Novl'ffl~ lS,.19.8;5 TH E COLGATE N EWS



The film, Lay My Burden Down
(1 932) by Jack Willis, was shown

on November 13 in the Cultural
Center. The film centered on the
degree of racial discrimination
and inequality still present in the
Oe,ep South. especially among
black sharecroppers and tenant
Twenty years after 1he Civil
Rights march from Selma to Mon·
tgomery, Alabama,, the film shows
that the schools are only slightly
integrated; there are no black
policemen, school administrators
or public officials; " Private Clubs"
excluding blacks still exist; blacks
are saill being harassed by the
The people are caught up in a
vicious cycle of poverty. They are
continually in debt, borrowi ng
from the white plantation owner
money for food, clothing, seed


and fertilizer. On the farms,
machinery is not seen; the men
still plow with a horse and handgather the harvest. When
machinecy is used, it replaces
black labor. These people are surviving on the smallest sums of
money. With a per capila income
less than $1 ,000, they have work-

ed all day 10 earn $3.50.
According 10 the film, this cycle
of poverty and debt is reinforced
by the education system. Many
children are needed to help plow
and harvest; white supervisors do
not enforce the attendance laws.
The schools are still very
segregated in the poor rural
south. A black children's school
has planks missing from the walls
and windows broken. The
building is heated by an old pol·
bellied stove. There is no plumbing, no books, no blackboards
and not enough chairs. The
children who RO there are
continued on pase 6

Registrational meeting on

7:00 p.m.

St •.Mary's Pa-rish Center
w . Kendricks Ave-Across From Hamilton Hi!!h School

82 Lebanon St.
Hamilton, N.Y.

Med. 2.75
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Try our Milkshakes



Tues., Dec. 3rd

Every Sat. Sun.
Chinese food

We DerlYer

''Lay My Burden Down ''


OFF Campus Deli

Pi:uarla & Family Restaurant

Halley's Comet has been steadi·
ly brightening as it approaches the
sun. Last Friday, the comet was
bright enough to be easily seen
with binoculars by Colgate
ascronomers. This weekend will
be a good time to look for the
comet. It will be located just a few
degrees from a prominent group
of stars- The Pleiades. Look for a
small "dipper shaped" group of
stars (about the angular size of the
full moon) in the low Eastern sky
early in the evening. The comet
will be within a binocular's field
of view distance from the
Pleiades. The comet will appear
as a "fuz.zy" extended (distinctly
non-stellar) object.
The next time to view the comet (without a bright moon in the
sky) will be in early December.
Observatory open house hours for
this period will be announced at a
la1er date.

MCAT CLASSES start in Feb.


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Science And The Arms Race
On, Monday November 11th,
Professor of physics Pe1er Stein
spoke on "Science and the Arms
Race." Stein received his degree
from MIT and is currently on
tenure at Cornell University. He

lectures 10 students because he is
"worried about how science im-

pacts society."
Professor Stein recounted how

he first became involved with
nuclear weapons as a boy of 13
when he heard that the United
Slates had exploded a bomb that
"gave us the ability to make

"system to protect us," Stein continues. ''The freeze movement
has portrayed upowerful
symbols" of flowers and children
being destroyed by the arms race.
Stein believes " these Powerful
symhols have been taken from us
wilh these symbols being shown

to be protected by Star Wars." He
feels "we are now forced 10 argue
a position that seems absurd."
Three major points characterize
the Position of "the other side,"
Stein said. First they argue that
people against Star Wars "believe

decided "I want to get into that

professor and never had to make

the transition to 1he military
sphere." In his early years of
research Stein felt a great sense of
excitment when working with
physicists who had worked at Los
Alamos. At the time " I didn't
think much about the arms race; I
knew it could mean the end of the
world but I also knew what 10
and 10 is, and it's no big deal."
His wife became involved in a
nuclear freeze event and it was
over a dinner conversation 5
years ago that he "flipped." Stein
decided that "the arms race was
crazy." " I know I'm not saving
the world," Stein said, by making
lectures. When people ask if they
can do anything about the arms
race the apparent answer is "no."
"On the 01her hand if no one gets
·involved nothing will happen and
the result is 1he end of the world."
Stein focused on why he
believes the plan for Star Wars is

the Soviets can destroy the United
States and therefore we refuse to
protect ourselves." Secondly, the
other side says, "let's investigate
to see if we can do it." And the
anti-nuke movement says "it
won'I work." Thirdly, proponents
of SDI argue "What's the harm in
trying" and "we say 'No, don't
try' so therefore we don't want to
defend the country."
''Our arguments," says Stein
"sound crazy and unreasonable"
in this context. ''They are harder
views," he continued, "to defend
than flowers and children." Stein
believes in MAD (mutually
assured destruction); the idea
"that we couldn't threaten to use
nuclear weapons anymore when
the Soviets build them."
The Strategic Defense Initiative.
doesn'1 violate any fundamental
law of physics. Yet, it won't woric,
Stein believes, "because there is
no fixed go.al." According to him,
Siar Wars exhibits "the fallacy of

"Before Star Wars it was easier to explain that
the world was dangerous and the weapons had
to be stopped. Star Wars then comes along as a
system to 'protect' us."
bad. Star Wars "has complicated
life for those against the arms
race," he said. "Before Siar Wars
it was easier to explain thal the
world was dangerous and the
weapons had to be stopped." Star
Wars then comes along as a

be detected, he believes, for
"we're not dealing with dummies
who don't know they're up
there." Stein suggested to look at
SDI from the Russian perspective.
"The U.S. has got this immense,
complicated thing up in the sky
that couldn't be buih on earth and
now is talking about putting it in

" The heavens will be filled with people aiming
weapons at each other . .. if you think the world
is unstable now, think how unstable it will be."

peace." He remembered thinking
how ''wonderful" it was and

According to Stein it "all came
out well; I ended up as a physics

The Soviet Union is the "very
high technological society that's
the moving target,'' S.ein said.
Thus, the many satellites placed in
the sky for Star Wars system will

the last move: the idea that it will
end the arms race permanently."
The problem with this is "we're
facing a moving target; facing
wha1 the other side has been do
ing to face what we've been do•

Stein said that the Star Wars
system, which is "very delicate
and vulnerable." will have the
ability to destroy thing.s on the
ground, based on a very complicated and precise timing
m~r.hanism." With all their
technolog1, !he Soviet Union can
figure out how to destroy it and
with no time pressures. This,
coupled with the "idea that to de
fend something in the sky is easier
than on earth," is "crazy and one
of SOi's essential weaknesses"
says S1ein.
"A lot is Josi" in respQnse to the
argument "what's the harm in try·
ing," Stein says. The whole
history of the arms race shows the
fallacy of the las1 move, Stein continues, "the lack of imagining
what the other side will do." The
countermoves of SDI "will leave
us less secure today," Stein con·
First, said Stein, the Soviets will
woric on an anti.SOI system. "The
heavens will be filled with people
aiming weapons at each other,"
he s.aid, "and if you think the
world is unstable now, think how
unstable ii will be." There will
also be ways 10 get around Star
wars, according to S.ein. The
United States now knows where
the Soviets weapans are. Once
"SOI is instiluled, their locati6n
will become a tremendous
military secret," he added. The
locations of Soviet weapQns will
be "guesses" and if "vou think

Ye Olde
Landmark Tavern

Pe,e, Abdella., representing Caribou College, gesticulate$ a po;nt
during Thursday's Pub debate. The Cog/ate leam of Jon Berenson
and Steve Laux faced the Caribou team of Thomas R.amsey and
Abdella. The resolution, "One man's vulgarity is another man's
ly,;c" provided for a lively and colorful debate.

the world is uncertain when you
know exactly where they are,
Stein emphasized "imagine how
it will be when we have no idea
where the weapons are."
The essential analysis of the past
10 years of the arms race "shows
that the strategic balance hasn't
changed much," Stein observed.
However, he added, Star Wars
"will cause another escalation in
the arms race." S1ein asked what
can scientists do? For those work
ing on military weapons, Stein admitted, " it is an extremely difficult
choice and it is one thing for me
to talk against Star Wars because
I'm not personally involved working on it." Stein then offered two
solutions. "large parts of 1he
scientific community say there are
no technical solutions," he ventured, " and we must find 01her
solutions." A second approach
Stein suggested might depend on
large number of scientists saying
" I'm just n01 going to do that
anymore, I've seen what happen·
ed and it doesn'l work."
If enough scientists "see the ii!'·
morality in working on th~e
things," Stein ended, they Wlll
"have enough impact on our na
tion and world to change
something," ''That,'' he conclud·
ed," is·my hope."


Nicaragua . ..
continuedfrom pa'gt J
Windsor concluded by insisting
we take " what happens in the
South seriously." Our handling of
the situation can lend to peace
and trade, or war and tragedy. He
stressed 1hat the future can be
decided within the nex1 year, and
only a sensible course of action
(like the one he outlined) "will
result in a win for the people,"
and defeat for the Communists.

continued from page 1
alternate every year). Those
seniors on an off-semester will get
the former j unior privilege and
not be able to park on campus un
til 1:00 p.m. Seniors participating
in study groups would have their
privileges transferred 10 the
semester they are at Colga1e.
In addition, the parking ticket
would be raised 10 $20.00. The in·
crease would serve as an effective
de1errant to those people who
park on 1he hill and pay the fine.
With a $20.00 ticket attached 10
· this convenience. it would make
people think twice.

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Come with Questions
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computers at Colgate

Saturday, November 16, 1986
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Hall of Presidents
$1 In Advance

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finish the Charity Fund Drive Dance Marathon!!
THE COLGATE NEWS Novembtt 15, 19&5 /5

Senate And Security Propose Changes In Parking Policy

Neil Malhotra, Vice PreS4den1 of
the SA, sees the days of all-senior
One of the big issues this year
. parking coming to an end. Instead
on campus has to do with campus
he sees a policy where haff' the
parking policies. According 10
Bob Holcomb, Head o( Colgate seniors will be able to park on the
hill in the foll, and the other half in
Security, the university has _about
twice as many cars as ,t has the spring. He says the Senate is
looking into this and other alter·
available spaces.

The parking problem doesn't in faculty spaces but also
only concern the students, discourage people who park in
however. Many professors and such places as on the grass in front
staff complain that their parking of walkwayS.
spaces are being used by
Holcomb suggests that people
students. The Senate has propos-- start carpooling up the hill.
ed to raise the parking violation Although people may say carfee to S20. This would not only po011ng is already in effect, the·
discourage students from parking people who are getting rides are

mostly th~ who don'I have cars
New parking lots are no~ feaSI·
ble, Holcomb adds. He estimates
the cost for a new parking space
at S800; a 44 space parking lot at
S35,000. There also isn't the
s~ce to put in a new parking lot
without destroying the quality of
our grounds.

Inequality In
The South
con1inued/rom page4
barefoot and malnourished. Their
homes are overcrowded. In one
two-room shack without plumbing. a telephone, a television or a

car lives two adults and seven
children. Most children, when old
enough, le~we 10 go North to look
for work.
The poor education that blacks

r eceive cannot break the
established cycle. They do n-01
continue their education through
college to get a professional ;ob.
They remain intimidated by the
while men who have the power
of land ownership without realizing the collective labor power
1hey have. The film also shows
how they are unable to protest
their position without this collective power that makes unions so
effective. When blacks do work
for civil rights and higher pay,
they lose their land. Racial
discrimination is so deeply ingrained in the social system that
the white people do sincerely
believe they are treating the
blacks well.
The film depiclS how hope for
these people is present in their
use of mu1ic and religion to ease
their burden. "It takes faith," Mrs.
Johnson, a poor tenant farmer's
wife said . Prayer is always present
and a view of what they'd like the
future to be.
Most blacks are working to
achieve their future through
voting, One-half million blacks
were registered 10 vote and a third
party, the Black Panrhers, whose
slo~n. Black Power, was formed
to contest the political "discrepancies. Eighty percen1 of the area
was black, yet they were still ruled by the whites. The Reagan Administration is now prosecuting
the people who regisrered the
black voters by accusing them of
telling the blacks how to vote.
However, as Willis noted in the
film, what these black farmers
need is federal policing of the
distributiqn of funds, creation of
n~w jobs and retraining, and a
proper education. Only then will
the cycle of poverty be broken.






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Or come party with your friends on our
complimentary cruises and enjoy lunches

6/ N ovember 15, 1985 THE COLGATE NEWS

at our most luxurious hotels.
Come bask in the leisurely pace of our
beautiful island.
Or swim, sail, snorkel, play golf and tennis
to exhaustion.
Come celebrate in-style. Or drink in our
sophisticated atmosphere.
It's all here, in Bermuda this spring. Call
your travel agent for derails.

r1rn d N
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Bayerlain :
Unfounded Cabal
The November 8 editipn of The Colgate
News printed a commentary by F.
Bayertain criticizing the value of last

Friday's lecture by Geraldine Ferraro. His
criticism was based upon his assumption
that any information or opinion fronYMs.
Ferraro could have no real worth in that
she represented the sensationalisl machinations of an ab;e<1 liberal party. For those
who attended the lec1Ure the shallowness
of this criticism is obvious, but for 1he sake
of Mr. Bayerlain and whoever might have
agreed with him, a responding commen~

1ary seems necessary.
Mr. Bayerlain's criticism centers around
two general points: that Ms. Ferraro is not a
qualified politician and. received the
nomirlation (or Vice-President for "exterior
and exlfaneous" (all quotes are from Mr.
Bayerlain's article) reasons; that Walter
Mondale chose Ms. Ferraro for purely sensationalist rea.sons. On the first Point Mr.
Bayerlain claims that Ms. Ferraro, during
the 1984 campaign, had no unusual
pali'tical qualities of her own and thus those
qualities that actually gained her nomina1ion-1hat she was a woman, attractive, witty, and sassy- are poor criteria for such an
impQnant office. Of course such criteria by
themselves are poor, but the applica1ion of
them in 1his sense is inexact. The first consideration is just exactly what is necessary
to raise a politician "above the common
mass of politicians". President Reagan was
only a governor and many thought this in·
sufficient for the presidency, and he now
seems to have proven that assumption
wrong. Ms. Ferraro was a regular member
of the House of Representatives, served on
the House Budget Committee, and was involved in creating the Democratic platform
for the 1984 election. Certainly this
demonstrates some national political experience unusual from what is common.
And political experience alone, no matter
the extent, is no1 sufficient in a national
Mr. Bayerlain points out Ms. Ferraro's attractiveness, wit, and "sassiness", but his
criticism here is lost. No one can dispute
the importance, although relatively minor,
of appearance in the Television Age; it has
become an unfortunate and mostly sup,,
plementary aspect of political life. But there
must be substance behind such a
superfluous consideration. That leaves witty and sassy. One of President Reagan's
greatest qua lilies is his wittiness and most of
the great Politicians of the past have .
displayed ·a similar quality. Wit is an integral part of the good Politician's
character. What "sassy" means is uncle.ar.
Supposedly it refers to boldness and the aggressive quality of breaking conventions to
attack or sl.ate ;:1 point. In this sense it means
sha.rp and aggressive and such qualities are
certainly true of Ms. Ferraro's character.
This is a good rather than bad quality in a
political candidate, and President Reagan is

·Quotes For the Week

With na11e,y even • .....ral virgin can be
praised for the same cha.racteristics. Thus seduced, not to m•nlion Oldinary people.
-5Yidrigailov, Crime and Punishment Theodott Roosewk, 11 the heisl,t of his
Ms. Ferraro's qualities of wit and agpgressiveness, in addition to her significant
street who tipped his hat and said, Mr.
Politic.al career seem outstanding and
1 belie1/et
desirous in any Political candidate. Indeed
-Edm)lnd 8uriMr. Bayerlain recognizes the same
blunlly, Sir, if )'OU belieYe that, )Oil wifqualities, although translated as "talent and
bel- anythlns,
political savvy", in comparing them with
A .sub;ect to one anodJer out c1,..,,mce
the same in such a great leader as Prime
Minister Thatcher. "Some talent should be· for Christ. w~ be .sub;«t to l'0

hu,bands, .. 10 the lOld. For the humand is
required to get to the top" sayS Mr.
the hHd of the wl~ as Christ is the head cl Abusiw, ,.,..,... •nd
an,• i.pq
Bayertain and certainly Ms. Ferraro has
displayed such talent.
the. church. hi$ body. and is himself ilS of ""-Y, humilialion and disrespea Iii,


Mr. Bayerlain also criticizes nominations
made on the basis of sex alone and there is
cenainly no argument on 1his point. But in
light of the above, Mr. Sayerlain's application of such sexism 10 Mr, Mondale's con.
stderation seems inaccurate. On what information {other than opinion and hearsay)
does Mr. Bayerlain base his belief that " the
most important consideration of Waller
Mondale" was Ms. Ferraro's sex? lns1ead of
asserting that Ms. Ferraro was selecced
"because she was a woman" perhaps it is
more appropriate, and more significant, to
assert that she was selected regardless of
the fact that she was a woman. Such is also
supported by Ms. Ferraro's many
statements on a variety of issues, some of
which were made at Friday's lecture.
Mr. Bayerlain's second poin1 criticiz;es
.the sensationalism involved in Mr. Mondale's choice of running-mate. That Ms.
Ferraro was a politician of considerable
talent (as stated above) chosen from a large
pool of talented politicians of various
"classes" (women and men, blacks and
whites, nonherners and southerners, etc.)
contradicts this point. The character of the
Mondale campaign in general is another
contradiction. Despite opinion pclls attacking the Democratic platform, Mr. Mondale
stuck 10 what he believed was right. Indeed
in the national debate ~e even went so far
as to be honest and state that taxes would
have to be raised to alleviate the budget
deficit. If Mr. Bayerlain wished to equate
honesty and adherence to principles wilh
sensationalism he is woefully misinformed.
If, then, Mr. Mondale showed no sensa·
tionalisl qualities in his campaign in other
aspects it seems illogical to describe the
one act of the Ferraro nomination as sensation list. Mr. Bayerlain has confused his
terms. Sensationalism seeks to create sensation but sensation does noc arise solely
from sensationalist motives. The Ferraro
nomination was certainly sensational, as
was th~ adoption of the Bill of Rights, 1he
abolition of slavery, Civil Rights legislation,
and the Jackson presidential campaign. But ,
just because these acts caused a sensation
does no.!..mean that they were the sensationalfsl machinations of their originators.
By this 1hen, Mr. Bayertain's arguments
seem to fall apan. Ms. Ferraro is cenainly
an experienced politician and displayS
those peculiar qualities of a national leader
that brought her the Vice-Presidential
continued on pa8e 8


d' ·
-l.etlrr of Paul to the Epho,ilm uman iSNIY·

and lhe short ,-r;e becle, INl1 lhe long.
-~i.u:;d,e lc..-llOf ft>aclw>ale r,e«e;ewn
unjl,st it Is , , _ lhan ~ iust• WM.
Ab,st;n,ernce is as NSy IO me .as rem,,erance

would be difficult.

-Samuel jahn,on


r,..,,.,i.,.of the-in! lheon/rones
should h..,. the
o f ~ l!ilh«V
By the splendor of Cod, 1 11,,e taken me home or •bload; they may be allowed to,_
of mv kingdom: the Nrth of Enpnd ;, in for the good cl the stare.
mv two hvrds.
-William the Conqueror

Sept. 28, 1066

Beyond the Delivery
So we've seen a piece of history.
Geraldine Ferraro, the first women 10 be
nominated by a major party for V,ce Presi·
dent, has spoken at The 'Gate: Although
Mrs. Zacarro (Mrs. denotes a married
name, proper syntax deno1es Ms. Ferraro)
was perhaps the best speaker to grace the
Chapel this year, one must not let her
delivery interfere with an accurate assess.ment of her messa8e, for Ms. Ferraro
seems, at least to chis writer, to be laden
with contradictions.
For instance, a close examination of her
stance on US-USSR relations reveals (how it
is contradictory) to her stance on terrorism.
On the other hand, Ms. Ferraro urges
restraint in dealing with the Soviets, a "soft
glove" approach. Ye1 on the ocher hand
she urges "less tough talk and more
action" with regard 10 terrorists. This is a
blatant contradiction because a very effective way to fight terrorism would be to put
pressure on· the Soviets and their
mideastern clients, Syria and Libya. It has
long been known that Syrian and Libyan
soldiers aid and train leftist terrorists in
camps within those countries. A simple
look at tonight's news will show how
almost any scene of Beirut demonstrates
the proliferation of Soviet arms (most


nociceably Ak-47 rifles, mainstay to Soviet
combat lroops), presumably supplied by
Russia via Syria or Libya.
And what about Central America. The ·
Soviets, again through client states, namely
Cuba and Nicaragua continue to supply
and train communist "revolutionaries" in
El Salvador. These "rebels" demonstrate,
through their repeated slayings of civilians
and general lawlessness, that they are no
better than an Amal militiaman.
This is not to insinuate that the terroriSI
problem is that easy. for it is apparent that
the Soviets have their own problems in that
area. But a bold saan would be' to put
pressure on the Soviets to end their role in
destabilizing the Mideast and Central
America. Maybre Henry Kissinger's linkage
(tying a broad range of issues together in
negotiations and concessions) wasn't a bad
idea after all.
Ms. Ferraro also contradicts herself on
the domestic front. She urges the simplistic
solution to fighting the deficit of "cutting
parts and not whole programs." She favors
massive defense cuts for a large savings. Yet
how does one fight terrorism or even have
a reasonable position from which to
negotiate with a weak defense. Cutting
weapons projects midway would lead to
massive unemployment; a savings in
defense, as payout in welfare.
Ferraro also urges pulling more monies
to education, Yet the role of the federal
government in education is, except with
regard to private ins1itutions, largely redundant. Educa1ion is a state and local expense
and should remain that way. Slates and
localities know best how to administer
public education and by and large do so
very well. The only re.1lly objectionable
step taken by Reagan has ~n. limiting
federal college tuition loans. Yet, according
to The New York Times, private banks are
.c:aking up the slack along with college
scholarships. It remains dubious if anyone
really has been "denied" oppartunities
formerly available.
Ms. Ferraro's contradictions are directly
related to why the Democrats continue to
have problems winning elections. Their
platform simply fails to stand up to close
scrutiny. Afso, when they are not advocating unworkable •utopian solutions
{"so far left that they've left America") to
our current problems, they continue 10 advocate basically the same old wasteful big
government that caused many of our cur•
rent fiscal problems anyway. For Ferraro (or
any Democrat) to win elections, New York
senate included, she muSI change her IUne.
She mu~ stop complaining about Reagan
and come up with a reasonable (i.e., feasible) alternative.

THE COLGATE NEWS November 1S, 1985 /7


Modest Proposals



is generally concluded tha the Afrikaaners
A community with a lack o( involvement
Posses A-bomb technology, and certainly
is a community in a pathetic state of
the will to use it. It may very well be that
Since the end of WWII, Europe has en- this has been the deterrent to a bloody apathy. Specifically, the community that I
joyed the longest period of peace since the black South African crusade against South wish to address is the Black community on
the Colgate University campus. As an acMiddle Ages. Cultural and economic Africa.
tive member of the Black community, I am
growth and development continue with no
my brothers and sisters on the
foreseeable end in sight. Meanwhile,
throughout the world, 43 separate wars
simply a joint US/USSR plot to allow the
The 81ack Student Union is designed to
and conflicts rage.
Why doe-s this situation exist? Europe has superpowers a free hand in determining promote a representative voice, for the
Black community in all areas which affect
the highest concentration of nuclear the course of the world history.
Detenence works. Nuclear weapQns are the livelihood of its members. The Black
pQWel'5 on the globe. French, British,
American and Soviet nuclear weapons are a powerful platform of political, economic, Student Union attempts to oreserve and
all present in Europe. Tensions and and social stability. Science has at last sav- enhance lhe cultural identity of its
ideological conflicts still run deep, but the ed mankind by producing a means to bring members and to provide a vehicle through
threat of nuclear war makes direcl attack about peace, love. and understanding which the black culture can be expressed
So -called
' peace among men. If each nation were given to the other members of the Colgate commovements," both here and in Europe, ac- some form of nuclear punch, we would be munity. For a black student anending a
tually call for the abolition of the very well on our way to world peace and an end predominantly white institution, member·

ship in this organization coµld be a very
devices that have rendered war absolute. to imperialism.
prosatisfying experience. It provides one with
When was the last time one nuclear power
opportunity to leam about the struggles
directly attacked another? It has yet to hapwould
pa.st community, help with the strugpen, and most likely never will.
gles of the present community and make
So how have the nuclear ~ r s. par·
tic·ularly the U.S. and the U .S.S.R. pro- nuclear exchange? Would 1he United changes to try to eliminate struggling for
tected and extended their respective States have gonen involved in Vietnam if the future community. In lieu of the many
spheres of influence? Afghanistan, the Nonh had possesed a few ICBM'sl If things this organiz1ion can offer black
Grenada, Angola, Nkaragua, El Salvador, there had been a Grenadian nuclear sub- students, as well as 'non~blacks, why then is
EaSI Germany, Viecnam, Poland, Chile, vir- marine lurking offshore near Washington, the Black Student Union faced with the
tually the entire Middle East- the list goes would American actions have been 1he problem of apathy/
The meetings held have been poorly at·
on and on . Both PoWers, directly and in- same? Where would Tech Walesa be now
tended. The events sponsored by the
directly, dominate intimidate, and abuse
o""anization have also been poorly sopthe righ1s of sovreign, non-nuclear powers. 19801
ported. There are some dedicated
The list o( basic human rights violations
members of the community, who con.
commiled in the name of "national in·
o( tinuously show their committment by atterest" of both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. is
course, open to debate, we submit the tending the meetings and events. However
endless and morally i ndefensible.
following recommendations. All nations the Black community at large cannot thrive
One of the few areas of agreemen1 bee·
ween the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. is that of recognized by the UN would be issued on the ideas and actions of a few dedicated
what we term a " mini-triad .. consisting of 5 members.
non-proliferation. Both powers agree 1hat
in super-hardened silos, one nuclear
nuclear prolifereation to minor states is
submarine with several MIRVED missles,
undesirable and " dangerous." On a super·
ficial level, this policy appears justifyable- and 3 or 4 bombers equiped. with state-ofthe-art cruise missles. This should be adethe fewer Slates 1hat have nuclear weapons,
the "safer" we all feel. Yet let us stop for a quate 10 deter all kinds of unacceptable
behavior, ranging from direct military inmoment to examine the impact of what lit·
by foreign powers 10 internal
tie proliferation has occured.
dissention to external economic manipulaIn 1he late 1960's, Pakistan and India
foug.ht a major war over a border dispute. tion (Lei's see if Nestle distributes baby for·
mula i n my country against my wishes).
Relations were Slrained and' bordet conWhile
funding this program may prove 10
flicts were regular occurences. Recently,
be a problem, there are many potential
experts have concluded that both countries
have or are capable of building nuclear sources of funds, including any organiza.
tion that is very much concerned with
bombs. India has tesaed one. Since this
revelation, there has been a remarkable world peace, such as UNESCO, famine
relief funds, the Red Cross- perhaps the
easing of tenision between tbe two states
Peace Corps would be willing to ,e..assign
and a cessation o! hostilities.
some of its experienced well-diggers to the
Most experts agree that Israel possesses
more rewarding and advanced 1ask o( Silo.
nuclear technology. This, coupled with
Israel's Slated determina1ion to remain a
sovreign state, has produced dramatic
Now we have world peace. Or do wel
diplomatic results. Once the vic1im of What of freedom fighting and separatist
endless Arab assults, no one has attacked organizations such as the PLO. the IRA,
Israel since 1973. Many Arab nations, Armenian nationalists. the Contras,
especially Egypt and Jordan, have moved SWAPO, the Afghan rebels, warring tribes
toward the unthinkable-peace with Israel.
in Africa, the various factions in Lebanon,
South Africa is condemned by the entire etd In order to obtain true and lasting
continent of Africa and moSI of the wortd . It
continued on t>aR(> 9

I hope that in the near future 1he black
leaders of tomorrow will take some responsibility for their community today. It is not
necessary that an individual devote all his
or her time to the organization. The
organization asks its members to give up
one hour of y0ur time every 01her Sunday
evening. to become aware of the livelihood
of the black community at large, and to
submit their ideas in order to enhance it. In
essence, I urge y0u to support y0ur
brothers and sisters, by showing your comminment to the black community.

continued from page 7
nomination. Pefhaps if Mr. Sayerlain had
delved beyond opinion and investigated
the facts in making his statement he might
have decided to attend the lecture. This
also might have prevented Mr. Sayerlain's
unfounded and impertinent remarks concerning the "abject state" of both the
Democratic party (which holds the ma;ority
of Governships, seats in state legislatures
and seats in the House of Representatives)
and the liberal cause a1 Colgate (which was
htalthy enough to bring in such a renowned speaker} and his description of Mr. Mondale's legitimate campaign organization as
a "cabal." Mr. Bayerlain may have
benefited from a respite from classes but he
missed out on the remarks and insights of a
nationally promineot and important person
in American politics today.

Stop the senseless abuse of
Colgate students by the
Police-Come to a free lecture
sit-in/love-in symposium protest
sponsored by the College
·skateboard Club. Friday 9AM.

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A waste of time... lf you did not atiend last
Friday's lecture by Geraldine Ferraro
because of its "unimpC>rtance" as Bayerlain
contested, you did indeed waste your time.
I heard no complaints that controversial
socialist MK:hael Manley's lecture was a
waste of time, but when a prominent
American politician, and one of such
historical importance, comes to share her
insights with Colgate, it is called a waste of
time. If you saw how many people crowded into the chapel laSI Friday, and how
many more were turned away from lack of
place 10 sit, stand, or hang, you realize the
idiocy of Mr. Bayerlain's statement.
Regardless of whether you voted for or

against her, Ms. Ferraro's lecture was well
worth the time spen1.
Ms. Ferraro approached many issues,
gave specific examples of how problems
such as the national debt, South African
apartheid, and international terrorism

should be dealt with, and showed why she
was legitimately qualified to be vicepresident o f the United States. During the
campaign she had to face an unrelenting
and often insulting media, and she
weathered it keeping her integrity, respect,
and withoul resorting to excuses and accusations as Mr. Reagan and his

cheerleader, George, often do.
Whether you like her or agree with her is
actually unimportant, bu1 when a person of
her importance visits Colgate, we must be
appreciative. Bringing speakers of varied
viewpoints to share experiences w ith us is a
vital part of a liberal arts education, which
we here at Colgate stand for. I applaud the
College Democrats, not only because I am
a member, but for bringing a speaker of
such national prominence and I invite the
College Republicans as well as any ocher
group to do the same. F. Bayerlain can
keep repeating Reagan's rhetoric, but most
of Colgate did not think Ferraro's lea:ure
was a waste of lime.

,>eace, any interested party should be able
to apply 10 the United Nations for a "mini.
triad." The vote would, of course, have to
be apolitical and based solely on the individual merits and degree of responsibili1y
of the group in question. (like most other
UN VOie<).
Now that all political and economic
issues have been resolved (hopefully with a
minimum of environmental damage) there
remain few obstacles to Utopta. Doubtless
other organizations would find the possession of nuclear weapons to be to their advantage. Religious conformity would be
easy to enforce. Would an American synod ·
of Roman Catholic- Bishops be likely to endorse abortion in certain circ*mstances
against the Pope's wishes if His Holiness
had a button to pusM Labor unions,
organizations such as the NRA, POUSA and
Ukranian nationalists could all surely put
nuclear technology to work for them
{assuming of course, UN approval).
So here you have a workable system of
Utopia based on the tested, time honored
principle of deterrence. Nuc&ear disarmament is a pipe-dream of intellectuals that is
neither practical nor desirable, especially in
light of our "Modest Proposal." Gorbachev
and Reagan should give up their pretenses
of discussing disarmament and move onto
the more sensible and peace-oriented goal
of nuclear proliferation.

Dead crow fallin' out a townie Bar,
Black man says "Do you know where yau
Frog man smokin on a tank of gas
Bar man states its yaur last
Oyin for a beer you ask a queer
Whether its better to get aids or to live in
Try to get served at the 7- 11
Man says Boy, this ain't no heavin
Dr;vin on back to the cardboard shack
Got that man hot on my act
Burn his ass and hit that gas
Wind up era.shin in a roadside bog
A snake, a lizard. a frog
Run for the corn to avoid the cuffs
Breath coming in short, little puffs
Steal some sleep in a farmer's field
Wa tchin the stars your head begins to real
Svn fryin potalos on yOur crown
Udillac siltin in the paund
Couon growing from mouth to Nape
Just found out my body's in Taylor Lake
Yes, I got the shivers and shakes
From fightin with King Hooe.h's mates
And I see my age st.artin to show
Cot rh em Colgate Blues, don't you know?


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THE COLGATE NEWS N.,,...,,bff 15, •1985 /9 •

Butterflies Are Free:


Silvernail Directs a Winner
. Are you tired? Are papers and te-sts gel·
tmg you down? Are you counting the days

until Thanksgiving break? If this sounds
familia r, what you need is a heavy dose of
freedom and laughter. The mandatory
prescrip«ion for the pre-break blues is a
viewing of Student Theater's hilarious pro-

Murray's fine performance is accented

perfectly by Jocelyn Castro, as his neighbor
Jill. In her debut performance for Colga1e
Theater, castro turns in a hilariously Raky
performance. Her high energy and bright
naivete are the perfect foil for Murray's

solid character.

Munson Williams Proctor lnstitule
. Selecti??S from the Central New York Artist Collection
m recognition of the 25th Anniversary of the Museum of Art
Saturday, November 16
Museum of Art
Film Series: Carmen

Wednesday, November 29 at 2:00 and 7:30 pm
Museum-of Art Auditorium

Tickeis: S4 and S2

Sarah Griffin is a deliciously uptight snob
NVS Film.s: Love and Death
Starring Woody Allen and Diane Keaton
Fnday, November 15 and Sat~rd~y. November 16 at 7:00, 9:00, and 11 :00
Watson Aud,tonum, Syracuse University
Thursday, November 21 at 7:00 and 9:1 5
Everson Museum Auditorium

presents singer-guilarist Dan Holmes
Beatles, Genesis, James Tayior and CSN
Monday, November 18, 9:30-T2:30 p.m.
in the Student Union

Works by Abby Moser. Shari Calnero
November 15-17
In the Active Arts Gallery, Case library


Mike Murray plays, blindly, for his morher, Sarah Criffin.
duction of Buuerflies Are Free by Leonard
Gershe. The entire cast turned in a stellar
performance on their opening night on
Thursday, sending 1he entire audience in10
uproarious 1.aughter.
The small ca.st displayed their energy and
enthusiasm with impeccable timing, a dear
indication of the hard work and dedkation
of director, cast and crew.
The cast is headed by Mike Murray, who
turns in a powerful performance as the
blind man, Don. Playing a blind characrer
is tr'uly a unique challenge, for it requires
not only natural ability, but an amazing
amount of concemration. The role is
physically and mentally demanding, for the
character he plays runs the gamut of emotions. Murray is well suited to the task, wi1h
fluid transitions from scene to scene. He is
especially outstanding in the final scene,
where his display or intense emotion is truly moving.

Pholo: /. Hsu

as Don's mother, playing her naSly lines
with panache. She effectively softens her
character in key scenes, bringing an emotional and human character to the role.
Rounding out the cast is Richard Wolfson
as the highly obnoxious and outrageoUs
director~friend o( Jill's. His slouchy sixties
mannerisms add a realism to 1he setting._
and his loud, brash manner effectively
match his obnoxious character.
The set was well built, with a Sla,k
realism and a painstaking attention
detail. Congratulations belong to the entire
cast and crew of this truty enjoyable
play-a definite must see! So if you are suf.
fering from the pre-break blues 1ake a break
and watch a perfo,mance of S4udent
Theater's Butterflies Are Free, guaranteed to
lift your mood and send you home smiling!
Performances continue Friday and Satur•
day nights, November 15th and 16th . Call
824-1000, extension 641 for reservations.


The cast of Butterflies: Sarah Griffin, /ocelyn Castro,

Photo: J. Hsu

Mike Murray and Richard Wolfson.


Lorde: Poetry As Su_rvival

P.D.Q. Bach By Schikele


poetess addressed a diverse crowd of
students and faculty in the Hall of
Presidents. This self-assured woman,
"Poetry is not a one.way road, it is shar·
radiating with life, immediatefy proved her
ing" concluded Audre Lorde, sincerely
introduction true- she was an inspirational
gazing a1 the scope of her audience. "Sur·
figure to feminists, people of coJor, lesvivals are intimately involved with each
bians, and all oppressed people in the
other. Common beliefs are not what's
world. Her vocal quality and vivid images
necessary- but the recognition of in.
enthralled th,e audience; she relayed her
dividual power in service to 1he things in
poetry emotionally, articulately, and per·
which you believe."
On November 11, this enlightened
Ms. Lorde, born and bred in New York,
currently is a professor at Hunter College.
She smilini:i.lv admitted that "hundreds of
New York poems" exist in her works. Addi.
tional themes she related in her poetry in·
eluded depic1ions of images of war-tom
• Africa, a deeper look into the meaning and
use/abuse o! power, and a personal
perception of the Holy Chose as a Female.
To her, poetry is more than trite entertain,
ment that most Americans consider it to be.
And indeed her moving poetry lives up to
her criterion: "Poetry is a root map, an article of survival. A warning for this place we
are leaving."
Her unique and personal approach to
poetry added to her impacc on the audience. Dressed in ca~ivating bright ap·
parel, Ms. Lorde's outline leapt from the
back wall of the room, as she caugh1 1he
eyes of individuals in the audtence and
read entire stanzas to them. She btought
the spirit of her poetry to life in her ending
poem, as she sang it with the soulful voice
of a woman who has known the realities of
life. Wiping tears from her eyes, she left the
Photo: J. Hsu stage to join the people in the audience, an
Poet_ Audre Lordde h'
audience which was ready to receive her
pa.ss,onare1y rea .s er works.
with open arms.


IOI November 1S,.1985 THE COLGATE NEWS

P.0.Q. Bach doesn't get much respect.
Not even from Professor Pe1er Se:hickele,
sole discoverer and performer of the
erstwhile musical failure's works.
S(hickele will lead the merry musical
mayhem when the SyraCu.se Symphony at·
tempcs to play P.O.Q.'s "works" with a
straight face at 8:00 pm Saturday,
November 16 at the Landmark Theater.
The program will consist mainly of works
by P.O.Q. Bach who is, according to
Se:hickele, "the last but least progeny of J.S.
Bach-." Some works to be included are the
ever disasterous "Hindenburg Concerto,"
"The Echo Sonata for Two Unfriendly
Groups of Instruments," and " The Concerto for Bassoon versus Orchestra." Calvin
Custer conducts.
Schickele's pe,formance is hardly
somber. Musical parody, sight gags and ~d
puns abound. He is a superb parodist,
spoofing 1he classics and the concert.going
expe,ience itself.
For P.O.Q.'s works, Schickele has used
everything from antique auto horns to co*ke
bonles in addition to traditional orchestral
accompaniment. According to one
Syracuse reviewer, -Schickele kept 1he audience "in stitches endlessly" and showed
"an enormous wealth of creativity and
talent for narration."
Schickele claims to have discovered
P.O.Q.'s works in garbage cans, at the bot·
tom of bird cages and in percolator
strainers. He has made a career of
"discovering'' and presenting countless
dismal P.O.Q. works. Yet behind this
staunch supporter of "history's most

just ifiably neglected compcser" lies a
serious and accomplished musician.
Peter Schickele was born in Ames, Iowa
in 193S. He studted piano and bassoon in
high school and la1er attended Swarthmore
College as a music major. He completed
his graduate wOfk at the juilliard School of
Music. After receiving his Master's Degree,
Schickele spent the next few years teaching
at the Aspen School of Music in Los
Angeles, at Swarthmore and at the extension SChool of Juilliard.
Schickele has written music (or or·
chestra. chambers ensemble, piano, organ,
and voice. He has performed with many
major symphonies including those of
Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Lon·
don. H is versatile output also includes
composi1ions for jazz bands, films. televi,
sion and musical comedy. He has recen1ty
,eleased his tenth album.
11 was in 1965 1hat Schickele first in·
troduced the works of P.O.Q . in a Town
Hall concert in New York. Since then he
has " presented" over 70 works by P.0.Q.
and class.ical music has never been quite
the same.
Tickets for Schkkele's November 16 per.
formance a1 1he Landmark Theatre are

$1S.OO, S12.SO, and $10.00 and are
available through 1he Symphony Office

(3 1S) 424-8200, all Ticketron oullets, and
the landmark Theater Box Office (315)

4 7S-7980.
P.O.Q. Bach is presented in cooperation
with WTVH·TV and the Record Theatre,

Marshall Square Mall.

Snaps From Past in Alumni
around. Even those who were and are still
required to view the "thought provoking
The exhibition currently running in the exhibits" for their GNED requirements
Longyear Museum in Alumni Hall is one of have reason to take a few minutes out of


the more interesting exhibits in quite some 1heir busy schedules 10 have a look. The

time. Although it is limited in its scope style of dress and the scenes from an early
because of 1he size of 1he newly remodeled and newly industrialized area bring to mind
Museum, it is a fine example of bolh the the proverbial "trunk of grandma's old
pho1ography and working people of an era; clothes in the attic." The photograph of ice
the turn of the century in and around cen- harvesting reminds us that we didn't always
tral New York State. Comprised of some have water-through-the-door refrigerators
very fine reproductions of actual and now we know why our grandfathers
photographic depictions of typical middle always called it an icebox even though
and lower class life in the area during the there was only ice in the freezer.
So, if you are in need of a quick break, or
years 1890 to 1915, the offering is quite interesting and makes a pleasant respite from you are a fan of good photography, or you
the daily drudgery of regular academic life. just get a kick out of seeing horse drawn
That is not to say that all classes in Alum- beer delivery vans, then I would recomni Hall are boring and that we all dread mend this exhibit enthusiastically. It will
them, (I have classes there, too, and some also be of interest to anyone interested in
professors have very good memories) it's photography or sociology as well. 11 migh1

just that the exhibit is a pleasant way 10
break up a day of classes. We have almost
all had classes in Alumni and almost all of
us have seen 1he Museum, but few have actually taken the time to go in and look

even appeal to those of you who have
never taken a picture or who don't even
know what sociology is. If you fit any of the
above descriptions, check it out. It will be
worth your while.

Meals With Munch
recipe to find my gross error. Oh, I see, I
forgot the eggs. Well 1hey still were 1asiy
ijust a little heavy) similar to a peanut butter
filling. Just make sure you don't repeat this
flub-up and read the recipe closely.

Have you ever wondered what constitutes peanut butter besides roasted
peanuts? Since it has become a staple of my
diet (I kill about Yl jar/day) I have contemplated its ingredients on many a rainy
Peanut Butter Cookies
day. Its creamy consistency is awfully
suspect. I've tried smashing peanuts into a
million granuals and it still isn't creamy. 1½ cups sihed a/1,purpose nou,
Any substance that boasts mono and ¾ tsp. baking soda
diglycerides or polyunsaturated fat as a ½ rsp. baking powder
form of nut rition you gotta question. They r cup creamy peanur butter
say choosy mothers choose )if and picky ½ cup (1 stick) butter at room temperature
people pick Peter Pan; whal should craving ½ cup granulated sugar
collegiates do? I've been lectured again and ½ cup firmly packed light brown sugar
agin on how peanut butter just collects in ½ tsp. vanilla
your system. Clunk-it never leaves. My 1 egg
theory: it's belier 10 be buill of p.b. 1han of

1. Preheat oven to 37S. Ught.l y grease
cottage chesse curds.
I had a run-in with this mys1eriously cookie sheets.
creamy substance just tonight. I was baking
peanut butter cookies to satisfy my sweet 2. Mix together flour, baking soda and bak1001h. I lhink I whipped up this batch.a bit ing powder on piece of wax paper.
too quickly. While I was busy rolling the
cookies into perfect " walnut" shaped balls 3. Beat together peanut butter, butter,
I unfortunately overlooked the dry crumbly sugars and vanilla in large bowl until light
texture of 1he batter. I set the timer for the and fluffy. Beat in egg until smooth. Stir in
prescribed 10 minutes. The obnoxious flour miKture.
buzz brough to my attention thte cookies.
They had not moved (flattened, risen, 4. Roll pieces of dough between hands to
nothing). I had to remove them because make balls the size of a walnut. Place 2 inthey were becoming burnt. These edibles ches apart on cookie sheets. Flatten with
had the density of golf balls and the form fork to make crisscross patrern.
and texture of moon rocks. Something was
wrong. The entire batch made only 12 5. Bake in preheared oven (375 degrees/ for
cookies. A definite mistake-it should've 10 to 12 minutes. Let stand on sheet 5
produced 4 dozen. I glanced over the mmutes. Let cool on rack.

Old Stone Jug
''Where Good Friends Meet''
Wednesdays . 10-11

All Drinks Half Price
Picture 10


Orink & Driving

oon·t Mi)(

A place to stay for graduation
A lobster Dinner
A ,·iewofthe Hea,·ens and Holley's Comet


Charity Fund Drive






A Nigerian
Brunch With
Scott Meklejohn

A concert with the 13, The 'Gates, or the Jazz Band

Saturday, November 23

at 8:30 P.M.

Entertainment by the Jazz Band

Bring Your Check Book

Tic kets on Sale on Monday in COOP


l=-loodoo ·Gurus
Now 1hat Men al Work and Splil Enz
have been righ1fully relegated 10 1he role of

rock and roll footno1es, all eyes watching
the Australian music Kene will be watching Hoodoo Gurus (sorry, guys, Rick Springfield jusl doesn't counl).

Mars Needs Cuitall is the second album
from Gurus, coming on the heels of their
catchy debut. Stonage Romeos. Mars Needs
Cuitars will probably also cement Hoodoo
Gurus' reputation as one of the most promising progressive bands to emerge in recent memory.
If there is one word to accurately
describe the sound on Cuirars, it is "fun."
There's a good deal of pop, blues galore,
and some good 'ole fashioned rock and
roll, but one senses that the Hoodoo Gurus
are wearing Cheshire smiles throughout the

The work opens with the steady, driving
" Bittersweet." This is the album's first
single and rightfully so; it'll be getting considerable college airplay. "Poison Pen'' introduces a dose of blues into the Gurus
sound and works well enough. The side's
final cut, ''like Wow-Wipeout" is obviously a satire on the early sixties surf music.
The harmonies, guitar riffs, and ridiculous
lyrics are all there. So are the cheshire
The second side has the Gurus attempting to broaden their sound. While the first
side concentrated on blues and driving
guitar riffs, country and more importantly,
pop, is introduced on the flip side.
Stringing together a catchy pop tune is
ultimately the band's major weakness.
" Show Some Emotion" is structurally as
good a pop tune as one will find. Unfortunately, the final product is average. For
what it's worth, these guys just don't ap,
pear to be comfortable writing tight pop
tunes. Whether due to inexperience, a
weak production, or simply lack of
discipline (there's little fun in being
disciplined), Hoodoo Gurus just don't enjoy their PoP numbers. lt'j a shame; they
certainly have the ability to write catchy,
accessible tunes.
"The Other Side of Paradise" is the other
major pop song that just doesn't quite
work. It suffers from all the faults and
possesses all the potential of "Show Some
Despite the above criticisms, Mars Needs
Guitars is an album well worth listening to.
Hoodoo Gurus possess solid musicianship,
diverse and atways strong songwriting ability, and certainly a knack for loosening up
and enjoying their "work.''
Where faults can be found, they are not
in the input o( the band, but rather i n the
unfulfilled potential of their work. Look for
bigg~r and better things from Hoodoo
Gurus. In the meantime, Mars Needs
Guitars is a fitting flagship for Aussie music
(sorry, Rick Springfield still doesn't count).

Reflections off closed eyes
And I wait
For her to hear my dreams
And open eyes
Do not come
Clistening winter white
And a hand
I touch a touch for sense's sake
And it's true
Flickers a tight smile
Frost tinged breath
And a kiss
Sigh as a contentment races my mind
And a laugh
Crosses my now sealed lips
Blankets shot with warmth
And a fear
Home is now my haven, home
And it's gone
Memories locked for me alone


Take Two

This Friday, Take Two presents the enormously popular

"Caddyshack ."


almostDangerfield, .and Bill Murray. Ted Knighl

also stars as " Judge," the chairman of the
board at the country club. The movie is a
healthy combination of random. humorous
subplots, with each actor doing his best to
deliver winy one-liners. The main ac1ion
takes place at the prestigious country club,
where chaos erupts with the arrival of
Rodney Dangerfield, the loud-man-in.
plaid, who insults and rejects the stuffiness
of lhe club.
The later showing especially should be
quite rowdy, perhaps turning into a
shouting contest.
If you haven't seen this movie before and
would like to hear the one-liners you
should probably attend the earlier show.
''Bachelor Party" is the second box office
hit for the weekend. Tom Hanks plays the
bachelor, whose buddies throw him a big
bash 1he nighl before 1he wedding day. A

bit crude at times, this movie almost rivals
"Caddyshack" in ils popular appeal and

general entertainmenl value.
Both shows are at 7:00 and 9:30 pm in
308 Olin. Admission is Sl.00.

You've tried the rest ...
Now try the best
Deliveries Mon.-Sun. 9:30-1 :30

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Enjoy Working with Kids?
Then combine the two in
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People needed this semester and next f or help w ith script s,
produc ing, directing, and stage manag ing.

For more infor. contact Tina -824-3615
THE COLGATE NEWS November 15, 1985 / 11

Red Raiders In A Must Win Situation Versus Rutgers


Kenny Camble

The time has come for 1he Colgate Red Raiders to prove once
and for all that they are indeed a
playoff caliber ball club. Facing a
must win situation this coming
Saturday, in New Brunswick,
New Jersey, the Red Raiders have
the prefect opportunity to do just
this. The Red Raiders ,will be fac·
ing the traditionally strong Rutgers

University which, at 1-7-1, is hav-

ing a season which many are calling the most disappointing in the
schools history. With the Red
Raider's backs up againSI the wall
we will see whether or not this
1eam has the character to carry it
into poSI season play.
They say a tie is like kissing your
sister on the cheek, but this past
weekends 27-27 tie agains1 the

University of Pennsylvania was
much worse. It was a game in

which the Red Raiders generated
enough offense to score a1 least
45 points (502 total yards) but
costly mistakes took their toll. Losing the ball twice within Penn's
7-yard line and having two
touchdowns called back due to
penalties provided the deciding
factors in the game. As it said, we
knocked on Penn's door many
times but we were unable to get
inside. Hopefully, we'll be able to
get inside against Rutgers!
Facing the Division 1-A Scarlet
Knights for the 38th time, the
series stands at 22· 15 in favor of
Rutgers; the Colgate Red Raiders
will be looking to improve their
national ranking of seven1een and
chalk up their seventh victory.
However, this ta.sk will be difficull. Even 1hough the Scarlet
Knights are in the midSI of a
disasterous season. their one win
did come against Division I-AA,

powerhouse Richmond. Not to be shut down of Rutger's premiere
left unnoticed is the fact that their runner Albert Smi1h. After leading
losses have come ag.ainSI highly the team in each of this first three
regarded teams such as Penn St., years in rushing, and making 2nd
Army, Boston College, West team All-East last year Smith was
Virginia, and Tennessee. With expected to produce another year
that kind o( competition, week of dazzling running for the Scarlet
after week, it's no wonder the Knights. Quite the oppasite has
Scarlet Knights have never gotten occurred for Smith who has failed
on the trac.k.
to live up to the high expectations
The grealeSI mySlery this year in by rushing for a mere 286 on 92
New Jersey is what has silenced carries while producing only 2
the Powerful Rutgers offense? LaSI TDs.
year's duo of quarterback Eric
It is hard to say what has actualHochberg and wide receiver An- ly led to the Scarle1 Knight's
drew "Shake & Bake" Baker led downfall. The defense is a strong
the team to a 7-3 reco,q while unit that has basically done what
breaking numerous records in the has been asked of them. The
process. But with " Shake & Bake" defense is made up of seven returoff 10 the Pittsburgh Steelers and ning starters and numerous
Hochberg left virtually ineffective, veterans to back up each position.
Rutgers Coach Dick Anderson has George Pickel, a member of last
been forced to start last year's years All-East 2nd team, and
backup QB Joe Gagliardi. Perhaps Rutgers co-captain, leads a strong
an even bigger disappointment defensive line that should put
this year has been the complete pressure on Burgess all day. A big

The Great Debate

Turf or Grass
CPS- A football player runs a SC
percent higher risk of injury while
playing on a synthetic field than
on natural grass, a recent National
Collegiate Athletic Association
(NCAA) study 5"ys. The NCAA,
which has been studying football
injuries for the last three years,
also found that more injuries OC·
cur in the third period than any
other lime. Bui many athletic
directors, enamored by artificial
turfs lower maintenance costs.
say t_he injuries caused by syn1he1ic gra55 usually are superficial.
They say they'll need more data
before they abandon the artificial
surfaces and return to grass.
NCAA offi~ials also say not
enough data have been collected
to justify a movement back to
grass, and note many of the injuries sustained on artificial turf
may be minor. "You have more
abrasions on an artificial surface,"
says Assistant Athletic Director
Bill Goldring of Indiana State
University, where football is
played on a synthetic surface.
There does not seem to be any
evidence, however, of more
serious injuries on such fields, he
adds. While the NCAA study did
not differentiate be1ween serious
and minor injuries, it did show
knee injuries occur about 50 percenl more often on synthetic sur•

Other athletic directors seem to
agree with Goldring that, until
there's more evidence the artificial fields cause more injuries,
they won't go· back 10 natural
grass fields. Blaming artificial surfaces for increased injuries is "a
common opinion, but it's not proven, not scientifically," says
Clarence Underwood, commis-,
sioner of the Big 10 Conference
men's programs. " There ha·1en't
been enough serious injuries to
compare," observes Jim Mui·
doon, spokesman for 1he Pacific
10 conference, in which half of
the teams play·on plastic composition. "Very few players like to
pJay on ii. They complain about
abrasions and some say it's hard
on their leg.s. They hurt after a
game," Muldoon adds. "Wide
receivers and backs, some of
them like it (artificial surface) for
(making quick IUrns). They say
they feel faster on it," notes Mui·
Some college officials are adamant. "We'll never switch.
Nobody has ever talked about it,"
states Dave Baker, sports information director for Pennsylvania
State University, which celebrates
its 100th football anniversary next
fall. "Our coaches and trainers
think it (grass) is safer," Baker
assens. Baker points out,
however, that Penn Slate is for.

12/ NoVffllber 15, 1985 THE COLGATE N EW S

escapei grasp of U of Penn defender.
queSlion mark for the game will
be how effectively Burgess can
find Slenglein or Brown in the inexperienced Ru1gers secondary.
To win this game Colgate will
once again have to look for solid
performances from Burgess ( 19
for 38 x 2%), Gamble (32 x 208)
and Stenglein (6 x 142). It is important not to forge« that al the
beginning of the season this
Rutgers team was described as "a
team that could have greater
depth than at any 01her time in recen1 history." However,
somewhere along the line SO·
meone forgot to tell 1he team this.
Ru1gers is a ten Point favorite over
Colgate this week largety due to
the fact that they hold a five game
winning streak over us. But
remember, all streaks must come
to an end and theirs has its days
numbered. Look for the Red
Raiders to win by a squeaker
down in Joy•sev.

Basketball Optimistic
·As Season Opens

due to the newcomers into this
lunate 10 have plenty of land to
year's program. Sophom*ore
accommodate the schools' wide
Byron Mitchell (lost laSI year due
array of athletic programs. Some
a chronic foot injury) will add
schools do not have the space,
to the forward position and
and find synthetic surfaces hold
some of the pressure on
up better under heavy use, Baker
Bamford. Along with Mil·
Aside from the recent injuries to chell, there will be five conDave Conforti (senior guard/for- 1ributing freshmen, Rich Saum,
Artificial turf can cost upwards
ward) and Josh Farrell (junior Jason Balliet, Dave Crittenden,
of 500,000 dollars, but the
guard), there are many bright carver Glezen and Craig "Brains"
maintenan<:e is minimal comspots on this year's squad. With Gorczyca.
pared to grass fields, explains
tri- captains Tad Brown. Bob BamThe Red Raiders ploy a tough
Goldring. Many schools choose
ford and Brad Crooks at the helm, schedule this year in the NAC
synthetic fields because of
and returning players Eric Jent, conference with competition
weather, Underwood adds. All
Mike Boswell, Tom Fanning, Mike such as Boston University, Nor·
the schools in the Big to except
Namian and Mall Lisle, the theastern and Niagara. If 1he Red
Purdue play on such fields
hoopsters are looking forward to a Raiders can stay healthy this year
because of the severe weather in
they may turn the Colgate Basketthe Midwest. The Pac 10 schools much improved season.
This optimistic attitude is also ball program around.
with artificial grass mosdy are
located in the rainy Nonhwest,
Muldoon reports.
Some athletic directors prefer
the new surfaces, ·we have ac·
1ually shown less injuries.
However, I don't think there is
any significant difference," says
Georgia Tech Athletic Director
Homer Rice. " I Sludied this when
I was coaching (the professional)
Cincinnati (Bengals). The problems we found were mostly
when turf (artificial) was set up for
baseball and fo01ball," Rice says,
pointing out that multiple uses
can pose problems. Rice adds the
new turfs are better and may have
less inj11ries occurring on them.
cOntinued on page 14

Minnesota at Detroit
New England at Seattle
New Orleans at Green Bay
Philadelphia at St. Louis
Pittsburgh at Houston
San Diego at Denver
N.Y. Giants at Washington

Tampa Bay at N.Y. Jets
Buffalo at Cleveland
Chicago at Dallas
Cincinnani at L,-t4-. Raiders
Kansas City at San Francisco
L.A. Rams at Atlanta
Miami at Indianapolis


The Fine Points Young But
For the last two weeks, this space has been used to examine


some local sports issues. This week, a return to the na1ional scene

will be anemf)ted. In writing about the Red Raiders I find I have
ignored NFL a"ion. This seems 10 be a strange se~son indeed.
~hat happened to the Forty-Niners? Will the Rams continue 10

slide? How about those Jets? And, to get to the point, how about
the Chi'-agO Bears?
At 1he beginning of t~e se3;son, who would have thought the

Bf:ars would be 10-0 w1th a victory against the surging Cowboys
1h1s weekend as a strong possibility? Gran1ed. the Bears under
Mike Oitka ~re a changed team. They are more aggressive. faster,
more precise, and with the addition of William ''The
Refrigerator'' Perry, bigger.
Another question that comes to mind is who would have
figured on the 'Fridge this season. The 6'2", 306 pound
behemoth lumbered . into camp weighing a scale-tipping 330
pounds! The defenswe coaches dismissed the team's &iant
number one draft choice as "a waste." Nonetheless, Perry, a
Clemson grad from rural Alabama, was de4ermined to prove his
meule. D itka a»igned him a nutritionist who put him on a suict
diet and exercise program. Perry must slay under 312 pounds to
ful~II the ,weight requirement of his contract. Ahhough this remains a difficult task (Perry has been known to drink a case and a
half of beer unassisted), as he matures the 'fridge makes progress.
Perry has also made considerable progress on the field. From
the rookie underdog with whom the coaches wouldn't even
work, 'fridge has become a national phenomenon. He's ver+
sa1ile. mainly because of his size and impressive strength, He has
p layed every posilion from defensive tackle to fullback. He has
carried the ball into the endzone. He has caught a pass for a
touchdown. He has recorded a sack. But his main offensi-ve task
,~mains ~!earing a hole for W~lter Payton in short yardage situations. a 10b he performs admirably, often tossing three or four
defenders out of the way in the process.
The 'Fridge isn't the onty thing Bears fans have to cheer about.
Quart~rba_c~ Jim McMahon is having a fan1aS1ic season, despite a
recumng lflJ~ry. Walter ·:sweetness" Payton is stacking up yardage and points scored hke cord wood. If he continues at this
pace, and there is nothing to indicate otherwise, he will likely
break most NFL offense records before retiring.
Payton is ano1her versatile playef. He been known to throw a
pass or two on Sfleak playS. He seems to be as good a receiver as
carrier. His blocking is perhaps the best in the NFL His most impressive attribute remains his ability to read oppasing defenses,
carefully picking a hairline path through frustrated d-backs.
The Bear's season remains tough, with this week's Dallas
challenge being only the beginning. If they continue to win
which despite 1he difficulties ahead looks p romising, 1hey Sland;
~hance at tying ~iami's take-it-all season record and finally bring.
mg the Lombard, trophy back to the windy city.

The Colgate men's squash club
will begin the fall portion of its
season tomorrow with a home
match against Vassar College. The
match will begin at 1:00 at the
squash courts in Huntington
Gymnasium. This year's team is
quite young due 10 the loss of
several sentOrs from ·iast season's
team, and in fact, more than half
of the playing members are
"rookies." The team is headed by
two freshmen in the Number 1
and 2 SJ)OIS, Sean O'Riordan and
John Harris. The next four spots
are occupied by relUrning
veterans from last year: junior
Paul Reilly , sophom*ore Andy
Sheldon, junior and team captain
Mike Adams, and senior Sven
Fjermedal.The last four positions
are held by sophom*ores Eric
Slone, Jeff Ballard, Todd La™'"·
and Jake Brown.
Despite 1heir overall youth, the
team members will attempt to im·
prove on the disappointing 5.7
record posted by last year's club,
a group which seemed to lack 1he
unily and dedication that is essential to a SUCCe5$ful season.
HighHgh1ing 1he fall portion of
Colgate's schedule, is the
Williams Tournament during the
weekend of December 6+8. This
1ournament, held at Williams College, invotves a tOtal of eight
schools. After breaking for the
holidays and for January session
the club will play eight more mat+
ches during February, including
an alumni match during the Silver
Puck Weekend. The team is hoping for a successful season and
would appreciate your support at
home matches.



1) Since the merger between the AFL and NFL in 1970 what is
the only division in pro-football that has seen each team' finish in
first place at least once?

2)_What w~s the laSI team to go through an entire NFL season
without a victory?
3) The Tampa_Bay Buccane-ers went to the play0ffs in only their
fourth season m the NFL What team holds the record for making
the playoffs in their 1hird season?
4) !'lame the eighl AFC teams that qualified for the playoffs in the
strike shortened 1982 season.

5) Name the six NFC teams that didn't make the play0ffs in that
same season .
6) What was the laSI school to repeat as NCAA basketball
7) Whal was the last sthool to win the
pionship with an undefeated season?

NCAA basketball cham-

8) What school did both John Havlichek and Jack Nicklaus attend
and play baske1ball (or/
9) What team did both Elvin Hayes and Ricky Barry finish their
NBA careers with?
10) Who holds the NBA record for most consecutive free throws
11) Name the five NHL teams who didn't make the playoffs last

12)What was the last oi the three major networks to have a TV
contra·cc with the NHU ,
13) Who are the only three New York Meis 10 have their numbers
retired and what are the numbers?

14) Who was the last Philadelphia Phillie pitcher to win the Cy
Young Award?
15) What "Hill Street Blues" star starred for Cornell and played
for the Vikings and Jets?

Answers to la$l week's trivia:
1) Ken Stabler and Jim lork 2) Greenbay (SB I) and Pittsburgh (SB
XIII/: 35 points 3) Ma,k Mosely f/982) 4/ Art Monk (1984/ SJ
University of Houston Cougars 6) Tony Esposito 7) Six BJ
Philadelphia Flyers 9) 1973-74 between Boston and Philadelphia
10/ 1969-70: Boston vs. 51. Louis 11/ Bobby Orr of 8oWes ynseld (Washington) 13) Dave Cowens, Paul Silas, John
Havf,~hek., Jo Jo_ White, ~nd Charlie Scott 14) Ketley Tripvka, Bill
Lamb~,. and B,11 Hanz.lick 15) Darrell Griffith

Uneducated Guesses
By Tony Crecca

New Orleans (plus 8) at C reen Bay

Well. due 10 a few major sur·
prises last week (Tampa Bay and
Buffalo shutting out their op·
,x,nents) and a couple of blown
leads (1he Rams and the Vikings)
my record has a very mediocre
7-7. Of course with some of the
weeks I've had, I won't complain
too much! My season record now
stands al S6-50-3 as 1he NFL rolls
in10 week eleven.

QB Lynn Dickey came off the
bench last week in relief of Jim
Zorn with the pack trailing the
Vikings 17-6. When the dust
cleared, Dickey had compleled
nine of eleven passes and Green
Bay had its second win over Minnesota this year, 27·17. The pack
at 4-6 is a streaky team, as usual.
The Saints have now lost five in a
row and at 3-7 are sinking into the
mire in the NFC west. Still, Sum
should be able 10 keep
At this point in the NFC,
closer than eight points.
Chicago has all but clinched a
Sain1s plus the spread.
play off spot while the Cowboys,
Giants. and Rams all look to be in
good shape for 1he post-season
ac1ion. Washington. Phi lly,
New England (plus 3 ½) at Seattle
Detroil, Minnesota and the Super·
bowl champion 49e,s all stand at
Steve Grogan and the Patrio1s
5. 5 and will be fighting for theseare the honest team in the AFC
cond Wild Card - barring any
with five straight wins. Playoff
disastrous finishes by the four top fever is in the air in Foxborough,
N FC teams. The AFC is tight as a
Mass! The Pats have disappointed
drum with every team except the the fans many times + nOI this
Colts, Bills, and Chiefs still in con· year. Ray Berry has this team in
tention for the five playoff spots. high gear. The Sea Hawks at 64

This week should prove interesting with many important
games scheduled. let's take a
look .

are on the rebound with two
straight wins now. It should be a
battle, 'cause bolh teams need
this one. A toss up. I'll take the
Patriots and the 3½ points.

Buffalo (plus 8) at Cleveland
The Bills shocked Housion 20-0
last week and will try to do the
same to the Browns. Cleveland
has lost four in a row, but are siill
just one game out oi first place.
look for the Browns to end their
losing streak wilh a big win. Take

Tampa Bay (plus 9½) at NY Jets
Yea! The Bucs finally won one!
It's about time. Too bad 1hey face
the Jets in New York this week.
Coming off that tough last minute
loss to Miami. New York should
be reeling. Slill, Tampa Say keeps
most games fairly close. Take the
Bucs plus the 91/J .


Chicago (pick 'em) at Dallas

Cincinatti (plus 6) at LA Raiders

The game o( lhe day! Bolh
teams have superior defenses. Of.
fensively, though Dallas is more
than sufficienl, Chicago has been
pure dynamite this season. It
should be a fantastic game. I'll go
with the undefeated Bears to win
and set the crazy NFC East into
even more confusion.

Though only 5-S. 1he Bengals
(who I've been p icking all season)
have justified my faith and are tied
for first place. The Raiders have
lost two in a row. It may be close,
but I'll have to break tradition and
take LA (I'll be sorry) give the six

Philadelphia (plus 2) at St. Louis

Kansas City (plus 13) at
San Fransisco

Just when you thought the
cards were on track . ..They lose to
Tampa Bay, 16-0! What an en,.
barassment. The Eagles at 5.5 are
this year's surprise. Still, in St.
Louis the Cards are a tough acl, as
they proved to Dallas. Take Neil
Lomax and company to rebound.

What a spread! The (5-5) 49ers
take any game for
granted at this point. They're in a
fighl for 1he pl;,yoffs. The Chief>
have lost six in a row with no
relief in sight. Look for the niners
to romp.

Miami (minu5 7½) at
M iami suddenly breathes new
life thanks to Mark Duper's spectacular return to the Dolphin line
up last week. Still, at 6-4, the
'Phins trail BOTH New York and
New England by a game. The
Colts are going no where, fasi.
Miami needs this one bad. Take
1he Dolphins.

LA Rams (minus 6) Atlanta
At this poinl, Atlanta based
Falcons couldn't beat 1he Falcons
from the Air Force! The Rams are
on the rebound and need to get
on track. No contest. Take LA and
give the six.
San Diego (plus 4½) at Denver
All of a sudden, the Chargers
are 5-5 and in play-off conten1t0n.
Last time, these two teams met
two weeks ago., San Oiego won
big. 30-10. Denver is coming off a
big-win (17+ 16). Monday nigh1
over the 49ers . They may win,
but it' ll be close. Take the
Chal'gers plus the 41/J.

continued on page 14

THE COLGATE NEWS November 15, 1985 /13

. '• .•.• .• .•

•.• ·'


Hockey To Face First Real Competition
The Colg.-.1e Red Raiders men's

hockey team continued on their


sea.son-opening rampage with a
10-0 victory over a hapless
Brockpcrl State team. Again,
senior Gerard Waslen led the way
in the scoring department, reco,.

ding four goals and three assists.
The seven points tied a Colgate
record for most points in one




Mike Bishop added two goals and

singles were recorded by Doug
Davis, Rejean Boivin. Paul
Jenkins, and Scott Young. Not to
be overlooked are the playmaking

exploits of sophom*ore Brad
Martel, who picked up five assists
while filling in for the injured
Scon ReS1on.
Freshman Wayne Cowley went
the dis1ance in goal for the Red

Raiders and recorded a shutout in
his first college start. Coach Terry
Slater commented, "Brockport

only had 13 shots, but four or five
of them were qualily chances and
Wayne looked sharp on those."
Slater was also pleased with the
play of his special teams thus far.
Colgate has converted 40 percent
of their power play opportunities
and have killed off all 17 of their

lou Wagar eludes Brockport defender.

The Red Raiders thoroughly
dominated the game both offen·
sively and· defensively, a siluation
which Slater feels may breed a
false sense of security. "I was hoping for more of a challenge from
these teams (Brockport and Buf-

Photo by Mark Baxre,

falo). We let down against them at
times, which we can't afford to do
at all this weekend. We need to
play with more intensity. The
defense, although they've played
well, hasn't really been tested yet
They won'I be used to the
pressure they will see this

Mann's Stand


A week ago, Pelle Lindbergh
couldn't have been happier. His
r ecord as goalie for the
Philadelphia Flyers was 6·2, and
the Flyers were the best team in
the NHL at I 2-2. He was engaged
to be married, and his mother was
even visiting from Sweden. To.
day, Pelle Lindbergh is dead at
age 26. He wasn't killed in a freak
accident or through another per.
son's negJigence. Lindbergh got
drunk and slammed his car into a
concrete wall. No sermons on the
dangers of drunk driving are
necessary. The tragic death of a
rising young star is a much

stronger message than anyone
could ever put into words.
The question is why would a
young athlete with everything going for him take such a risk? last
year he won the Vezina Trophy as
the league's best goaltender and
played spectacularly in leading
the Ayer's to the Stanley Cup
Finals. Philadelphia was off to a
great start again this year. Yet
Lindbergh foolishly took his own
life. His blood alcohol content
was reported as .24 percent, .14
percen1 above the legal level of
intoxication in New Jersey. Lindbergh had more than a few beers
on his way home from work. An
estimate of 15 drinks within 4
hours is a much more accurate
estimate. And at 5:40 am, Lindbergh's red Porsche didn't turn

f 11

when the road did.
Lindbergh's tragic accident is
nothing new. In 1974, Bob Casoff
of the St. Louis Blues was killed on
a motorcycle after a team party.
David Overstreet of the Miami
Dolphins also died iii a highspeed automobile accident. And
Craig McTavish, now with the Ed·
monton Oilers, was recenlly
released from jail after serving a
sentence for manslaughter. While
driving under the influence of
alcohol, McTavish crashed into
another car killing the driver.
Lindbergh, Gasoff, and OverSlreet
certainly paid (or their mistakes,
while McTavish will be haunted
by his actions for the rest o( his
The days of athletes as role
models have passed, with the ex-

weekend." This statement refers
to Colgate's upcoming games
against Army and Princeton.
Slater stated, "Army will be our
firSI real lest. They've played 8
games already so they will be in
bener "playing" shape than we
will. Princeton is always tough in
their own building and 1hey had a
good recruiting year. so both
teams should give us a good
game." T),e return to action of the
injured Scott Rest.on and Kelly
Mills, both of whom will play this
weekend, should enhance the
Red Raiders chances for victory.
Colgate leads both of these teams
in their overall series. ColgaJ:e also
has a home game this Tuesday
against Geneseo State College.
Contrary 10 popular belief,
Brockport was not missing the
majority of its pJayers for its game
against Colgate. It has been
reported that all but two of the
regular Brockport players quit 1he
ream to protest the Brockport
coaches aclion of cutting the two
team captains from last year. According to Coach Terry Slater, the
players clid quit for a time but had
relurned to the team prior to the
Colgate g.-.me. The only players
that were missing were the team
captains that did, in fat1, get cut.

cep1ion of an elite few who accept this added responsibility. The
picture of Joe Delaney, a star run·
ning back for the Kansas City
Chiefs, diving into a pond to
rescue two drowning children
comes to mind. Delaney, who
didn't know how to swim. instinctively sacrificed his own life to
save two others. Society doesn'I
expect athletes to be this heroic,
but rather to take advantage of
their publici1y 10 help youngsters
who look up to them. In today's
world, perhaps youngsters should
not blindly accept athletes as role
models but rather accept them as
examples who should or should
no! be followed. Hopefully, Pelle
Lindbergh's example will prevent
someone else from being killed
behind the wheel.

Autheruic Chine,e

Sun. Closed


I don't care how improved the
Oilers are. Any team who loses to
(gets shu1 out by) Buffalo,
doesen't get my vote the next
week . Take the Steelers.
Minnesota (plus 3) at Detroit
The Yikes blew a big one to the
pack last week and must bounce
back if they want to stay in contention for the last wild card spot.
Both teams are 5-5 and need this
one badly . The Lions are vastly
improved and will be looking to
avenge a k>ss 10 Minnesota
(16-13) !WO weeks ago. It'll be a
good one. I'll go with the Yikes
and rake 1he three.

(plus 1) at Washington
Another good one here. If the
'Skins lose this one, it's all over for
them in 1985. New York has won
four in a row and is on a tear. I
may be hurting my own cause
ag.-.in, bur I think Joe Gibbs and
Washington can come up with a
win at RFK Stadium. Take the


Turf, Con 't
Although collegiate sports officials do not widely recognize the
higher rate of injuries in third
quarters as a problem needing immediate anen1ion. some conferences plan to address the issue.
Gene Calhoun, supervisor of Big
10 football referees, has recommended the conference discuss
letting athletes have a longer lime
to stretch before the start of the
third quarter to lower therate of
third-quarter injuries. "I will put it
on their agenda for their
November meeting," says Underwood.

With Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, and
Bill Murray,

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Total Offense
To1al Plays
Yards Per Play
Yards Per Game













Net Yards Rushing
Yards Per Rush
Yards Per Game










Net Yucls Passing





Yards Returned






Punt Return Yards
No. o( Returns
Average Return







Kickoff Return Yards



















Had ln1ercep1ed
Touchdown Passes
Yards Per Comp.
Yards Per Game

Interceptions M.Jde

No. of Returns


Average Return

Yuds Punting
No. of Punts
Average Punt
Had Blocked



fumbles (Losl)

Yards Returned


Total First Downs
By Rushing
By Passing


















By Penahy














191 l









FRI ECAC Tournament (MUSI

7-10 332
4-$ 227

0-2 ,











SAT Colga


SAT Colgate at Princeton 7:30

SAT Colgate al 51. John's l :00




SAT Colgate at 51. John's l :00

Total Points
By Rushing
By Passing
By Return




By Recovery
field Goals (Made-Alt.)












Team .












Penalties Against
Yards Penalized



FRI Colgale at Almy 7:00 p.m.



Comp. Percentage





SAT ECAC Tournament (Must

Wyoming at New Mexico
Navy at S. Carolina
Columbia at Cornell
Pennsylvania at Harvard

S. Mississippi at Alabama
Oregon at Arizona
Stanford at Arizona State
Memphis State at Army
C. Michigan a1 Ball State
Rice at Baylor
Toledo at Bowling
Air Force at BYU
Maryland at Clemson
Utah at Colorado State

Brown al Dartmouth
N. Carolina State at Duke
Tulsa at E. Carolina
Miami (OH) at E. Michigan
Kentucky at Florida
W. Carolina at Florida State
Auburn at Georgia
Wake Forest at Georgia Tech
S. Carolina State at Grambling St.

Indiana at Illinois
Iowa State at Kansas State
W. Michigan at Kent State
Fresno State at long Beach
Mississippi St. at Louisiana St
Non.hwestern a1 Michigan State
Michigan at Minnesota
Oklahoma Slate at Missouri
Kansas at Nebraska

w. Texas SI. at New Mexico St
Ohio at N. Illinois
Wisconsin at Ohio Staie
Colorado at Oklahoma
Notre Dame at Penn State
Yale at Princeton
Iowa at Purdue

Texas-·EI Paso at San Diego St.

Texas Tech at SMU
Boston College at Syracuse
Mi$sissippi at Tennessee
Texas Christian at Texas
Arkansas at Texas A&M

Oregon $Virginia Tech at Vande(bift

N. Cirolin~ at Virginia
USC at Washington

ueEo C Allll.e aouOHT ANO 8-0LO




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THE COLGATE NEWS Novernbe< 1S, 1985 / 15

ETC ...


FRIDAY, November 15


Or. Death- Francis Scott Key
didn't deserve such abuse!

Application deadline for Fa11'86 Study Groups to VENICE,

NancyDid you like testing out your
new toy?

Deadline for dance marathon sign-Ups. •

Sh-boom, Sh-boom, life could be
a dream sweetheart.

10:20am & 2:30pm Prof. Ljubisa Adamovic speaking to GNED

I think I need an elevator key!

2 1S class on Yugoslasve foreign economic relations-212 Alumni
11:20am Prof. Ljubisa Adamovic speal,cing to Economics 433 class

" Because it' s fun" is no excuse!

on intemalional economics-207 Alumni
3:30pm Science co*k,quium, Dr. Dennis Stelzner, " Optic Nerve
Regeneration in the Frog.: A Model of CNS Regeneration" -209

Lori- do as I say, not a.s J do!
- Love, Mom

4:00pm Reception for ljubisa Adamovic and 1985 Yugoslav
Study Group-Cultural Center
4:30pm Poet Andrey Voznesensky reading from his poetry-

Slightl y emotionally abused . SB- Yippee! The night has arrivfemale seeks male affection and ed. Two down (almost) and one
companionship. Inquire within.
more to go!

Early course registration ends.

SATURDAY, November 16
8:QOam - 2:QOam Charity Fund Orive· s Dance Marathon - Com-

1:OOpm Men' s and women's swimming at St. John's
7:00pm & 9:30pm Take Two, " Bachelor Party" - S 1 - 308 Olin

SUNDAY, November 17
3:30pm Chamber Series with Neva Pilgrim and Thomas

MONDAY, November 18
11:20am CPC workshop, resume w riting -

3rd floor, Spear

7:00pm Visitng aniS4 Ellen Fisher- Ryan Studio Center
7:30pm BNEO 200 lecture, Benedkt Anderson, " Forgening and
Awakening: The N ature of Nationalist Mythology" -



TUESDAY, November 19
4:00pm Humanities Faculty Colloquium, Yoichi Aizawa, " The
Shikoku Pilgrimage: An Iconographic Tour of 1he Eighty-Eight
Temple Orcuit" - 112 Lawrence
7:00pm Alternative Ci nema, " Tokyo Story" (1953) by Ozu - free
- all welcome - 209 Lathrop

Space man turn down that stereo,
it's quiet hours!

Happy Birthday Jimmy CYou're old, you're short- but
you're not past your prime yel!
(Wait till the end of the semester!)
Your northern wench
P.S. Thanks Dave!

Reward for return of pink bunny
and golden shaft.

so I won't.
Monica- Glad to hear from you!
We all love and miss ya!
Your ' 'roommate"

8:00pm Film, " The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum" (American

4:00pm Geology Seminar, Bruce Selleck, "Tertiary Sedimen·
tology and Paleoclimatology in Central Alaska Range" - 209
7:00pm Latin American Film Series, " Cimarrones'' - 209
7:00pm Informational meeting with Procter and Gimble - Mer·
rill House
7:00 & 9:30pm Take Two, " Time Bandits" - Sl - 308 Olin
7:30pm. lecture, Ruth Friedman, "The Liberal Arts, Legal Educa·
tion and Life Beyond: A Practitioner's View" - 105 Lawrence

Economics is negatrve fun!


Quart Night is back!!
$1.25 a quart
Mason iars
Happy Hour:
4:00-6:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
3 drafts for a $1.00

161 N ovember 15, 1985 THE COLGATE NEWS

0- Are you really S.A. bastilling
this weekr Pleasel

Janitor Jamaal on duty Novembe

Sharon- You guys look really
cute together. Go for it!
I love you.
Oh yeah, Oswego! ... And they say
Virginia is for lovers!!!
If you melt dry ice, can y<>u go
swimming and not get well

You ngcoedocen t ri smphilosophy to live by.


R.T.- I'm a-frayed knot.

World Famous


Kevin - Thanks for "sh-boom" on
Sunday night!

Wendy. what
have worn off?

I 9nce had a dream that a giant
can of shaving cream and a large
ra2or were chasing me. It was
verv bad ....


Mr. Raymer- What's up? Are you
still alive? Things...are fine fiere.
Will I be getting any news b,iefs
be.fore Christmas...?

H - Please forgive me for being a
bitch . I'm sorry- S... P.S. Je

10:20am Chemistry Seminar, Or. John Baldwin, Syracuse University, "Structure Determination For (-)-Albene" - refreshments at
10am - 111 Wynn
4:00pm Kramer lecture Series, Professor Peter Uwe Hohendahl,
Comell, "Habermas· Critique of the Frankfurt School" - 105
6:00pm Bread and broth/break-the-faSI with miine Eliot Fintushel
- Hall of Presidents
7:00pm Informational meeting with National Westminster Bank
- 3rd floor Spear House
7:30pm Evening of nutturance for weary feminists with Joan
Heiman, "Are Your Ideals Breaking Your Heart?" - spcnsored
by Women's Studies - Alton lounge

WEDNESDAY, November 20

A toast 10 C.0.A ...One of my best
friends and the kind of friend that
will last and laSI. Thanks for
everything. Don't be surprised if
something along the lines of roses
comes your way!

Smurph, Carolyn, PhilHawaii 5-0 forever!!!

THURSDAY, November 21

vers-ion)- sµonsored by German Club and Central Europe House
- 115 Lawrence

Hi A. Had fun doing your job this
week, but 1he guy in charge has 10
be removed. Hope you have no
plans for Monday night!

BH- And where did YOU learn
to skatel- SF

I would if you dtd but you don'I

7:30pm Charity Fund Drive pizza night - SI/slice - sponsored
by Psychology Club - Slarr Rink

- RM 206

L- What are you doing in the

CRG- What' s on the menu (or
this week? Worm and cheese on
ryel Worm soup? Fried worms?
For your sake, I hope not!

Center - all welcome - 209 McGregory

H.S.- The next 3 kitchen duties
are you and you also better juSt
watch your step from now on!

Annie- I'm not going to say we
Therese: You're fresh. (The roof,
should park between the cinthe roof, the roof is on fire ...)
namon car and the ~Iver blue
Tickets wanted for WAC formal.
Call - 0140..
F.F.- If I had my way, I'd have
my way with y<,u. T.T.
A- I want to shackle you to a
rock and hose you down with
How many guys do you know
crushed ice- will you blindfold
who fit this descrip1ionl
me and force-feed me lobster?
1. They draw women like flies.
Affectionately, L.
2. They treat women like flies.
3. Their brains are in their flies. Rip- O.K....so maybe elves don't
do it. But then where do the
Adam, Carmel, Connie, Gayle, leaves go? -Guess who
John, Laura, Matt, PaulThanks for making my first play so TS- Congratulations on your
much fun! Keep in touch.
date! But the "grape" will be
crushed . Hey ... let's make
Gee, now there's no one on the jelly-SF


7: 30pm Ending hunger briefing - sponsored by Dewey Newman

You're not drunk if you can lie on
the floor without holding on.
- Dean Martin

Jennifer Hilford ... l like that ...nice
ring to ii.


7:00pm & 9:30pm Take Two, " Caddyshack" - Sl - 308 Olin

Saker-free- Chapel

Did you ever have one of those
nights where you get stabbed with
a Xmas tree om.1ment, burned
with a bic lighter, and tied up with
late stockings? Me neither!

LoriI agree,. guilty consciousness should be abolished,
but what about gu ilty un·

\ llr ,.,. -

Cla•• ..,.

other novelties

2 SWM seeking I attractive, in.
telligent SWF, preferably on BCP.
Inquiries-2nd A COR.

Starts Friday November 15
Fri . & Sat. at 7:00 & 9:30

l Slf-9'14·S:He J Sun.-Tllurs. Eves. at 8: oo
Mat.-Sun. at 2:00






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It has been around for decades, and its most common use is to convert an image into searchable text. Obviously, the accuracy of the conversion is important, and most OCR software provides 98 to 99 percent accuracy, measured at the page level.

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Scan your documents with plenty of light. If the scanned image is too dark, OCR technology may be unable to differentiate between some characters. Be sure your scan is straight. If the document is skewed when scanned, the characters can become unrecognizable.

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By quantifying metrics like CER and WER on standard test sets, OCR engines can be objectively evaluated and compared for accuracy performance. And improvements to the underlying recognition technology can be validated by reduced error rates.

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Furthermore, the authors discuss the choice of an optimal OCR engine for the experiment. A comparison between Tesseract and Google Cloud Vision is also included: the dataset composed of 19 images revealed a 71.76% accuracy for the former and 89.03% accuracy for the latter.

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The OCR software uses pattern-matching algorithms to compare text images, character by character, to its internal database. If the system matches the text word by word, it is called optical word recognition.

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Since it was first introduced, OCR has evolved and it is used in almost every major industry now.

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OCR is a process of transforming data. So the more data that you have to transform means that the process will take longer. If you have larger images, color images, or high-resolution images ("DPI" or dots per inch), then it will take longer to OCR than smaller, less dense images.

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The recommended resolution for best scanning results for OCR accuracy is 300 dots per inch (dpi). Brightness settings that are too high or too low can have negative effects on the accuracy of your image. A brightness of 50% is recommended. The straightness of the initial scan can affect OCR quality.

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Google Cloud Platform's Vision OCR tool has the greatest text accuracy by 98.0% when the whole data set is tested. While all products perform above 99.2% with Category 1, where typed texts are included, the handwritten images in Category 2 and 3 create the real difference between the products.

How accurate is tesseract ocr? ›

Furthermore, the authors discuss the choice of an optimal OCR engine for the experiment. A comparison between Tesseract and Google Cloud Vision is also included: the dataset composed of 19 images revealed a 71.76% accuracy for the former and 89.03% accuracy for the latter.

Is OCR an output device True or false? ›

Note: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Optical Mark Reading (OMR) are all input devices.

Is Tesseract still the best OCR? ›

While it is free, it is not always the best choice. Many OCR engines have long surpassed Tesseract image recognition quality with AI technologies and offer easier set-up and pre-trained file recognition.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.