Plant biotechnology. - PDF Download Free (2024)

Bibliography of the current world literature This bibliography is compiled by biotechnologists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It is based on literature entered into our database between 1st December 1989 and 30th November 1990 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue. • Papers considered by the reviewers to be of interest. • • Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest. The number in square brackets following a selected paper, e.g. [7], refers to its number in the annotated references of the corresponding review.

Contents Plant biotechnology



Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation systems


Chimeric and anti-idiotypic antibodies



Immunomodulation: suppression, enhancement and autoimmunity


Free DNA methods for plant transformation Plant tissue culture and micropropagation


Drug delivery and in vivo properties


Molecular biology of plants




Biochemical and molecular studies of photosynthesis


Genomic studies


Biochemical and molecular studies of symbiotic nitrogen fixation


Pests and disease


Agricultural biotechnology


Natural products of commercial potential as medicines


Stress resistance in plants


Molecu]ar biology of plant development


Pharmaceutical applications



Multidrug resistance


Antisense technology


Fundamental research and rational drug design


Screening and clinical trials


Quality control and regulatory issues


Production--purification and expression systems


Post-translational and chemical modifications




Neurology and psychiatry


Insulins and sugar metabolism disease


Allergy and inflammation


Infectious agents, vaccines and therapy




lschaemic disease and cardiovascular disease




Plant biotechnology Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation systems Review: (pp 147-152) ALTABES, DE IANNINONI, DE MENDOZAD, UGALDER~ Expression of the Agrobacte~um Turaefaciens ~ v B Virulence Region i n axospirillum Spp. J Bacter/o11990, 172:2563-2567. ANKENBAUERRG, NESTERE~': Sugar-mediated Induction • of ~ u m TumefaciensVirulence Genes: Structural Specificity a nd Activities of Monsaccharides. J Bacter~11990, 172:6442~46.


BELL CR: G r o w t h o f Aqgrobacteritm~-Tumefactens Under Octopine Limitation i n Chemostats. Appl Environ Microbio11990, 56:1775-1781. BOUCHEZD, CAMILLEmC: Identification of a Putative r o l B Gene On t h e TR-DNA o f The Agrobacterfum ~ x ~ A4 Rt Plasmtd. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:617420.

BOULTERME, CROYE, SIMPSONP, SHIELI~R. CROYRRO, ShqRSATAH: Transformation o f Brassica-Napus L ( o i l s e e d Rape) Using AgrobacterinmTumefaclens and Agt~bacterium-Rhizogenes - a Comparison. Plant Sci 1990, 70:91-99. BURRTJ, NORRLLIJI~ KATEBH, BISHOPAL: Use of Ti Plasmid DNA Probes for D e t e r m i n t n s T u m o r i g e n i c i t y o f Agrobacterium Strains./4~pl Environ Microbio11990 , 56:1782-1785. CANGEDDSIGA. ANI~NBAUERRG, NESTEREW: Sugars • • induce the ~ m Virulence Genes Through a Periplasmlc Binding P r o t e i n and a Transmembcane Signal Protein. pro~ Natl Acad Sci USA 1990, 87:670~6712. [24]. CHEE PP, FOBERK~ SLIGHTOMJL T r a n s f o r m a t i o n of Soybean (glycine-max) by Infecting G e r m i n a t i n g Seeds w i t h Agrobacterlumtumefaclens. Plant Physio11989, 91:1212-1218. CLAREBG, KERRA, JONESD-~ Characteristics o f the Nopaline Catabolic Plasmid i n Algrobacterium Strains K84 a n d K1026 used f o r Biological

© Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0958-1669

Control o f Crown Gall Disease. Plasm/d 1990, 23:126-137. CREISSENG, SMITHC, FRANCIS~ REYNOLDSH, MULLINEAUX P: Agrobacte~um - - a n d Mlcroprojectlle - Mediated Viral DNA Delivery i n t o Barley Microspore-derived Cultures. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 8:680-683. DALEEC, OW DW: Intra- a n d i n t e r m o l e c u l a r Siteo o specific Recombination i n Plant Cells Mediated by Bacteriophage P l Recombinase. Gene 1990, 91:79-85. [34]. DEBDOCKM: Factors Influencing the Tissue Culture and the Agrobacterium- Tumefaclens-Mediated Transf~rmatinn o f Hybrid Aspen and Poplar Clones. Plant physio11990 , 93:1110-1116. DESSAUXY, PETIT~ ELLISJG, LEGRAINC, DEMAREZM. WmME J-M, POPOFFM, TEMPEJ: TI Plasmid-controlled Chromosome Transfer i n Agrobacte~um Tumef~ J Bacterio11989, 171:6363-6366. GOFF SA. KLEINTM, ROTHB/L FROMMME, CONEKC, I O RADICELLAJP, CHANDLERVI2 Transactivatlon o f



Plant biotechnology Free DNA methods for plant transformation Antocyanin Biosynthetic Genes Following Transfer of B Regulatory Genes i n t o Maize Tissues. EMBOJ1990, 9:2517-2522. [9]. HATAMOTOH, BOULTERME, SH]RSATAH, CROYEJ, ELLISJPc Recovery o f Morphologically Normal Transgenic Tobacco from Hairy Roots Co-transformed w i t h Agrobacre~um ~b/zogenes and a Binary Vector Plasmid. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 9:88-92. HAYMANGT, FAREANDSK: Asr oba c te r ium Plasmlds Encode Structurally a nd Functionally Different Loci for Catabolism o f Agrocinopine-Type Opines. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 223:465-473. HODD EE, CIAPHAMDH, EKBERGl, JOHANNSONT: T-DNA • Presence and Opine P r o d u c t i o n i n T u m o r s o f P/cea Ab/es ( L ) Karat i n d u c e d BY A g r o b a c t e r ~ m Tuntefaclens A281. Plant Mol Biol1990, 14:111 117. [16]. HOOD EE, CLAPHAMDH, EKBERGI, JOHANNSONT: T-DNA Presence and Opine P r o d u c t i o n i n Tumors o f P/cea Ab/es (L) Karst I nduc e d by Agrobacterium Tumefaciens A281. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:111~ 18. HOOYKA~ pJJ: T r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f Plant Cells Via Aoorobacterium. Plant Mol Bid 1989, 13:327 336. HUANGM-LW,CANGELOSIG& HALPERINW, NESTEREW: • • A Chromosomal Agrobacterium Tum~faciens Gene Required for Effective Plant Signal Transduction. J Ba6ter/o/1990, 172:1814-1822. [23]. HUANGY, MORELP, POWELLB, KADOCI: Vim, a Coregulator of Ti-spectfied Virulence Genes, is Phosphorylated Invitro. J Bacterio11990, 172:1142-1144. HUSSB, TINIANDB, PAULUSF, WALTERB, OTYENI2 Functional Analysis o f a Complex Oncogene A r r a n g e m e n t i n Blotype Eli Agrobactertum Turn•fad•us Strains. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:173-186. JAMESDJ, PRSSEYAJ, BARBARADJ: Agrobacteriummediated T r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f the Cultivated Strawberry (Fragaria X Anannassa D u c h ) Using Disarmed Binary Vectors. Plant Sci 1990, 69:79-94. JANSSENBJ, GARDNERRC: Localized T r a n s i e n t • 0 Expression o f GUS i n Leaf Discs Following Cocultivation with ~ u m , Plant Mol Biol 1989, 14:61-72. [6]. JEFFERSONR~ T he GUS Reporter Gene System. Science • 1989, 342:837438. [5]. JIN S, PRUS~]RK, ROITSCHT, ANKENBAUERRG, NESTER 0 0 EW: P hosphoryla tion o f t h e VfrG P r o t e i n o f Agrobacterium Tumefaciens by t h e Autophosphorylated VirA Protein: Essential Role i n Biological Activity o f vtrG. J Bacterio11990, 172:4945-4950. [20]. JIN S, ROITSCHT, ANI~NBAUERRG, GORDONMP, NESTEREXV: • O T he VirA P rote in of Agrobacterium Tumefaciens is Autophosphorylated a n d is Essential for v/r Gene Regulation. J ~terio11990, 172:525-530. [19]. JIN S, ROITSCHT, CI~ISTIEPJ, NESTERE~Z:The Regulatory 0 • VlrG P rotein Specifically Binds to a Acting Regulatory Sequence involved i n T ranscriptiona l Activation Of ~ u r a Tumefaaens Virulence Genes. J Batter/o/1990, 172:531~37. [21]. KONCZC, MARTININ, MAYERHOFERP~ KONCZ-KALMANZ, • • KORBERGH, REDEIGP, SCHELLJ: High-frequency o f TDNA Mediated Gene Tagging i n Plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1989, 86:8467~471. [11]. KUCHUKN, KOMARND~taI, SHAKHOVSKYA, GLEBAY: Genetic T r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f Medic.ago Species By Agrobacterium Tumefaciens a nd Ele c tr opor a tion o f Protoplasts. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 8 : ~ 3 . KULDAUGA, DE VOS G, •WEN J, MCCAREREYG, ZAMBRYSI~P: • The vtrB Operon of ~ u m Tumefaclens PTIC58 Encodes 11 Open Reading Frames. Mol Gen Genet1990, 221:256-266. [2]. LEE KY, LUNDP, LOWEK, DUNSM01Rp: hom*ologous • Recombination i n Plant Cells After Agrobacter/un~mediated Transformation. Plant Ce//1990, 2:415-425. [321. LOOPSTRAC~ STOMPAM, SEDERORERP~ AgrobacteriumMediated DNA Transfer i n Sugar Pine. Plant Mol Bio11990, 15:1-9. LUDWIGSP~ BOWENB, BEACHl~ WESSLERSI~ A Regulatory O • Gene as a Novel Visible Marker f or Maize Transformation. Science 1990, 247:449450. [8]. MARTINTANGUYJ, TEPFERD, PAYNOTM, BURTIND, HEISLER I, MAImNC: Inverse Relationship Between Polyamine Levels a n d t h e Degree o f Phenotyplc Alteration Induced by t h e Root-inducing, Lefth a n d T ransfer r e d DNA from Agrobacterium Rhiaogenes. Plant PhysiC/1990, 92:912-918. MATSUKI[~ ONODEEAH, YAMAUCHIT, UCH1MIYAH: Tissuespecific Expression o f t h e rolC P r o m o t e r o f t h e

Ri Plasmld in Transgenic Rice Plants. M0/Gen Genet 1989, 220:12-16. MAURELC, BREVETJ, BARBIERBRYGOOH, GUERNJ, TEMPE J: Auxin Regulates t h e P r o m o t e r of t h e Rooti n d u c i n g Rolb Gene of AgrohacterinmRhtzogenes in Transgenic Tobacco. 34ol Gen Genet 1990, 223:58~4. McBR~E KE, SUMMERERETKI~ Improved Binary Vectors f o r Agrobacter/um-mediated Plant Transformation. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:269-276. MELCHERSI~, MARONEYMJ, DEN DULK-RASA, THOMPSON DV, VANVUURENHAJ, SCHILPEROORTRA, HOOYKAASPJJ: O c t • p i n e and Nopaline Strains of ~ u m Turn•fattens Differ in Virulence; Molecular c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of t h e virF Locus. Plant Mol Biol 1990, 14:249-260. MESSENSE, DEKEYSER[~ STACHEL8E: A Nontransformable • • Trtticum Monococcum Monocotyledonous Culture Produces th e Potent Agrobacterlum Vit~ i n d u c i n g Compound Ethyl Ferulate. pro6 Natl A6ad Sci USA 1990, 87:4368-4372. [26]. MOR~S JW, MORRISRO: Identification o f a n Agrobactertum-tumefaclens Virulence Gene I n d u c e r from th e Plnaceous Gymnosperm Pseudotsuga-menzlesiL P r ~ Natl A ~ d Sci U S A 1990, 87:3614-3618. NAGELP,~ELHOTrA, MASEL?~ BIRCHRG, MANNERSJM: Electroporation of Binary TI Plasmld Vector I n t o Agrobacterium Tumsfaciens and Agrobacter~m Rhixogene~ FEMSMicrobiol Lett 1990, 67:325-328. NEHRANS, CHIBBARRN, KARTHAKK, DATLARSS, CROSBY WL, STUSHNOFFC: Agrobacter/um-mediated T r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f Strawberry Calli a n d Recovery of Transgenic Plants. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 9:10-13. OFRINGAR, DE GROOTMJA, I-IAAGSMANHJ, DOESMP, VAN • DEN EIZENPJM, HOOYKAASPJJ: E x t r a c h r o m o s o m a l hom*ologous Recombination a n d Gene T a r g e t i n g i n Plant Cells after Agrobacte~um Mediated Transformation. EMBOJ1990, 9:3077 3084. [33]. PAULUSF, RIDEM, OTIXNk Distribution of Two ~n~tumefac/ens I n s e r tio n Elements i n Natural Isolates - - Evidence for stable Association Between TI Plasmids a n d T h e i r Bacterial Hosts. Mol Gen Genet 1989, 219:145-152 PLAZINSYdJ, TAYLORR, SHAWW, CROFFL ROL~EBG, GUNNING BES: Isolation of Agrobactetium Sp Strain f r o m the Azolla Leaf Cavity. FEMSMicrobiol Lett 1990, 70:55-59. PUNTAMBEKAR US, RANJEKARPK: I n t e r g e n e r i c Protoplast Fusion Between Agrobacterium-tumefariens a n d Bacillus-thurtngiensis Subsp KurstakL Biotechnol Lett 1989, 11:717-722. RAINERIDM, BOTnNOP, GORDONNIP, NESTEREW: • ~m-Medtated T r a n s f o r m a t i o n of Rice ( Oryza Sative L.). Biotechnology 1990, 8:33-38. [10]. ROGOWSKYPM, POWEILBS, SI~RASUK, LIN TS, MOREL P, ZYPRIANEM, STECKTIL KADOCI: Molecular Characterization of th e Vir Regulon o f Agrobacterium-Tume faciens ----Complete Nucleotide Sequence a n d Gene Organization o f t h e 28.63-Kbp Regulon Cloned as a Single Unit. Plasmid 1990, 23:85-106. ROTINOGL, GLEDDIES: T r a n s f o r m a t i o n of Eggplant (Solarium Meiongena L) Using a Binary Agrobactertum Tumefaciens Vector. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 9:26-29. SAH/SV, C~LTONM-D, CHILTONWS: Corn Metabulites 0 0 Affect Growth a n d Virulence of Agrobacter/um Tumsfaclen& P r ~ Natl Acad Sci USA 1990, 87:3879-3883. [27]. SAITOK, KANEKOH, yAMAEAmM, YOSHIDAM, MURAKdSVU I: Stable Transfer and Expreslon o f Chimeric Genes i n Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Uralensis) Using an Ri plasmld Binary Vector. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 8:718-721. SCHRAMMEIJERB, SIJMONSPC, VAN DEN EIZENPJM, HOEKEMA & Meristem Transfomation of Sunflower Via Agrobacteriura. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 9:55~60. SPENA~ AALENRB, SCHU1ZESC: Cell-autonomous Behavior of th e roiC Gene Of Agrobacterium Rb/zogenes D u r i n g Leaf Development: a visual Assay f o r Tesnsposon Excision i n Transgenic Plants. Plant Cell 1989, 1:1157-1164. STECKTI~ KADOCI: Virulence Genes Promote Con[ugative Transfer o f th e Ti Plasmid Between Agrohacterinm Strains. J Bacterio11990, 172:2191-2193. STOMPAM, LOOPSTRAC, CI-RLTON~S, SEDEROFFRP%MOORE LW: Extended Host Range of Agrobacteriumtumefaclens i n th e Genus Pinus. Plant Pbysiol 1990, 92:1226-1232.

TAMAMOTOS, AOYAMAT, TAKANA~M, OKA A: Binding o f th e Regulatory Pr o te in VtrG to t h e Phased Signal Sequences Upstream from Virulence Genes o n th e Hairy-root-inducing Plasmid. J Mol Biol1990, 215:537 546. TENCATECHH, LOONENAEHM, OTTAVIAN]NIP, ENNIKI, VANELDIKG, STmKEMAWJ: Frequent Spontaneous Deletions of Rl T-DNA i n AgrobacteriumRhizogenes Transformed Potato Roots a n d Regenerated Plants. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:735-741. THOMASM~ JOHNSONLB, WHITEFF: Selection o f Interspecific Somatic Hybrids o f Medtcago by Using Agrobacterium-Trsnsformed Tissues. Plant Sci 1990, 69:189-198. TINLANDB, ROHFRITSCHO, MICHLERP, OTIEN I~ Agrobacterinm-Tumefaclens T-DNA Gene 6B Stimulates Rol-Induced Root Formation, Permits Growth at High Auxin Concentrations a n d Increases Root Size. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 223:1-10. VANCANNEYTG, SCHM1DTP~ O'CONNOR-SANCHEZ~ W I ~ R • • I, ROCHA-SOSAM: Construction o f a n i n t ro n c o n t a i n i n g Marker Gene: Splicing o f t h e I n t r o n i n Transgenic Plants a n d Its use in Monitoring Early Events in Agrobacter/um-medlated Plant Transformation. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 220:245-250. [7]. WANGK, HERRERAESTREUAA, VANMONTAGUM: • 0 0 v e r e x p r e s s l o n o f VirD1 and VirD2 Genes in Agrobacte~ura Tumefaciens l~nhances TComplex Formation a n d plant Transformation. J Bacterio11990, 172:4432~440. [12]. WARDJE, DALEEM, CHRISTIEpJ, NESTEREW, BINNSAN: • Co m p le me n ta tio n Analysis o f Agrobacterium Tumefaciens T1 plasmld t,/rB Genes by use o f a v/r P r o m o t e r Expression Vector: virBg, virBlO and virBll are Essential Virulence Genes. J Bacterio11990, 172:5187-5199. [3]. WARDJE, DALEEM, NESTEREW, B1NNSAN: Identification • of a VirB10 Protein Aggregate i n t h e I n n e r Membrane o f A&,robacte~um Tumefaciens. J Bacterio11990, 172:5200-5210. [4]. ZHANXC, JONESD& KERRA: T h e PTIC58 Trs Gene Promotes High-Efficiency Root i n d u c t i o n by Agropine Strain 1855 of AsrobacteriumRhizogenes. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:785-792 ZYPRIANE, KADOCl: Agrobacterinm-Medtated Plant Transformation by Novel Mini-T Vectors i n Conjunction w i t h a High-Copy Vir Region Helper Plasmid. Plant Mol Bio11990, 15:245-256.

Free DNA methods for plant transformation Review: (pp 153-157) ABDULBAmAA, SAUNDERSJA, MATfHEWSBF, pITTARELU GW: DNA Uptake D u r i n g Electroporation of G e r m i n a t i n g Pollen Grains. plant Sci 1990, 70:181-190. AINLEYWM, KEYJk Development o f a Heat Shock Inducible Expression Cassette fo r Plants - Characterization o f Parameters fo r Its use i n T r a n s i e n t Expression Assays. PlantMolBio11990, 14:949 967. BECKERD: Binary Vectors Which Allow t h e Exchange of Plant Selectable Markers a n d Reporter Genes. Nucleic Acids Res 1990, 18:203. BELLINIC, CHUPEAUMC, GUERCHEP, VASTRAG, CHUPEAUY: T r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f Lycoperstcon Peruvlanum and Lycopersicon Esculentum Mesophyll Protoplasts by Electroporallon. Plant Sci 1989, 65:63-76. BONNEVILLEJM, SANFA~ONH, F(3YIERERJ, HOHNT: Posttranscrtptional tranwactlvation i n Cauliflower Mosaic Virus. Cell 1989, 59:1135-1143. BOUCHEZD, TOKUHISAJG, LLEWELLYNDJ, DENNISES, ELLIS JG: T h e Ocs-element is a Component of t h e Pr o m o te r s o f Several T-DNA a n d Plant Viral Genes. EMBOJ 1989, 8:41974204. CAPIANA~VAN MONTAGUM: Plant Expression Systems. o • Curr Opin Biotech 1990, 1:68-73. [2]. COLLINSR& SAV1LLEBJ: i n d e p e n d e n t Transfer o f Mitochondrial Chromosomes a n d plasmlds D u r i n g Unstable Vegetative Fusion i n Neurospora [letter]. Nature 1990, 345:177-178. COMAJL, MORANp, MASLYARD: Novel a n d Useful Properties o f a Chimeric Plant P r o m o t e r Combining CaMV 35S a n d MAS Elements. Plant Mol Bio11990, 15:373~382. COOKE R, PENON P: In Vitro T r a n s c r i p t i o n from Cauliflower Mosaic Virus Promoters by a Ce IL free Extract from Tobacco Cells. Plant Mol Biol 1990, 14:391~i06. CREISSENG, SMITHC, FRANCISR, REYNOLDSH, MULLLNEAUX P: Agrobactertum-- a n d Mtcroprojectlle - Mediated Viral DNA Delivery into Barley

Plant biotechnology Plant tissue culture and micropropagation Mlcrospore-derived Cultures. plant Cell Rep 1990, 8:680-683. DAVEYMT, RECHEL MULLIGANBJ: Direct DNA Transfer to • • plant Cells. PlantMol Bio11989, 13:273-285. [3]. DAWSONWO, LEWANDOWSKInJ, HILFME, BUBPdCKP, RAFFO • • AJ, SHAWJ], GRANTHAMGI~ DESJARD1NSPPc A Tobacco Mosaic Virus-hybrid Expresses and Loses an Added Gene. Virology 1989, 172:285-292. [20]. ELMERS, ROGERSSC~ Selection for Wild Type Size • • Derivatives of T o m a t u Golden Mosaic Virus D u r ~ g Systemfe Infection. Nucl Acids Res 1990, 18:2001 2006. [22]. FINERJ], MCMULLENMD: Tratlsformatiott o f Cottoll (GoSO,Y2MumHirsutumL) Via Particle Bombardment. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 8:586-598. FROMMME, MORPdSHF, ARMSTRONGC, WILLIAMSP~ THOMAS • 0 J, KLEINTM: I n h e r i t a n c e and Expression o f Chimeric Genes in the Progeny o f Transgenic Maize Plants. Biot~tmology 1990, 8:833-839. [13]. FURNERIJ, HIGGINSES, BERRINGTONAW: SIngle-stranded D N A Transforms P lant Protoplasts. Mol Gen Genet 1989, 220:65~68. FOTTERERJ, GORDONK, SANFA~ON,BONNEVILLEJ-M, HOHNT: Positive and Negative Control of Tr a nsla tion by t he Leader Sequence of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus Pregcnomlc 35S RNA. EMBOJ 1990, 9:1697-1708. GOFF SA, KLEINTM, FROMMME, CONEKC, RADICELLAJP, 0 • CHANDLERVk Transact]vat]on of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Genes Following Transfer o f B Regulatory Genes i n t o Maize Tissues. EMBOJ 1990, 9:2517-2522. [9]. GORDON-KAMMWJ, SPENCERTM, MANGANOMI~ ADAMSTP~ • • DAINESRJ, STARTWG, O'BRmNJV, CHAMBERSSA, ADAMS WRJR, WILLETV3NG, PdCETB, MACKEYCJ, KRURGERRW, KAUSCHAP, LEMALrxPG: Transformation o f Maize Cells a n d Regeneration of Fertile Transgenic Plants. Plant Cell 1990, 2:603-618. [12]. GURRINEAUF, BROOKSI~ MEADOWSJ, LUCYA, ROBn~SON C, MULUNEAUXP: s o i l • t r a m ] d e Resistance Gene for Plant T r a t ~ f o r m a t i o n . Plant Mol Bio11990, 15:127-136. HANLEY-BOWDOINL, ELMERSJ, ROGERSSG: M c t i o n a l • Expression o f t h e Leftward Open Reading Frames of t h e a C ompone nt of Tomato Golden Mosaic Virus i n Transgenic Tobacco Plants. Plant Cell 1990,1:1057-1067. [26]. HANLEY-BOWDOINL, ELMERSJ, ROGERSSG: Expression of • Functional Repltcatioo Protein from Tomatu Golden Mosaic Virus in Transgentc Tobacco plants, proc Nall Acad Sci USA 1990, 87:1446-1450. [27]. HAYASHIMOTOA, LI ZJ, MURAlN: A Polyethylene GlycolMediated Protoplast Transformation System for Production o f Fertile Transgenic Rice Plants. Plant Phys~11990, 93:857-863 HAYESRJ, BUCKKW: Replication o f Tomato Golden • Mosaic Virus DNA B i n Transgetxle Plants Expressing O p e n Reading Frames (ORFs) of D N A A: R e q u i r e m e n t o f ORF AL2 for Production o f Single-stranded DNA. NuclAcids Res 1989, 17:10213-10222. [25]. HAYESRJ, COLrlTSRHA, BUCKKW: Stability a nd 0 0 Expression o f Bacterial Genes i n Replicating Geminivirus Vectors i n Plants. NuclAcids Res 1989, 17:2391-2403. [21]. HERSHKOVlTZM, GRUENBAUMY, ZAKAIN, LOYTERA=Genc • Transfer i n Plant Protoplasts - I n h i b i t i o n of Gene Activity b y Cytosine Methylation a nd Expression of Single-stranded DNA Constructs. Plant Science 1989, 253:16~172. [16]. IIDAA, MORIKAWAH, YAMADAY: Stable Transformation of Cultured Tobacco Cells by DNA-Coated Gold Particles Accelerated by Gas-PressureDriven Particle Gun. Appl Microbiol Biotedm~ 1990, 33:560-563. JOERSBOM, BRUNSTEDTJ: Direct Gene Transfer to plant Protoplasts by Electroporation by Alternating Rectangular and Exponentially Decaying Pulses. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 8:701-705. KAR'IZKES, SAEDLERH, MEYERP: Molecular Analysis o f • 0 Transgenic Plants Derived from Transformations o f Protuplasts at Various Stages of Cell Cycle. Plant Science 1990, 67~3-72. [18]. KLEINTM, RUTHBA. FROMMME: Regulation o f • • Anthocyantn Biosynthetic Genes I n t r o d u c e d into Intact Maize Tissues by Microprojectiles. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1989, 86:6681~685. [8]. KLINKENBERGFA~ ELLWOODS, STANLEYJ: Fate o f African • Cassava Mosaic Virus Coat Pr ote in Deletion Mutants after Agroinoculation. J Gen Viro11990, 71:1409-1412. [24].

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Plant tissue culture and micropropagation Related review: Plant tissue culture and molecular biology as tools in

understanding plant development and in plant improvement (pp "158-'163) ABDULLAHP~ THOMPSONJA~ KHUSHGS, KAUSHIKRP, COCIONG EC: Pr otoclo n a l Variation in t h e Seed Progeny o f Plants Regenerated from Rice Protupiasts. Plant Sci 1989, 65:97 102. AL-ATABEEJS, MULLIGANBJ, POWERJB: Inter-specific Somatic Hybrids o f Rudheck/a Hirta And R Laclnlata (Coralm~q~ae). Plant Cell Rep 1990, 8:517-520. ALTENBACHSB, PEARSONKW, MEECKERG, STARACILC, SUN • SSM:E n h a n c e m e n t of t h e Methionine Content o f Seed Proteins by t h e Expression of a Chimeric Geoe Encoding a Methionine-tich P r o t e i n in Trsnsgenic Plants. PlMolec Bio11989, 13:513-522.


BAILEYCM, NICHOLSONH: Optilnal T e m p e r a t u r e Control for a Structured Model o f Plant Cell Culture. Biotechnol Bioeng 1990, 35:252 259. BAIACHANDRANSM, BHATSP, CHANDELKPS: Ill Vitro Clonal Multiplication o f T u m e r ic ( C u r c u m a Spp) a n d Ginger (Zing]bet Oj~crude). Plant Cell Rep 1990, 8:521-524. BANTHORPEDV, BROWNGD: Growth a n d Secondary Metabolism i n Cell Cultures o f Tanacetum,

Mentba a n d Anetbum Species i n Buffered Media. Plant Sci 1990, 67:107-114. BEN-AMOTZA~AVRONM: T h e Blotechnology o f Cultivating th e H a l • t o l e r a n t Alga Dunaileilm TrendsBiotechnol1990, 8:121 125. BOMMINENIV~ GREYSONRI: EffeCt o f Glbbereillc Acid a n d Indole-3-acetic Acid o n Growth and Differentiation o f Cultured Ear Inflorescences o f Maize (Zea Mays L). Plant Sci 1990, 68:23~247. BOVO OA, MROGINSKILA: Somatic Embryogenesis a n d Plant Regeneration from Cultured Mature and I m m a t u r e Embryos of Paspalum Notatum (Gramineae). Plant Sci 1989, 65:217 224. BROWNPTH, KYOZUKAJ, SUI~KIYOY, KIMURAY, SHIMAMOTO K, LORZH: Molecular Changes i n ProtoplastDerived Rice Plants. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 223:324-328. BURGHCJ, RAMULUKS, BREDEME~ERGMM, ROESTS, DIJKHUISp, VANHOOGENJJ, HOUWINGA: Patterns o f Phenotypic a n d T u b e r Pr o te in Variation o n Plants Derived f r o m Protoplasts o f Potato (Solanum Tuber•sum) L Cv Bintje. Plant Sci 1989, 64:113-124. CALLEBAtYrA, VOETSAM, MOTI~JC: Anthocyantn P r o d u c t i o n by Plant Ceil Cultures o n Media Based o n Milk ~Vhey. Biotechnol Left 1990, 12:215-218. CARPaEREF, CHAGVARDIEFFP, GIL G, PEANM, SIGO~LOT JC, TAP1Ep: Paraffinic Hydrocarbons i n Heterotrophtc, P h o t o m i x o t r o p h i c a n d P h o t o a u t u t r o p h i c Cell Suspensions o f Euphorbia-Chacacizs L. Plant Sei 1990, 71:93-98. CAZZULINODI, PEDERSENH, CHINCK, STYERD: Kinetics of Carrot Somatic Embryo Development i n Suspension Culture. Biotechnol Bioeng 1990, 35:781--786. CHENHK, MOK MC, MOK DWS: Somatic Embryogenesis a n d Shoot O r g a n • s e n • s i s from Interspeclllc Hybrid Embryos o f V/gna a/abrescens a n d V Radlatu. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 9:77-79. CHO GH, KIM DI, PEDERSENH, CHINCK: Ethephoo I~nh~ncement o f Secondary Metabollte Synthesis in Plant Cell Cultures. Biotechnol prog 1988, 4:184. CHOUDHARyAD, KESSMANNH, LAMBCJ, DIXONRA~ Stress Responses i n #lfalf~ (Medicago S a t i v a L) IV. Expression o f Defense Gene Constructs in Electrocorporated Suspension Cell Protoplasts. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 9:42-46. CI-IPaSTENP, ROBERTSMF, PHILLIPSONJD, EVANSWC: ALkaloids o f Hairy Root Cultures of a Datura Candtda Hybrid. Plant Cell Rep1990, 9:101 104. CHRISTOUp, SWAINWF, YANGN, MCCABEDE: I n h e r i t a n c e 0 • and Expression of Foreign Genes in Transgenic Soybean Plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1989, 86:7500-7504. [30]. CLOGE, BASSP, WALTERB: Plant Regeneration by O r g a n • g e n e s i s i n (Vitts) Rootstock Species. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 8:726-728. COOKEl~ PENONP: I n Vitro T r a n s c r i p t i o n from Cauliflower Mosaic Virus Pr o m o te r s by a Ceilfree Extract from Tobacco Cells. Plant Mol Biol 1990, 14:391-406. COPPENSL, DEWrlTED: Estersse a n d Peroxidase Zymograms from Barley (Hordeum Vul&are L) Callus as a Biochemical Marker System o f Embryogenesls a n d O r g a n • g e n e s i s . Plant Sci 1990, 67:97-106. CRUZGS, CANHOTOJM, ABREUMAV:Somatic Embryogenesis a n d Plant Regeneration from Zygotic Embryos Of Feijoa Seilowiana Berg. Plant Sci 1990, 66:263-270. D~ K, EDWARI~P~ ED1NGTONB, DIXONR2MStress Responses i n 2klfalfa (Medtcago-sativa L).5. I n d u c tio n of P h e n y l p r o p a n o i d Biosynthesis and Hydrolytic Enzymes in Elicitor-treated Cell Suspension Cultures. Plant Physio11990, 92:44OM46, DAS ~ GHOSHA= Breeding by Protoplast Fusion for Glycoamylase Production. Biotechnol Lelt 1989, 11:705708. DATYASK, DATFAK, POTRYKUSI: Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Mtcrospores o f Both 'lndica' a n d 'japonica' Rice ( O r y z a Sativa). Plant Sci 1990, 67:83-88. DATTASK, PETERHANSA, DATYA]~ POTRYKUSI: Genetically • Engineered Fertile Indica-rice Recovered from Protoplasts. Biotecbnology 1990, 8:736-740. [27]. DE CLERCQA, VANDEWIELEM, VANDAMMEJ, GUERCHEP, • VANMONTAGUM, VANDEKERCKHOVEJ, KREBBERSE: Stable Accumulation o f Modified 2S Albumin Seed Storage Proteins w i t h H i g h e r Methionine Contents i n Transgenic Plants. P1 Physio11990, 94:970-979. [51]. DELANNAyX, LAVALLEEBJ, PROKSCHRK, FUCHSRL, SIMSS[~ • • GREENPLATEJT, MARRONEPG, DODSONRB, AUGUSTINE JJ, LAYrONJG, FISCHOFFD& Field-performance



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Molecular biology of plants Related review: Identificaton and expression of genes of potential interest in plant biotechnology (pp 164-170) ANGENENTGC, VANDEN OUWELANDJMW, BOLJF: Susceptibility to Virus Infection of Transgeulc Tobacco Plants Expressing Structural and Nonstructural Genes o f Tobacco Rattle Virus. Virology 1990, 175:191-198. ANGENONG, UOTILAJ, KURKELASA, TEERITH, BOTTERMAN J, VANMONTAGUM, DEP1CKER~ Expression o f Dteistroulc Transcriptional Units i n Transgentc Tobacco. Mol Cell Bio11989, 9:567(~084. BINDERS, SCHUSTERW, GR1ENENBERGERJM, WEILJH, BRENN1CKEA: Genes for TRNAGIy,TRNAIgs, TRNALYs, TRNAPhe, TRNAser,and TRNATyr are Encoded i n Oenothera Mitochondrial DNA. Curr Genet 1990,17:353~358. BITOUNP~ ROUSSELINP, CABOCHEM: A Plelotropic Mutation Results i n Cross.resistance to Auxin, Absclsic Acid and Paclobutrazol. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 220:234-239. BOBLENZK, NOTHNAGELT, METZLAFFM: Paternal Inheritance of Plastids In the Genus Daucu& Mol Gen Genet 1990, 220:489-491. BOGUSZD, LLEWELLYNDJ, CRMGS, DENNISES, APPLEBY CA, PEAco*ckWJ: Noulegume Hemoglobin Genes Retain Organ-Specific Expression i n Heterologous Transgenic Plants. Plant Cell 1990, 2:633-641. BUCKNERB, KELSONJC, ROBERTSONDS: CIonlttg o f the o o Y 1 Locus o f Maize, a Gene Involved in the Biosynthesis o f Carotenoids. Plant Cell 1990, 2:867-876. [11]. CAILISJ, RAASCHJA, VIERSTRARD: Ubtqultin Extension Proteins o f Arabidopsis-Thaltana - Structure, Localization. and Expression o f Their Promoters i n Transgehlc Tobacco. J Biol (Taem 1990, 265:12486-12493. CANNONM, pIATZJ, OLEARYM, SOOKDEOC, CANNONF: Organ-Specific Modulation of Gene Expression i n Transgenic Plants Using Antlsene RNA. Plant Mol Bio11990, 15:39-47. CARPENTERP~ COENES: Floral Homeotic Mutations * Produced by Transposon Mutagenesis i n Anttrrhinum Majus. Genes and Development 1990, 4:1483-1493. [30]. CARRINGTONJC, FREEDDD, OH C S: Expression o f Potyvirul Polyproteins i n Transgeulc Plants Reveals Three Proteolytic Activities Required for Complete Processing. EMBOJ 1990, 9:1347-1354.

CATIWELHL, BARTELSD: Molecular Cloning and Characterization o f Cold-Regulated Genes in Barley. Plant Physio11990 , 93:1504-1510. CHARESTPJ, HATTOPdJ, DEMOORJ, IYERVN, MIIG BL In Vitro Study o f Transgenic Tobacco Expressing Arab/dops~ Wild Type and Mutant Acetohydroxyacld Synthase Genes. Plant Cell Re# 1990, 8 : 6 4 ~ , CHENL-J, ROGERSS~ BENNETFDC, HUM C, OROZCOEM: An in Vitro Transcription Termination System to Analyze Chloroplast Promoters - - Identification o f Multiple Promoters for the Spinach Atpb Gene. Current Genet 1990,17:55~04. CHEONC-I, DEIAUNEYAJ, VERMADPS: Maintenance of a Plant Line Containing an Antisense Gene and Silencing o f the Target Gene Following Sexual Crosses. Plant Sci 1990, 66:231-236. CHORYJ, PETO C, FEINBAUMl~ PRATTU AUSUBELF: O O Arabidopsis Thaliana Mutant that Develops as a Light-grown plant i n the Absence o f Light. Cell 1989, 58:991999. [47]. CONDITCM, MCLEANBG, MEAGHERRB: Characterization of the Expression o f the Petunia Glycinerich Protein-1 Gene Product. Plant Pbysio11990, 93:596~02. CORmVRAUJI~ COLEMANAW: Plastid Inheritance i n Oeno~ber~ Paternal Input May Influence Transmission Patterns. Curr Genet 1990, 17:327~330. COULTHARTMB, HUH GS, GRAYMW: Physical Or oantT~tion of the 18S and 5S Ribosomal R N A Genes i n the Mitochondrlal Genome o f Rye (Secale CereaisL). Curr Genet 1990, 17:339-346, DALEEC, OW DW: Intramolecular and I n t e m o l e c u l a r Site-Specific Recombination i n Plant Cells Mediated by Bacteriophage-P1 Recombinase. Gene 1990, 91:79-85. DECLERCQA, VANDEWIELEM, DERYCKER, VANDAM/V~J, MANMONTAGUM, KREBBERSE, VANDEKERCKHOVEJ: Expression and Processing o f an Arabidopsis 2S Albumin i n Transsenic Tobacco. Plant Pbysiol 1990, 92:899907. DURINGK, HIPPES, KREUZALERF, SCHELLJ: Synthesis and Self-Assembly o f a Functional Monoclonal Antibody i n Transgenic Nicotiana-Tabacum. Plant Mol Bio11990, 15:281-293. EALINGPM, CASEYP~ The CDNA Clotting of a Pea ( Pisum Sativum) Seed Llpoxygenase. Sequence Comparisons o f the Two Major Pea Seed Ltpoxygenase Isoforms. B ~ J 1 9 8 9 , 264:929. EDELBAUMO, ILANN, GRAF1G, SliERN, STEAMY, NOVICK D, TALN, SELAI, RUBINSTE1NM: 2 Antivtral Proteins from Tobacco - - Purification and Characterization by Monoclonal Antibodies to Human Beta- Interferon. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1990, 87:588-592. EDWARDSJ~V,WAH~REl. CORUZZIGM: Cell-specific Expression i n Transgeulc Plants Reveals Nonoverlapping Roles for Chloroplast and Cytosoltc Glutamine Synthetase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1990, 87:3459-3463. ENOMOTOS, ITOHH, OHSHIMAM, OHASI-HY: Induced Expression o f a Chimeric Gene Construct in Transgeulc Lettuce Plants Using Tobacco Pathogenesis-related P r o t e i n Gene Promoter Region. Plant Cell Re# 1990, 9:6-9. ESAKAM, HATUORIT, FUJISAWAK, SAKAJOS, ASAHIT: Molecular Cloning and Nucleotlde Sequence of Pall-Length CDNA for Ascorbate Oxtdase from Cultured Pumpkin Cells. EurJ Biochem 1990, 191:537-541. FINCHAMJRS: Plant Genetics: Mendel --Now Down to the Molecular Level. Nature 1990, 343:208. FORDRAM-SKELTONAP, YARWOOD& CROYRRD: Synthesis o f Saporin Gene Probes from Partial Protein Sequence Data - - use o f Inosineoligonucleottdes, Genomic DNA and the Polymerase c h a i n Reaction. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 221:134-138. FROMMME ETAL: Inheritance and Expression of chimeric Genes i n the Progeny of Transgeulc Maize Plants. Biotec~ology 1990, 8:833-840. GABARDJM, CHARESTPJ, IYERVN, ~ BL: Cross-resistance to Short Residual Sulfonylurea Herbicides i n Transgenic Tobacco Plants. Plant Pbysio11989, 91:574-580. GARCLAMAROTOF, MARANAC, MENAM, GARCIAOL~DOF, CARBONEROP: Cloning o f CDNA and Chromosomal Location o f Genes Encoding the 3 Types o f Subunits o f the Wheat Tetrameric Inhibitor o f Insect Alpha-Amylase. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:845-853. GENDLOFFEH, BOWEN]3, BUCHHOIZWG: Quantitatlon o f Chloramphenicol Acetyl Transferase i n Transgenic Tobacco Plants by ELISA and



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Genomic studies

Related review: Plant genome studies: restriction fragment length polymorphism and chromosome mappping information (pp 178-183) AXEtOSM, BARDETC, I~BOZT, I~VANTH~A, CURIEC, LESCURE B: The G~ne Family Encoding The A r ~ dJaliana Translation Elongatiml Factor EF-1alpha Molecular Cloning, Characterization and Expression. Mol Gen Genet 1989, 219:106-112. BRADSHAWHI)JR, HOLLICKJB, PARSONSTJ, CIARKEHRG, GORDONMP: Systemically Wound-responsive Genes i n Poplar Trees Encode Proteins Similar to Sweet Potato Sporamins and Legume Kunita Trypsin Inhlbiturs. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:51~o0. BULLENBI~ BESTTI~ GREGGMM, BARSELSE, POFFKI~ A Direct Screening Procedure for Gravitropism Mutants i n Afabldopsts-thalian~ (L) Heynh. Plant Pbysio11990, 93:525-531. CAmSJ, RAASCHJA. VIERSTRARD: Ubiquttin Extension Proteins o f Afabldopals-Thaltan~ - Structure, Localization, and Expression o f Their Promoters i n Trsnsgenic Tobacco. J Biol C~m 1990, 265:12486-12493. CAMPBRI~WH, Gowm G: Codon Usage i n Higher Plants, Green Algae, and C y a n o b a c t ~ . Plant physiol 1989, 92:1-11. CHAOS, SHARPPJ, WORLANDAJ, WARHAMEJ, KOEBNERRiD, • GALEMD: RFLP-based Genetic Maps o f Wheat hom*oeologous Group 7 Chromosomes. Theor Genet 1989, 78:495-504. [30]. CHEUNGWY, GALEMD: The Isolation o f High Molecular Weight DNA from Wheat, Barley and Rye for Analysis by Pulse-Field Gel Electeophoresla. Plant Mol Bio11990, 14:881~S88. CONDITCM, MCLEANBG, MEAGHERRB: Characterization o f the Expression of the Petunia Glycinerich Protefo-1 Gene Product. Plant Pbysio11990, 93:596-602. DEBENERT, SAIAMIN1F, GEBHAROTC: Phylogeny of • Wild and cultivated Soianum Species Based o n Nuclear Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphlsms (RFIJ~). Theor Appl Genet 1990, 79:360-368. [1]. DECLERCQA, VANDEWIELEM, DERYCKER, VANDAMMEJ, VANMONTAGUM, KREBBERSE, VANDEKERCKHOVEJ: Expression and Processing of an Arabldopsls 2S Albumin in Transgenic Tobacco. Plant Physiol 1990, 92:899-907. DEUELEAJ, FERLRJ: Characterization o f the Arabldopsis-ADH G-Box Binding Factor. Plant Cell 1990, 2:547-557. DONALDRGK,CASHMOREAPe Mutation o f Either G BOc or I BOx Sequences Profoundly Affects Expression from the Arabidopsis RocS-1A Promoter. EMBOJ 1990, 9:1717-1726. FORDKG: Plant Regeneration From A r ~ Tba/iana Protuplasts. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 0:534-537. GOLENBERGEM, GIANNASIDE, CLEGGMT, SMILEYCJ, DURB1N M, HENDERSOND, ZURAWSIGG: C h l o r o p l a s t D N A

Sequence from a Miocene Magnolia Species [letter]. Nature 1990, 344:656~657. GUERCHEP, TIREC, DESAFG, DECLERCQA. VANMONTAGU M, KP.EBBERSE: Differential Expression o f the Arabidopsis 2S Albumin Genes and the Effect o f increasing Gene Family Size. Plant Cell 1990, 2:469-478. GUZMANP, ECKERJ~ Exploiting the Triple Response o f &rabidopsis to Identify Ethylene-Related Mutants. Plant Cell 1990, 2:513-523. HAJELARK, HORVATHDP, GILMOURSJ, THOMASHOWMF: Molecular Cloning and Expression o f Cor (ColdRegulated) Genes i n Arsbldopsis-Thaltana. Plant Pbysio11990, 93:1246~1252. HASEBEM, IWATSUmK: Chloroplast DNA from Adlantum cap///u.~vener/~, a Fern Species (Adlantaceae); Clone Bank, Physical Map and Unusual Gene Localization i n Comparison with Angiosperm Chloroplast DNA. Curt Genet 1990,17:359. HAUGHNGW, SOMERVILLECP~ A Mutation Causing Imldazolinone Resistance Maps to the Csrl Locus of Arabidopsis-thallana. Plant Physio11990, 92:1081-1085. HElMDIL ROBERTSJI, P ~ PD, LAedONUAIM: A 2nd LOCUS, Ixr B1 i n Arabidopsis-thaliana, that Confers Resistance to the Herbicide Isoxaben. Plant Physio11990, 92:858-861. HIRTH, KOGLM, MURBACHERT, HEBERIE-BORSE: Evolutionary Conservation of Transcriptional Machinery Between Yeast and Plants as Shown by the Efficient Expression from the CaMV 35S

Plant biotechnology Biochemical and molecular studies of symbiotic nitrogen fixation p r o m o t e r and 35S T erm ina tor . Curr Genet 1990, 17:473-480. HUGLYS, MCCOURTP, BROWSEJ, PATTERSONGW, SOMERVmLE C: A Chilling Sensitive Mutant of Arabldopsis w i t h Altered SteryI-Ester Metabolism. Plant physio11990, 93:1053-1062. IzucH] S, TEEACH1T, SAKAMOTOM, MIKAMIT, SUGITA M: Structure a n d Expreaslon o f Tomato Mltochondrlal Genes Coding for Transfer Rnacys ( G c a ) , Transfer Rnaaso (Guu) a nd T r a n s f e r Rnatyr (Gum) - a Native Transfer Rnacys Gene is Present i n Dicot Plants But Absent i n Mooocot plants. Curr Genet 1990, 18:239-243. JOHN PCI~ SEK FJ, LEE MG: A hom*olog of t h e Cell Cycle Control Protein P 3 4 c d ~ Perticlpatea i n t h e Division Cycle o f Gb/amydomona& a Similar Protein is Detectable i n Higher Plants a nd Remote Taxa. Plant Cell 1989, 1:1185-1193. JUBIERMF, LUCASH, DELCHERE, HARTMANNC, QU~TmRF, LEJEUNEB: An I n t e r n a l Part of t h e Chloroplast AtpA Gene Sequence is Present i n the Mltochondrial G e n o m e o f Triticum Aestlvum: Molecular Orgaltisation a nd Evolutionary Aspects. Curr Genet 1990, 17:523-528. KARElVAP, SAHAKIANp~ T r i t o p h l c Effects of a SImple Architectural Mutation i n Pea Plants [letter]. Nature 1990, 345:433. KEIMP, DIERSBW, OtSON TC, SHOEMAKERRC: • Mapping i n Soybean: Association Between Marker Loci and Variation i n Quantitative Traits. Genet~s 1990, 126:735-742. [19]. KHLmANAJP, REN ZI, STEINrlZB, PARKSB, BESTTl~ POFF KL Mutants o f Arabldopsis-thallana w i t h Decreased Amplitude i n T h e i r Phototropic Response. Plant Pbys~ 1989, 91:685~89. KIEMP, D1ERSBW, SHOEMAKERRC: Genetic Analysis @ o f Soyhcmn Hard Seededness w i t h Molecular Markers. The0r A/~I Genet 1990, 79:465-469. [38]. KOCH E, SLUSASENKOA~ Arabidopsts is Susceptible to Infection by a Dow ny Mildew Fungus. Plant Cell 1990, 2:437-445. KREIKEJ: Genetic Analysis o f Forest Tree Populations - - Isolation o f DNA from Spruce a nd Fir Apices. plant Mol Eio11990, 14:877-879. KUNSTI~ KLENZJE, MARTINEZ-ZAPATER J, HAUGHNGW: AP2 Gene D e t e r m i n e s t h e Identity of p e r i a n t h Organs i n Flowers o f Arabidopsls Thaliana. Plant CeU 1989, 1:1195-1208. KURKELAS, FRANCKM: CIoning a nd Characterization of a Cold-Inducible a n d AliA- Inducible Arabldopsis Gene. Plant Mol Bio11990,15:137-144. LECOMMANDEURD, SIROUY, LAURI~REC: Glycan Research o n Barley, Maize, Oats, a nd Sorghum Grain a-amylases - - Comparison w i t h Rice Alphaamylase. Arch Biodmm B i ~ 1990, 278:245-250. LINTHORSTHJM, VAN LOONIE, Mx~,mlmKJ, BOLJF: Characterization o f CDNA Clones for a Virusinducible, Glycine-rich Protein from Petunia. Plant Mol Bio11990, 15:521-524. MAIDU, VALENTINK, ZETSCHEK: The psbA-gene f r o m a Red Alga Resembles those from Cyanobacteria and Cyanelles. Curr Genet 1990, 17:255-259. MANHARTJP~ PALMERJD: T h e Gain of Two Chloroplasmic TRNA Introns Marks the Green Algal Ancestors o f Land Plants [letter]. Nature 1990, 345:268-269. MASTERSONRV, FURTEKDB, GREVELDINGC, SCHELLJ: A Maize Ds Transposable Element Containing a dibydrofolate Reductase Gene Transposes i n Nicogiana Tabacum and Arabidopsts Tbaliane. Mol Gen Genet 1989, 219:461~i66. MILLERJC, TANKSIEYSD: RFLP Analysis of Phylogenetic • Relationships a n d Genetic Variation in t h e Genus Lycoperstogm Theor 2~pl Genet1990, 80:437-448. [45]. NEWMANSM, DEaOCHERJ, CA~ouco P~ Analysis of Chromophytic a n d Rhodophytic Ribulose-l,5bisphosphate Carboxylese Indicates Extensive Structural and Functional Similarities Among Evoluutionary Diverse Algae. Plant Physio11989, 91:939-946. PATERSONAH, DE VERNAJW, [AN1N1B, TANKSI£YSD: • Fine Mapping o f Quantitative Trait Loci Using Selected O verlapping Recombinant Chromosomes, i n an Interspecles Cross o f Tomato. Gene~c~ 1990, 124:735-742. [37]. pEARSONL, MEAGHERRB: Diverse Soybean Aetin Transcripts Contain a Large I n t r o n In t h e 5' Untranslated Leader: Structural Similarity to Vertebrate Muscle A O i n Genes. Plant Mol Biol 1990, 14:513-526.

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Plant b i o t e c h n o l o g y

Agricultural biotechnology

VANDE ROEEMD, VANKANJAL, GONTALF~-JAI~NMT, BOLJF: Analysis of Regulatory Elements Involved in the Induction o f Two Tobacco Genes by Salicylate Treatment and Virus Infection. Plant Cell 1990, 2:357-366. VANDEN EIZENPJM, HUISMANMJ, WILL!NKDP-L,JONGEDUK E, HOEKEMAA, CORNEL1SSENBJC: Engineering Virus Resistance i n Agricultural Crops. Plant MOl Btol 1989, 13:337. WATANABEM, SAKAIY, TERAOKAT, ABE H, KONOY, UZAWA J, KOBAYASH1K, SUZUKIY, SAKORm~ Novel C19kaurane Type of Diterpene (oryzalide A), a New Anttmierobial Compound Isolated from Healthy Leaves o f a Bacterial Leaf Blightresistant Cultivar of Rice Plant. Agric Biol C~em 1990, 54:1103-1105. WATANABEP%OGASAWARAN: The Role of Mannan~ g Enzymes i n the Lysis of Some Plant Pathogenic Filamentous Fungi, Glomefella Species. Agr/c Biol Chem 1990, 54:541-542. WE! N, HEATONL~ MORRISTJ, HARRISONSC: Structure and Assembly o f Turnip Ca'lnkle Virus. VL Identification o f Coat protein Binding Sites o n the RNA. J Mol Bio11990, 214:85-95. WILSONA~ PICKETTFB, TURNERJC, ESTELLEM: A Dominant Mutation i n Arabidolmis Confers Resistance to Auxin, Ethylene and Abscisic Acid. Mo/Gen Genet 1990, 222:377-383. WISNIEWSmL& POWELLP& NELSONRS, BEACHYRN: Local and Systemic Spread o f Tobacco Mosaic Virus i n Transgenic Tobacco. Plant Cell 1990, 2:559-567. YOSHIKAWAN, TAKAHAsh*t: I n V/tro Translattoo of Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus RNA. f Gen Virol 1989, 70:3051-3054. ZHENGY, EDWARDSMC: Expression of Resistance to Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus i n Barley and Oat Protoplasts. J Gen Viro11990, 71:1865-1868.

Agricultural biotechnology Related review: Agricultural progress: engineered crop species, field trial results and commercialization issues (pp 199-202) ANDERSONJ: Agricultural Bintechnology: Growing Concern? Trends BioieffOno11989, 7:196. ANONYMOUS:Bfoteclmulolgy Takes Root i n the Third World. Science 1990, 248:962-963. ANONYMOUS:Hybrid Corn [editorial]. Science 1990, 249:837-838. BERKOWITZDB: The Food Safety of Transoenic • Animals. B/oiechno/o~ 1990, 8:819-825. [21]. BROWNPTH, KYOZUKAJ, SUKEKIYOY, KIMURAY, SH1MAMOTO K, LORZH: Molecular Cha~ges i n ProtopiastDerived Rice Plaots. MOI Gen Genet 1990, 223:324-328. BEUNKDG, RICHPJ, RHODESS: Geootypic Variation for Glycinebatalne Among Public tubreds o f Maize. Plant Physio11989, 91:1122-1125. BURGHCJ, RAMULUKS, BREDEb~UERGMM, ROESTS, DUKHU1SP, VANHOOGENJJ, HOLAVING& Patterns of Phenotypic and Tuber protein Variation On Plants Derived from Protoplasts o f Potato (Solarium Tuberosum) L Cv Blntje. Plant Sci 1989, 64:113-124. CATI~XLIJL, BARTRLSD: Molecular Cloning and Characterization o f Cold-Regulated Genes i n Barley. Plant Physio11990 , 93:1504-1510. CHOUDI-IARYAD, KESSMANN H, LAMB CJ, DIXONRA~Stress Responses in Alfalfa (Mod~cago Sa~va L) IV. Expressioo of Defense Gene Constructs i n Electrucorporated Suspension Cell Protuplasts. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 9:42~i6. CHRISTOUp, MCCABEDE, MARTINELLJ, SWAINWF: Soybean • Genetic Engineering----Commercial production o f Transgenic Plants. Trends Biotechno11990, 8:145-151. [14]. DATTASK, PETERH&NS~ DATrAK, POTRYKUSI: Genetlcallly • Engineered Fertile Indica-rice Recovered from Protoplasts. Bioiedmology 1990, 8:736-740. [8]. DELANNAYX, LAVALLEEBJ, PROKSCHRK, FUCHSRl, SIMSSR, • • GREENPLATEJT, MARRONEPG, DODSONliB, AUGUSTINE JJ, LAYTONJG, FISCHOFFD& Field Performance o f Transgenic Tomato Plants ExpressIng the Baca/us l ~ u r f n g / e n a s Vat. kurstak/Insect Control Protein. B/otechno/ogy1989, 7:1265-1269. [16]. DUPUlSI, DUMASC: Biochemical Markers o f Female Beceptivity i n Maize (Zea-Mays L) Assessed Using Invitro Fertilization. Plant Sci 1990, 70:11-19. FREYTAGAH, WRATHERJ~h ER/CHSENAW: Salt Tolerance Sugarbeet Progeny from Tissue Cultures


Natural products of commercial potential as medicines

Challenged with Multiple Salts. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 8:647450, FROMMME, MORRISHF, ARMSTRONGC, WILLIAMSP~ THOMAS O • J, KLEINTM: Inheritance and Expression of Chimeric Genes i n the Progeny of Transgenlc Maize Plants. Biotechnology 1990, 8:833-839. [3]. GAVAZZIG, MEREGHETHM, CONSONNIG, TONELLIC: Sf/~ a Light-dependent and Tissue-specific Gene o f Maize - - the Genetic Basis o f Its Instability. GenetiCs 1990, 125:193-199. GOLAN-GOLDHmSHA, HANKAMERB, LIPSSH: Hydroxyprofine and Proline Content of Cell wails o f Sunflower, Peanut and Cotton Grown Under Salt Stress. Plant Sci 1990, 69:27-32. GOm~ON-KAMMWJ, SPENCERTM, MANGANOMI, ADAMSTR, O• DAINESRJ, STARTWG, O'BRIENJV, CHAMBERS8/h ADAMS W1LWILLETISNG, RICETB, MACKEYCJ, KRUEGERRW, KAUSCHAP, I~MAUXPG: Tt-~tsformation o f Maize Cells and Regeneration of Fertile Tralmgenic Plants. The Plant Cell 1990, 2:603-618. [2]. KANIEWSmW, LAWSONC, SAMMONSB, HALEYL, HARTJ, • O DELANNAYX, TURNERNE: Field Resistance of Trangenic Russet Burbank Potato to Effects o f Infection by Potato Virus X and Potato Virus Y. Bioiechnology 1990, 8:750-754. [17]. KEELERKH: Can Genetically Engineered Crops Become Weeds. Biotechnology 1989, 7:1134-1140. KESSMANNH, CHOUDHARYAD, DIXONR& Stress Responses i n #lf~lfa (Medi~ago $ativa L) i l l Induction o f Medicarpin and Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Activities in Elicitor-treated Cell Suspension Cultures and protoplasts. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 9:38-41. KIMC-S, KAMIYAS, SATOT, UTSUMIS, KITOM: Improvement o f Nutritional Value and Functional properties o f Soybean Glycinin by ProteIn Engineering. protein Eng 1990, 3:725-732. KNIGHTP: Engineered Fruit and Vegetable Crops. o • Bioiechnology 1989, 7:1233-1237. [19]. KRAMERM, SHEEHYRE, HIATTWI~ Progress Towards the Genetic Engineering o f Tomato Fruit Softening. Trends Biotechno11989, 7:191-193. KYOZUKAJ, KANEDAT, 8HIMAMOTOK: Production o f Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Rice (oryza-sativa L) by Cell Fusion. Biotecbnology 1989, 7:1171-1177. LAWSONC, KANIEWSI~W, HALEYL, ROZMANIL NEWELLC, SANDERSP, TUMERNE: Engineering Besistanee to Mixed Virus Infection i n a Commercial Potato Cultivar - - Resistance to Potato Virns-X and Potato Vtrus-Y i n Transgenic Russet Burbank. Biotechnology 1990, 8:127-134. MALANC, GREYLINGMM, GRESSELJ: Correlation Between Cuzn Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Reductase, and Environmeotal and Xenobiotic Stress Tolerance i n Maize Inbreds. Plant Sci 1990, 69:157-166. MCGARVEYPB, KAPERJM, AVIIARINCONMJ, PENAI~ DIAZRUIZ Jl~ Transformed Tomato Plants Express a Satellite RNA of Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Produce Lethal Necrosis Upon Infectioo w i t h Viral RNA. Biochem Btophys Res Commun 1990, 170:548-555. NmTOSOTELOJ, V]ERLINGE, HO THD: Cloning, Sequence Analysis, and Expression o f a CDNA Encoding a piastid-Localized Heat Shock Protein In Maize. Plant Physio11990, 93:1321-1328. ODELLJ, CAI~ P, 8AUERB, RUSSELLS: Site-Directed Recombination i n the Genome o f Transgentc Tobacco. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 223:369-378. pERRYKI, PALIJKAmSP: Transcription o f Tomato Ribosomal DNA and the Organization o f the Intergentc Spacer. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 221:102-112. POTRYKUSI: Gene Transfers to Cereals: an Assessment. Tremls Biotechno11989, 7:269-272. POTRYKOSh Gene Transfer to Cereals: an Assessment. Biotechnology 1990, 8:535-542. PRU1TI'KD, HANSONMPc Cytochrome oxidase Subunit H Sequences i n Petunia Mltochondrim Two Introncontainln S Genes and an Intron-less Pseudogeoe Associated with Cytoplasmic Male Sterility. Curr Genet 1989, 16:281-292. RHODESD, RICHPJ, BRUNKDG, Ju GC, RHODESJC, PAULY MH, HANSENLA:Development of 2 isogenic Sweet Corn Hybrids Differing for Glycinebetaine Content. Plant pbysio11989, 91:1112-1121. ROBERTLS ETAL:Antisense RNA I n h i b i t i o n of 13glucuronidsse Gene Expression in Transgenic Tobacco can be Transiently Overcome Using a Heat-inducible ~-gluenronidase Gene Construct. Biotechnology 1990, 8:459-464. SANOH, KAMADAI, YOUSSEFIANS, WABIKOH: Correlation Between DNA Undermethylatioo and Dwarfism in Maize. Biochim Biop/Tys A6ta 1989, 1009:35-38.

SANOY: The Genic Nature o f Gamete Eliminator i n Rice. Genetica 1990, 125:183-191. SCHAFFERNL~ FISCHERRI; Transcriptional Activation by Heat and Cold of a Thiul Protease Geoe i n Tomato. Plant Physto11990, 93:1486-1491. SIMMONI~J: Improved Androgenesis o f Winter Cultivars o f Trittcum Aestitmm L in Response to Low Temperature Treatmeot o f Donor Plants. Plant Sci 1989, 65:225-232. SMITHCJ8, WATSONCF, MORRISPC, BIRDCR, SEYMOUR GB, GRAYJE, ARNOLDC, TUCKERGA, SCHUCHW, HARDINGS, GRmRSOND: Inheritance and Effect o o Ripening of Antisense Polygalacturonase Genes i n Transgenie Tomatoes. Plant Mol Biol 1990, 14:369-380. SPRINGERB, BELLMANNR, WERRW: Formation o f Composite Nucleoprotetn Complexes Near the Transcription Start o f the Shrunken Gene from MaiZe. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 221:94-101. STARKDM, BEACHYRN: Protection Against Potyvtrus Infection i n Transgenic Plants - - Evidenee for Broad Spectrum Resistance° Bioiechnology 1989, 7:125~1264. VANDEN EIZENPJM, HUISMANMJ, WILLINKDP-I~JONGEDUK E, HOEKEMAA, CORNELISSENBJC:Engineering Virus Resistance in Agrieultural Crops. Plant Mol Biol 1989, 13:337. VISSERRGF, HERGERSBERGM, VANDER LEIJFP~JACOBSENE, WITHOLTB, FEENSTRAWJ: Molecular Cloning and Partial characterization o f the Gene for Granuleb o u n d Starch Synthase from a Wtidtype and an Amylose-free Potato ( S o l a n u m T ~ m L). Plant Sci 1989, 64:185-192. YANGMS, ESPINOZANO, NAGPALAPG, DODDSJH, WHITE FF, SCHNOORKI~JAYNESJM: Expression o f a Synthetic Gene for Improved Protein Quality i n Transformed Potato Plants. Plant Sci 1989, 64:99-112.

Natural products of commercial potential as medicines Review: (pp 203-2"10) ARCHAMBAULTJ, VOLESKYB, KURZWGW:Production o f Indole Alkaloids by Surface Immobilized CROSeUS Cells. Biotec.bnol Bioeng 1990, 35:660~67. BANI~ORPEDV, BROWNGD: Growth and Secondary Metabolism in Cell Cultures o f Tanacetum, Mentha and Anethum Species i n Buffered Media. Plant Sci 1990, 67:107-114. BATYEYJF, SCHM1DKM, OHLROGGEJB: Genetic Engineering for plant Oils: Potential and Limitations. Trends Bioiechno11989, 7:122-125. BRITSCHL: Purification o f Flavanone 3~.hydroxylase from Petunia H y b r l d ~ Antibody Preparation and Characterization o f a Chemogenetically Defined Mutant. Arch Biochem Biophys 1990, 276:348-354. CARRIEREF, CHAGVARDIEFFP, GILG, PEANM, SIGOILLOT JC, TAPIEP: par~mnic Hydrocarbons i n Heterotrophic, Photomixotrophic and Photoautotrophic Cell Suspensions of Euphorbia-Characlas L. Plant Sci 1990, 71:93-98. CHO GH, KIMDI, PEDERSENH, CHINCK: Ethephon Enhancement of Secondary Metabollte Synthesis i n Plant Cell cultures. BiOieChnolProg 1988, 4:184. CHRISTENP, ROBERTSMF, PHILLIPSONJO, EVANSWC: Alkaloids o f Hairy Root Cultures o f a Datura Candida Hybrid. Plant CeURep 1990, 9:101-104. DASA, GHOSHA~Breeding by Protoplast Fusion for Glycoamylase Production. Biotechnol Lett 1989, 11:705-708. DURINGK, HIPPES, KREUZALERF, SCHELLJ: Synthesis and Serf-Assembly o f a INloctlotml Monoclonul Antibody i n Transgenic Nlcotiana-Tabacum. Plant Mol Bio11990, 15:281-293. EDELBAUMO, IIANN, GRAFIG, SHERN, STRAMY~ NOVICK D, TAt N, SEIAI, RUBINSTEINM: 2 Antlvtral Proteins from Tobacco - - Purification and Characterizatioo by Monoclonal Antibodies to Human Beta- Interferon. P r ~ Natl Acad Sci U S A 1990, 87:588-592. FLEURENTINJ, PELTJM: Medicinal Plants (in French). Recherche 1990, 21:810. f*ck~I H, TANIM, TABATAM: Induction o f Shikonin Biosynthesis by Endogenous PolyBacehartdes In Li~9$permum Erythrorhizon Cell Suspension Cultures. Plant Cell Rep 1990, 9:73-76. GRIESBACHRJ, ASENS: characterization o f the Flavonol Glycosides i n Petunia. Plant Sci 1990, 70:49-56. GUERCHEP, DEALMEIDAERP, SCHWARZTEINMPh GANDER E, KREBBERSE, PEILETIERG: Expressioo of the 2S Albumin from Bertholletia.Excelsa i n BrassicaNapns. Mol Gen Genet 1990, 221:306-314.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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