Shadow Joestar's Injustice 2 DLC - Chapter 41 - ShadowJoestar (2024)

Chapter Text

Sly Cooper

Intro Motion

Entrance 1: Sly is dropping into the battlefield with his Cooper glider then releasing himself from the glider to make his epic landing. After the opponent talk, Sly twirl his cane and held it behind him as he looks confident at his opponent.

Entrance 2: Sly walks onto the battlefield while twirling a golden watch on his finger with his cane on his shoulder. After the opponent talk, Sly puts the golden watch in his backpack and held his cane to the front.


Mirror Match, 1st:

Sly: Are you me?

Sly: Or one of my ancestors?

Sly: Or maybe from the future?


Sly: Wow, I am good looking.

Sly: But are you the better thief?

Sly: I love a good challenge.


Sly: Who are you, good looking?

Sly: You from the future.

Sly: Looking at you means I’m doing good.


Sly: The Ultimate Cooper challenge.

Sly: Facing yourself.

Sly: Time I prove myself as a Cooper!

Adam Taurus, 1st

Adam: Where do you imprison the humans?

Sly: What are humans exactly?

Adam: No humans… at all?


Adam: Your world is the perfect paradise.

Sly: One you’re not welcome, pal.

Adam: At least let my people come to.


Sly: That sword looks valuable.

Adam: It’s my very strength.

Sly: Make me want to steal it more.


Sly: Such a bad temper for a bull.

Adam: Like that matters when you’re dead.

Sly: This Cooper doesn’t do death.

Adora, 1st:

Adora: Why are you looking at my sword.

Sly: Oh, just thinking how cool it is.

Adora: You’re planning on stealing it, are you?


Adora: A family of thieves, for real?

Sly: The Coopers greatest life!

Adora: I should be mad, but I’m not.


Sly: Wow, you are strong.

Adora: Being She-Ra does that.

Sly: Murray would love to spare with you.


Sly: Are there any treasures on Etheria?

Adora: Are the First Ones’ tech.

Sly: Bet Bentley would love to have that.

Aquaman, 1st:

Aquaman: Be gone, thief!

Sly: But I haven’t stolen anything, yet.

Aquaman: That’s why I’m here.


Aqauman: What manner of sea creature are you?

Sly: Name’s Sly Cooper, and I’m a thief.

Aquaman: Allow me to welcome you properly.


Sly: Time to steal from the king.

Aquaman: You shall not have any of Atlantis!

Sly: Don’t worry, I won’t take… much.


Sly: You’re one serious fish.

Aquaman: Serious to make you leave.

Sly: Someone’s feeling fishy today.

Asura, 1st:

Asura: I don’t take kindly to thieves.

Sly: Not the first muscle guy I’ve come across.

Asura: But I’ll be your last.


Asura: Go dig through the garbage.

Sly: This raccoon is going for something better.

Asura: That better mean leaving me.


Sly: Cool arms you got there.

Asura: Use to smash your face in.

Sly: Then I’ll stay away from them.


Sly: You’re how old now?

Asura: dozens of thousands of years old.

Sly: You’re literally an ancient relic!

Atom, 1st:

Atom: I see you’re interested in my tech.

Sly: It could be good for heists.

Atom: Sorry, good science use only.


Atom: This Dr. M is a disgrace to science.

Sly: Yeah, the guy was a real whacko.

Atom: I hope he stays dead.


Sly: Strength in shrinking, that’s new.

Atom: So is a literal raccoon thief.

Sly: Proud of it too.


Sly: Ready to tangle, doc?

Atom: Ready to win, Mr. Cooper.

Sly: Except I’ll steal that win.

Atrocitus, 1st:

Atrocitus: Clockwork still hunts your mind.

Sly: He lived thousands of years trying to kill the Coopers.

Atrocitus: Show me your rage now.


Atrocitus: Don’t surpass your anger.

Sly: A great thief must always be calm.

Atrocitus: I will break your spirit.


Sly: I’m in the mood for a ring.

Atroctius: Take it and I will die.

Sly: Okay, that’s unexpected.


Sly: Wow, you are really angry.

Atroctius: And you will feel that anger.

Sly: Wish I have Bentley’s darts.

Bane, 1st:

Bane: Dirty little thieves.

Sly: Hey, I do a clean steal.

Bane: Then your death will be bloody.


Bane: The blood of kings runs through me.

Sly: Does that mean you got any royal treasures?

Bane: I will get them, but you won’t have any.


Sly: Imprison for your dad’s crime. Ouch.

Bane: Prison is where I became a man.

Sly: That doesn’t sound crazy at all.


Sly: Your muscles aren’t all that.

Bane: My strength is unmatched.

Sly: You haven’t met The Murray.

Batman, 1st:

Batman: You’re an unusual thief.

Sly: What makes you say that?

Batman: You only steal from the bad guys.


Batman: You don’t steal from others.

Sly: Only steal from other thieves. That’s the golden rule of the Cooper family.

Batman: Honoring the family name shows strength.


Sly: Lots of gadgets you got there.

Batman: Steal them and you’ll be in prison.

Sly: Even stricter than Carmelita.


Sly: I heard you went through a lot as a kid.

Batman: Fighting to protect them from what happened.

Sly: I felt the same when I lost my dad.

Bizarro, 1st:

Bizarro: Bizarro wants hug mask cat.

Sly: Not a cat, and no hugs.

Bizarro: Bizarro will hug you to Heaven!


Bizarro: Me will teach you ill manners.

Sly: I know my silver wears.

Bizarro: Then lesson is over.


Sly: Oh, you beat Mz. Ruby in the ugly department.

Bizarro: Bizarro is ugliest of them all!

Sly: You sound weirder than her too.

Sly: So, you’re a clone.

Bizarro: Me am worst version.

Sly: You’re not wrong there.

Black Adam, 1st:

Black Adam: You will leave Khandaq at once.

Sly: I was just sightseeing.

Black Adam: Seeing to steal from me.


Black Adam: I could use a thief.

Sly: Sorry, I work only for myself.

Black Adam: Then you will die.


Sly: Six Gods, that’s a bit OP.

Black Adam: All fear my lightning.

Sly: Oh yeah, I’m shaking in my boots.


Sly: Mind showing me this Rock of Eternity?

Black Adam: You will die before seeing it.

Sly: Never stop me before.

Black Canary, 1st:

Black Canary: Wait, are you wearing pants?

Sly: Now I know how Murray feels.

Black Canary: Seriously? Where are the pants?


Black Canary: Stealing from me is a big no.

Sly: Your kid wanted to see a magic trick.

Black Canary: How’s this for a trick? Leave.


Sly: You’re one serious woman.

Black Canary: Gotta be to beat down bad guys.

Sly: Just like my girl, Carmelita Fox.


Sly: Heard you like to be loud.

Black Canary: Want me to sing for you?

Sly: No thanks, I’m all good.

Black Lightning, 1st:

Black Lightning: You went out with my daughters.

Sly: They wanted some fun adventures.

Black Lightning: By stealing from mafia bosses?!


Black Lightning: You look too real.

Sly: That I’m good looking?

Black Lightning: That you can steal better.


Sly: Time for a shocking lesson.

Black Lightning: I’m the one with the shock.

Sly: Not for long.


Sly: Easy there, I’m a good guy.

Black Lightning: That’s hard to believe.

Sly: As expected of that.

Black Manta, 1st:

Black Manta: An annoying pest.

Sly: A pest you’re about to lose.

Black Manta: Oh, he’s also delusional.


Black Manta: Perhaps you could steal something for me.

Sly: I only steal from other thieves.

Black Manta: Maybe you need some convincing.


Sly: Wow, you smell bad for a rotten fish.

Black Manta: You’ll be even worse as a corpse.

Sly: Should’ve heard the last guy.


Sly: You are a lousy fish.

Black Manta: And you’re shark food.

Sly: Better return the fish.

Blue Beetle, 1st:

Blue Beetle: Wow, you are so cool right now!

Sly: They said you’re cool yourself.

Blue Beetle: Really? I’m cool to them?


Blue Beetle: Bet you can’t steal the Scarab.

Sly: From what I heard, that’s a challenge.

Blue Beetle: A challenge you’re gonna lose.


Sly: Come and get me, bug boy.

Blue Beetle: The name’s Blue Beetle.

Sly: Remember to be proud of that.


Sly: Good, you’re here.

Blue Beetle: What am I here for?

Sly: A lesson on how to deal with a thief.

Brainiac, 1st:

Brainiac: Your physical data in unknown to me.

Sly: That’s how I surprise my bad guys.

Brainiac: Such data will be collected.


Brainiac: Why do you resist me?

Sly: Because a Cooper never back down from a steal.

Brainiac: This pride will be your downfall.


Sly: The power-hungry maniac smartass.

Brainiac: I collect knowledge, not power.

Sly: Tell that to all the worlds you killed.


Sly: Class is over for you.

Brainiac: You dare say I still need school?

Sly: Yeah, and a permanent detention.

Captain Cold, 1st:

Captain Cold: Hey, I stole that money!

Sly: Now it’s Cooper property.

Captain Cold: That claim will be frozen.


Captain Cold: Your eyes are on my gun.

Sly: Oh, just thinking how cool it is.

Captain Cold: You’ll see how cool it is, on you.


Sly: You need to chill.

Captain Cold: I am chill, you rat!

Sly: Does that prove anything?


Sly: Prepare to be rob by Sly Cooper.

Captain Cold: You’ll be a frozen thief.

Sly: I’ve dealt with the cold before.

Catra, 1st:

Catra: So, you’re the big bad thief.

Sly: Greatest thief you’ll ever meet.

Catra: Mind if I steal that title?


Catra: You’re not the only one with a thief in the family.

Sly: Now to see which one is better.

Catra: Obviously, I’m gonna win.


Sly: From friend to enemy to girlfriend.

Catra: Yeah, my life was complicated.

Sly: At least you’re better than Penelope.


Sly: Learned any thief technique.

Catra: That and creating my own.

Sly: Okay then, show them to me.

Cattleya, 1st:

Cattleya: Excuse sir, can I ask you something.

Sly: I’ll do my best to help.

Cattleya: Did you see what happened to the weapons I made?


Cattleya: That cane looks well-made.

Sly: Passed down in the family.

Cattleya: Perhaps I pass my sword to Rana.


Sly: Heard you got such fine crafting skills.

Cattleya: I take pride in blacksmithing.

Sly: Think you can show me a few things.


Sly: Can I help you with something?

Cattleya: I’m missing a few items.

Sly: Oh darn, looks like I’ve been caught.

Catwoman, 1st:

Catwoman: So, you’re the new thief in town.

Sly: Name’s Sly Cooper, and I’m a thief.

Catwoman: Trying to steal away my business?


Catwoman: Heard you stole Catra’s mask.

Sly: Thought it was itchy for her.

Catwoman: It’s gone, and she wants it back.


Sly: How does it feel to pass your knowledge on to Catra?

Catwoman: It felt wonderful to have a daughter like her.

Sly: She’ll make you both proud.


Sly: Hero husband, bet you guys argue a lot.

Catwoman: Bruce won’t stop worrying about me.

Sly: Family is important even to thieves like us.

Cheetah, 1st:

Cheetah: A new prey to hunt.

Sly: I’m not easy to be caught.

Cheetah: I always love a challenge.


Cheetah: This time, you won't escape.

Sly: Who says I’m escaping?

Cheetah: Then you’ll stay for dinner.


Sly: I think I like the other one better.

Cheetah: That girl was no hunter.

Sly: And you’re about to be finish.


Sly: Heard you got something called a God Slayer.

Cheetah: Only I can wield such weapon.

Sly: Think I should take it off your hands.

Cyborg, 1st:

Cyborg: Finally tracked you down.

Sly: Didn’t know I have robot fans.

Cyborg: A fan who wants you behind bars.


Cyborg: Hold it right there, ringtail.

Sly: You’re the second to call me that.

Cyborg: And the last one soon.


Sly: Looking for something, metal man?

Cyborg: How did you stole my data?

Sly: I’m a master thief, it’s what I do.


Sly: Bentley would love to study you.

Cyborg: Maybe if he gave up the life of crime.

Sly: Too bad you betrayed your friends.

Daidouji, 1st:

Daidouji: You seem like a Shinobi.

Sly: One of my ancestors was a ninja.

Daidouji: Hope you inherited his skills.


Daidouji: Almost got my scroll.

Sly: Didn’t think you notice this.

Daidouji: Only my Joker can get this close to me


Sly: I fought ninjas a few times.

Daidouji: But I’m the strongest Shinobi.

Sly: The muscles tell me that much.


Sly: A ninja dress as a delinquent.

Daidouji: It’s how I view myself as a Shinobi.

Sly: Makes me wonder what I’d look like.

Darkseid, 1st:

Darkseid: I have no time for pity thieves.

Sly: Don’t worry, this will be quick.

Darkseid: Yes, quick for your death.


Darkseid: Perhaps you could be useful.

Sly: Sorry, I work only for myself.

Darkseid: Your lack of fear displays ignorance, not bravado.


Sly: This could be my biggest heist.

Darkseid: Flee, weakling or meet your demise.

Sly: It’s now or never, Sly.


Sly: You’re Clockwork’s secret of immortality?!

Darkseird: His hated intrigues me such.

Sly: Guess he still haunts me this day.

Deadshot, 1st:

Deadshot: Never thought of hunting raccoons.

Sly: I feel hurt right now.

Deadshot: You will even more soon.


Deadshot: You stole something from my client.

Sly; Who’s to say it was already stolen.

Deadshot: Just doing what I’m paid to do.


Sly: You make Muggshot shoot like a baby.

Deadshot: I always hit my marks.

Sly: Then try hitting this mark.


Sly: You’re good, I’ll give you that.

Deadshot: Sounds like you’ve seen better.

Sly: A lovely fox with a shock pistol.

Doctor Fate, 1st:

Doctor Fate: Sly Cooper, last of the Cooper Clan.

Sly: You seem to know a lot about me.

Doctor Fate: More than you know, boy.


Doctor Fate: Your fate was on that island.

Sly: Like I was really gonna die.

Doctor Fate: Fate demands it.


Sly: Didn’t that helmet got destroyed?

Doctor Fate: The Helm found the way

Sly: Can it help find pants for Murray?


Sly: This fox is here to steal fate.

Doctor Fate: You cannot do such a thing!

Sly: Saying that makes want to steal it more!

Donatello, 1st:

Donatello: Interested in my gadgets?

Sly: They’re like how Bentley makes.

Donatello: Really now? Tell me more.


Donatello: You also have a genius turtle!

Sly: Bentley, the brain of our operations.

Donatello: Now I really want to meet him.


Sly: I fought ninjas before.

Donatello: But never a ninja turtle.

Sly: Hmm, maybe not.


Sly: You could be Bentley’s cousins or something.

Donatello: I would love to see his inventions.

Sly: Wait until you see his time machine.

Enchantress, 1st:

Jun: Please stop, I’m not worth it!

Sly: Whoa, I don’t steal from the innocents.

Enchantress: Except Jun isn’t innocent.


Jun: Why come to save me?

Sly: Guess I’m soft like that.

Enchantress: That softness will be your death.


Enchantress: My, you have a strong soul.

Sly: Too strong for you to handle.

Enchantress: No souls is beyond my grasp.


Enchantress: Animal souls aren’t new to me.

Sly: Except I’m the soul of the Cooper Clan.

Enchantress: Hmm, maybe you’re worth something.

Firestorm, 1st:

Firestorm: Time to roast the trash thief.

Sly: This raccoon is going for something better.

Firestorm: What? Fancy dumpsters?


Firestorm: A thief raccoon, that’s freaky.

Sly: Bet you don’t have something to get me.

Firestorm: A genius who just told me how to beat you.


Sly: Playing with fire is bad.

Firestorm: You sound like the professor.

Sly: I’ve experience brains being right.


Sly: Getting all fired up, are we?

Firestorm: So hot you’ll melt in a second.

Sly: Good thing I brought sunscreen.

Flash, 1st:

Flash: Heard you got fast hands.

Sly: They never fail me once.

Flash: Let see how fast they are.


Flash: Explain yourself.

Sly: I was just out for a walk.

Flash: Walking with jewels on you?


Sly: Wow, that was being fast.

Flash: You haven’t seen anything yet.

Sly: I’ll probably miss if I blink.


Sly: Heard you were the bad guy.

Flash: I got a lot to regret.

Sly: Nice to know we can be friends.

Gorilla Grodd, 1st:

Gorilla Grodd: A No-Human world.

Sly: What are humans exactly?

Gorilla Grodd: A plague that must never exist.


Gorilla Grodd: You dare try steal from me!

Sly: That helmet makes you look fat.

Gorilla Grodd: Fighting you will make me fit.


Sly: No bananas for you.

Gorilla Grodd: I shove it down your throat.

Sly: Wow, what a naughty monkey.


Sly: Time to throw you out of the jungle.

Gorilla Grodd: I rather die here than leave!

Sly: Always dramatic with you.

Green Arrow, 1st:

Green Arrow: Did your family knew Robin Hood?

Sly: More than that, he was my ancestor.

Green Arrow: What…? No way!


Green Arrow: Bet I can shoot your hat off.

Sly: I’ve done some archery myself.

Green Arrow: Come and show me, raccoon.


Sly: Ready to play, arrow boy.

Green Arrow: I play to win.

Sly: Really? So am I.


Sly: You must really like green.

Green Arrow: Green to be awesome.

Sly: Blue is much better.

Green Lantern, 1st:

Green Lantern: Stop in the name of the law!

Sly: Heard that a lot of times, and they fail.

Green Lantern: I’m different than any law enforcement.


Green Lantern: What’s your game here?

Sly: Just a humble thief for fun.

Green Lantern: Humble? Yeah right.


Sly: That’s an expensive ring, you got there.

Green Lantern: A ring to bring justice.

Sly: Now I really want to steal it.


Sly: Can I help you with something?

Green Lantern: Coming with me for questioning.

Sly: Oh, sorry, but I just remember I have to be somewhere.

Grid, 1st:

Grid: Unusual entity detected.

Sly: This thief is one you do not want to mess with.

Grid: I shall bring out the pest repellent.


Grid: Intruder found.

Sly: You caught me red-handed.

Grid: False, your hands are not red.


Sly: Bentley would love to study you.

Grid: My data is beyond mere mortals.

Sly: You don’t know how smart he is.


Sly: You’re the second robot I don’t like.

Grid: Who is the first robot you hate.

Sly: That would be Clockwork.

Harley Quinn, 1st:

Harley: Oh, so cute and fluffy!

Sly: I prefer to be handsome.

Harley: Tell that to the kids.


Harley: Can you do birthday parties?

Sly: I know a few tricks.

Harley: Great! Lucy will love you!


Sly: Feeling like partying on?

Harley: How about slaps and giggles at ten paces?

Sly: Whoa, a serious clown. That’s new.


Sly: Bet you’re always the party favorites.

Harley: Aw, you’re making me blush.

Sly: A gentleman knows how to say the words.

Hellboy, 1st:

Hellboy: Really, a raccoon thief?

Sly: Guess nothing surprises you.

Hellboy: Thanks to all the sh*t I’ve seen.


Hellboy: I don’t think you’ll end up in Hell.

Sly: What makes you think that?

Hellboy: You don’t seem all bad to me.


Sly: Never robbed a devil before.

Hellboy: You’ll leave with broken bones.

Sly: I always like the risk.


Sly: Not even Hell can stop me!

Hellboy: I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

Sly: It’s now or never, Sly!

Hulk, 1st:

Hulk: Want something, Raccoon man?

Sly: Got any changes on you?

Hulk: I don’t carry money.


Hulk: You look… familiar.

Sly: Name’s Sly Cooper, and I’m a thief.

Hulk: Now this is weird to Hulk.


Sly: Now that’s a lean, mean, green machine.

Hulk: And you’re about to face him.

Sly: Where’s Murray when I need him?


Sly: Wanna be my muscle?

Hulk: Hulk don’t work with rats!

Sly: You’re right, you’d make a terrible thief.

Izuku Midoriya, 1st:

Izuku: Please, don’t be a villain.

Sly: I only steal from other thieves.

Izuku: Oh, so you’re a vigilante.


Izuku: You can do such amazing things!

Sly: All throughout the Cooper history.

Izuku: It’s like you have multiple Quirks.


Sly: Ready to fight, Mr. Hero?

Izuku: I won’t hold back.

Sly: Come and get me then.


Sly: You got quite a collection.

Izuku: Don’t steal them! They’re limited editions!

Sly: Sorry, but this is too good.

Irene Belserion, 1st:

Irene: My, a dashing thief is here.

Sly: Hope you got something worthwhile.

Irene: Come closer and find out.


Irene: I know you don’t hurt people.

Sly: Even thieves have their honor.

Irene: You’re different than the ones I killed.


Sly: No way you’re a dragon.

Irene: You doubt me, boy?

Sly: Well, unless you can shapeshift.


Sly: Nice orb, isn’t it?

Irene: Return the Dragon Slayer Lacrima.

Sly: Not if you say the magic word.

Jaune Arc, 1st:

Jaune: A hero and a thief, that’s so cool!

Sly: Nice to know I have a fan.

Jaune: Well, I wouldn’t say a fan. Hehe.


Jaune: It’s awesome that you don’t rob the innocents.

Sly: Only steal from other thieves. That’s the golden rule of the Cooper family.

Jaune: Like my family’s vow, “An Arc never break his words”!


Sly: Think you can keep up?

Jaune: I’ve dealt with thieves before.

Sly: But not against the Master Thief.


Sly: That sword looks valuable.

Jaune: Excailbur is the greatest sword.

Sly: Now I want to steal it more.

Jay Garrick, 1st:

Jay: Not so fast, young man.

Sly: You’re a springy old man.

Jay: Enough to bring you in.


Jay: Don’t know if I approve this.

Sly: Just know I’m a good thief.

Jay: I can tell you’re honest, mostly.


Sly: Wow, that was being fast!

Jay: Think you can top that?

Sly; Like slowing down time.


Sly: The helmet looks good.

Jay: Thank you, it was a gift.

Sly: I’d be happy to hold onto it.

John Stewart, 1st:

John: What are you exactly?

Sly: Thief, and proud of it.

John: You need help, kid.


John: You’re under arrest.

Sly: So says the thousandth officer.

John: I’m not joking around.


Sly: That’s an expensive ring, you got there.

John: Walk away now or you’ll get hurt.

Sly: Now I want to steal it more.


Sly: Hello mister meathead.

John: Do you hate authorities that much?

Sly: No, just love to play with them.

Joker, 1st:

Joker: Why did the raccoon cross the road?

Sly: To steal the clown’s punchline.

Joker: Hey! I do the jokes around here.


Joker: Think of the pranks we can do!

Sly: No way I’m working with crazy like you.

Joker: You haven’t seen how crazy I can be.


Sly: The party is over.

Joker: Over my dead body.

Sly: You already died.


Sly: You’re such a sad clown.

Joker: I think you’re confusing my smile.

Sly: No, it’s sad because you’re a bad guy.

Joker (Persona 5), 1st:

Joker (P5): So we meet, Sly Cooper.

Sly: And what do I owe this pleasure, Joker?

Joker (P5): An invite to the Phantom Thieves.


Joker (P5): Interested in Treasures?

Sly: What kind of thief would I be if I wasn’t?

Joker (P5): Then show me what you got.


Sly: Stealing desires to make the criminals confess.

Joker (P5): It’s how we want to save society.

Sly: Does that mean you’ll come for my heart?


Sly: You almost steal like a Cooper.

Joker (P5): I’m honored to hear from you.

Sly: Show me what else you got.

Jotaro Kujo, 1st:

Jotaro: Are you a Stand User?

Sly: I am “standing” right here.

Jotaro: Not what I meant.


Jotaro: Give it back now.

Sly: Give what back, sir?

Jotaro: My wallet, you damn raccoon.


Sly: Hey there, you look angry.

Jotaro: Yeah, and you’re the cause of it.

Sly: Really? What gave you that idea?


Sly: Can anyone have these Stands?

Jotaro: Either born with it or struck by a Golden Arrow.

Sly: This Golden Arrow sounds worth stealing.

Katsuki Bakugo, 1st:

Katsuki: The garbage is that way.

Sly: This raccoon is going for something better.

Katsuki: Like a beating from me?


Katsuki: I hate raccoons.

Sly: I get that with everyone I met.

Katsuki: What about explosions in your face?


Sly: Wow, you explode with rage.

Katsuki: Duh, it’s my thing!

Sly: You make Muggshot look like a puppy.


Sly: Are you really a hero?

Katsuki: I’m the best of the best!

Sly; That face says otherwise.

Kenshiro, 1st:

Kenshiro: Why are you here?

Sly: Guess you could say I got lost.

Kenshiro: Now you found this fight.


Kenshiro: You have the spirits of many.

Sly: I carry the legacy of the Cooper Clan.

Kenshiro: Never forget your training.


Sly: So, you’re the man of Hokuto.

Kenshiro: You know of Hokuto Shinken.

Sly: Rioichi Cooper fought your predecessor.


Sly: I feel you want me for something.

Kenshiro: To train your fighting skills.

Sly: This gonna one of those brutal trainings, is it?

Kimi Aoi, 1st:

Kimi: Back away, you naught raccoon.

Sly: But I haven’t stolen anything, yet.

Kimi: Tell that to my missing makeup.


Kimi: You must have a lady in your life.

Sly: A fox I love so much.

Kimi: Never let those feelings go.


Sly: You sure like to dance.

Kimi: It’s my life to the world.

Sly: You’d impress Dimitri.


Sly: You would make a great thief.

Kimi: I would steal the eyes of men.

Sly: And I’d be stealing the goods.

Leonardo, 1st:

Leonardo: You seem knowledgeable of ninjutsu.

Sly: Some from my ancestor, Rioichi Cooper.

Leonardo: He sounds like a fine ninja.


Leonardo: I think ninjas are better.

Sly: Thieves are the best.

Leonardo: Time we find out which one.


Sly: The blue mask looks good.

Leonardo: Same with your hat.

Sly: I feel a kinder ship with you.


Sly: I’ve fought ninjas before.

Leonardo: My training will see me through.

Sly: Determine as one too.

Leone, 1st:

Leone: You got some good hands.

Sly: Only the best for a thief like me.

Leone: Can you steal me some booze?


Leone: Ready for the fighting?

Sly: I got out tough fights.

Leone: But not with this lion.


Sly: Can I help you with something?

Leone: Give back Bell’s knife.

Sly: But it was begging to be stolen.


Sly: You need a catnip.

Leone: I rather nip some heads.

Sly: That’s disturbing.

Makoto Nanaya, 1st:

Makoto: Let’s enjoy being fluffy!

Sly: Not sure how to respond to that.

Makoto: …Let just fight already.


Makoto: Stop in the name of the law.

Sly: Hope you don’t go “nut” over this.

Makoto: I will on your head.


Sly: Squirrel pirate, didn’t see that coming.

Makoto: I’m an officer, my boyfriend is the pirate.

Sly: Just like me and Carmelita.


Sly: Hey, you almost hit me with that.

Makoto: Give back my sundae now!

Sly: All this for a sundae.

Masane Amaha, 1st:

Masane: Ew, a roadkill.

Sly: Now that’s just hurtful.

Masane: Not as much as this fight.


Masane: Trying to steal this, are you?

Sly: Something tells me I won’t get it.

Masane: What you will get is pain.


Sly: That thing is alive!

Masane: And it won’t let go until I die.

Sly: Okay, wasn’t expecting that.


Sly: This just got crazy.

Masane: More than you know.

Sly: Almost scary as Carmelita.

Michelangelo, 1st:

Michelangelo: Thieving game starts now.

Sly: What I do is for real.

Michelangelo: Real to have fun.


Michelangelo: Do you know the smoke disappearing move?

Sly: I can do more stealth than that.

Michelangelo: Mind totally blown.


Sly: I’ve fought ninjas before.

Michelangelo: So much for the element of surprise.

Sly: How’s this for a surprise? You’ll lose.


Sly: Thanks for the pizza.

Michelangelo: Even Raph wouldn’t steal pizza from me.

Sly: Thought you were getting full.

Minori Rokujou, 1st:

Minori: Stealing is a no-no.

Sly: The Cooper is a family of thieves.

Minori: Now I’m conflicted.


Minori: Let’s get our learning on!

Sly: You’re just trying to sound cool.

Minori: Was it too much?


Sly: Hope you’re ready for a lesson.

Minori: I can take whatever you throw at me.

Sly: Lesson One: secure your pockets.


Sly: You’re hot and dangerous.

Minori: I’m the best principal ever!

Sly: Hope I don’t get detention.

Monkey D. Luffy, 1st:

Luffy: Do you steal from pirates?

Sly: Ever thieves’ dream.

Luffy: Well, you won’t steal from me.


Luffy: Will you join my crew?

Sly: Sorry, I’m not looking to become a pirate.

Luffy: Nami’s a thief and she’s a pirate.


Sly: You’re strong and stretchy.

Luffy: Yep, I’m a rubber man.

Sly: Rubber, that’s interesting.


Sly: Sheesh, you’re persistence.

Luffy: I won’t stop until you join my crew.

Sly: We can just be friends.

Mr. Freeze, 1st:

Mr. Freeze: Come back here, thief!

Sly: Sorry, but I’m too cool for stop.

Mr. Freeze: Then you’ll stop dead cold.


Mr. Freeze: A rodent to freeze over.

Sly: Oh, now that’s just cold.

Mr. Freeze: I’ll show you cold.


Sly: Nora wouldn’t want this.

Mr. Freeze: Do not speak her name!

Sly: This is breaking her heart.


Sly: You need a chill pill.

Mr. Freeze: Do not mock my pain.

Sly: Breaking the ice is hard.

Poison Ivy, 1st:

Poison Ivy: Too furry for my liking.

Sly: Too crazy for my liking.

Poison Ivy: Perhaps food for my children.


Poison Ivy: You won’t steal my babies!

Sly: You got too much veggies in you.

Poison Ivy: But you’re right for feeding.


Sly: That is one ugly weed.

Poison Ivy: As if you know about weeds.

Sly: I know I’m gonna take you out.


Sly: The Goro would disapprove of you.

Poison Ivy: My goal is noble!

Sly: Not in my eyes.

Power Girl, 1st:

Power Girl: Hey, better not have any flees.

Sly: Do I look like a dog to you?

Power Girl: Can’t be too careful.


Power Girl: Looking to steal something?

Sly: A thief got to have a challenge.

Power Girl: You got one right here.


Sly: Fancy meeting you here.

Power Girl: Give back what you took.

Sly: This shiny green rock? Okay.


Sly: You certainly live up to the name.

Power Girl: No way can outpower me.

Sly: You haven’t met The Murray.

Raiden, 1st:

Raiden: I’ve been expecting you.

Sly: So, you want me to steal from you?

Raiden: I wish to test you in kombat.


Raiden: Another thief with a good heart.

Sly: So, even a God knows what a good thief is.

Raiden: I knew of Kung Jin.


Sly: Time for a shocking lesson.

Raiden: It is unwise to provoke a God.

Sly: I’m good at making people mad.


Sly: You knew Rioichi?

Raiden: He stumbled to my realm by accident.

Sly: Never mention that in the Thievius Raccoonus.

Raoh, 1st:

Raoh: Be gone from my sight.

Sly: Sure, I was just leaving.

Raoh: As soon as you give back my blade.


Raoh: What pitiful thief.

Sly: I’m more than I look.

Raoh: Prove it to me now.


Sly: My, what big fists you have.

Raoh: If you’re here to fight then fight.

Sly: No sense of humor on this one.


Sly: Hey, are you trying to kill me?

Raoh: You tried to rob me.

Sly: Okay, fair point.

Raphael, 1st:

Raphael: Oh great, another mutant.

Sly: Hey, I’m all natural.

Raphael: Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Raphael: Think you can take from me?

Sly: A great thief must always be calm.

Raphael: Oh, you did not just say that.


Sly: Hey there, grumpy man.

Raphael: That was the last straw.

Sly: This guy is too easy.


Sly: I’ve fought ninjas before.

Raphael: Except I’m deadlier.

Sly: Yeah, lot the others I’ve beaten.

Red Hood, 1st:

Red Hood: I do not do pest control.

Sly: Right, because you’re afraid of diseases.

Red Hood: Now I’m doing pest control.


Red Hood: You really like to steal.

Sly: Like those guns of yours.

Red Hood: Hell no! You’re dead meat.


Sly: Now that’s dishonorable.

Red Hood: How am I being dishonorable?

Sly: Killing like those who done worse.


Sly: I also wanted to revenge.

Red Hood: But you didn’t kill them.

Sly: No, because I’m better.

Rex, Pyra, and Mythra, 1st:

Mythra: You’re very suspicious.

Sly: What gave you that idea?

Mythra: The fact you’re eying on our sword.


Pyra: Stealing from the corrupted, how noble.

Sly: The Coopers greatest life!

Rex: Hope everything goes well for you.


Sly: You three are all connected?

Rex: We’re a package deal.

Sly: This is gonna be hard.


Sly: Got anything worthwhile?

Pyra: I think we got some.

Sly: Let me help you with that.

Reverse Flash, 1st:

Reverse Flash: So, you’re a Cooper.

Sly: Name’s Sly Cooper, and I’m a thief.

Reverse Flash: One of your ancestors stole some of my power.


Reverse Flash: Clockwork should’ve killed you in that closet.

Sly: How do you know about that night?

Reverse Flash: Who else found out where your father was?


Sly: You turned Penelope evil?

Reverse Flash: Just a whisper and she’s your enemy.

Sly: Okay, now I’m mad.


Sly: You look like the other guy.

Reverse Flash: I am much greater than him.

Sly: But he’s more cherry than you.

Robin, 1st:

Robin: Hand over the hard drive.

Sly: Can’t we just be friends?

Robin: Sure… when you’re dead.


Robin: You’re wanted on Regime’s list.

Sly: Not the first time to be wanted.

Robin: Then this will be your last moment.


Sly: How could you hate your father?

Robin: He wouldn’t do what needs to be done.

Sly: At least you still have a father.


Sly: Hello, little Twitty.

Robin: Get this straight, I’m better than you.

Sly: Better of the ego, I agree.

Satsuki Kiryuin, 1st:

Satsuki: Thank you coming, Sly Cooper.

Sly: Should’ve known this was a setup.

Satsuki: Now we shall begin your test.


Satsuki: I heard you’re a talented thief.

Sly: Greatest thief you’ll ever meet.

Satsuki: Try to steal my swords from me.


Sly: I heard you went through a lot as a kid.

Satsuki: Preparation to fight my mother.

Sly: Talk about growing up fast.


Sly: Bold with that outfit.

Satsuki: Junketsu is more than an outfit.

Sly: Does a lot of fanservices.

Scarecrow, 1st:

Scarecrow: He still haunts you, Cooper.

Sly: Who? My elementary school teacher?

Scarecrow: The owl who hunts raccoons.


Scarecrow: Bet you don’t like being robbed.

Sly: Every thief’s worst fear.

Scarecrow: Just what I was hoping for.


Sly: You’re even lamer than Dimitri.

Scarecrow: That’s what the gas is for.

Sly: At least he got his own style.


Sly: King of rears, as in butts?

Scarecrow: No, it’s King of Fears!

Sly: Right, King of Cheers.

Shadow the Hedgehog, 1st:

Shadow: Great, a rodent to deal with.

Sly: Looked in the mirror lately?

Shadow: Yes, and I’m better looking than you.


Shadow: Were you created in a lab?

Sly: I’m all born natural.

Shadow: co*cky, just like Sonic.


Sly: Big things…

Shadow: Don’t finish that sentence.

Sly: Comes in small packages.


Sly: Those jewels sure look powerful.

Shadow: And dangerous in the wrong hands.

Sly: I can help guard them.

She-Hulk, 1st:

She-Hulk: Sorry, got nothing for you to steal.

Sly: Well, that’s a letdown.

She-Hulk: I can give a crash course in pain.


She-Hulk: Carmelita sure shocked the old west.

Sly: How do you know about that?

She-Hulk: I played the game, it was fun.


Sly: Now that’s a lean, mean, green machine.

She-Hulk: Bet I can give Murray a run for his money.

Sly: He would love a challenge.


Sly: So, it does run in the family.

She-Hulk: No, I got like this through blood transfusion.

Sly: Still pretty cool.

Starfire, 1st:

Starfire: Can I help you, friend?

Sly: Help with protecting your valuables.

Starfire: Ah, my mustards are in danger!


Starfire: Weren’t those already stolen?

Sly: Now it’s Cooper property.

Starfire: I’m afraid I cannot let you take them.


Sly: Wow, are you on fire.

Starfire: I can’t put it out, it’s a part of me.

Sly: No, I meant as a good thing.


Sly: Easy, I’m not a bad guy.

Starfire: I know, you’re different.

Sly: Being different is good.

Sub-Zero, 1st:

Sub-Zero: A thief with a cold death.

Sly: Can’t I have a warm steal?

Sub-Zero: It’s the punishment for stealing from me.


Sub-Zero: Time for your training.

Sly: Bring it on, I can handle it.

Sub-Zero: Prove it with action.


Sly: Can you make Frosty the Snowman?

Sub-Zero: You remind me of Johnny Cage.

Sly: Bet he isn’t a handsome thief.


Sly: You need a chill pill.

Sub-Zero: I see through your distraction.

Sly: Thought I made it convincing.

Supergirl, 1st:

Supergirl: Is that tail real?

Sly: Real along with the thief.

Supergirl: Would it be weird if I want to hug it?


Supergirl: Give that money now.

Sly: Hey there, the actual crooks are caught.

Supergirl: Except for their friend.


Sly: Aren’t you a lost girl.

Supergirl: I know my way around.

Sly: Then try getting around me.


Sly: Your cousin nearly destroyed your family’s name.

Supergirl: Which is why I must restore.

Sly: Good luck on that.

Superman, 1st:

Superman: Thieving is never a good life.

Sly: My family has been doing okay.

Superman: Until you became the last.


Superman: You don’t belong here.

Sly: Yet I want to stay.

Superman: I’m good with pest control.


Sly: This could be my biggest heist.

Superman: Or your biggest downfall.

Sly: Time to find out which one.


Sly: I know the feeling lost.

Superman: Then you should understand my rule.

Sly: Which is why I’m standing against you.

Swamp Thing, 1st:

Swamp Thing: Give back the flower.

Sly: What flower?

Swamp Thing: The flower calling for help.


Swamp Thing: You’re cautious of me.

Sly: Thought you’re made from Mz. Ruby.

Swamp Thing: No one controls me.


Sly: Wasn’t expecting a neighbor.

Swamp Thing: I expect you to leave.

Sly: But I just got here.


Sly: I’m here for a buried treasure.

Swamp Thing: The treasure you seek is not for you.

Sly: Never stop a Cooper for a steal.

Tatsumaki, 1st:

Tatsumaki: Back off, you little rodent.

Sly: You’re the little one here.

Tatsumaki: Little… Know your place!


Tatsumaki: Now I got you, thief.

Sly: That’s me and don’t you forget.

Tatsumaki: My husband wants his wallet back.


Sly: Talk about mind blown.

Tatsumaki: Oh, I’ll blow your mind to space.

Sly: Think I walked into a minefield.


Sly: Big things…

Tatsumaki: Don’t you dare say that!

Sly: Comes in small packages.

Vegeta, 1st:

Vegeta: Filthy trash diggers.

Sly: Now that’s just rude.

Vegeta: I got more with my fists.


Vegeta: A weakling wasting my time.

Sly: Looking for this phone?

Vegeta: What the… How did you…?


Sly: You’re an alien monkey?

Vegeta: Mock me again and you’re dead.

Sly: A sensitive monkey.


Sly: I worked to be the thief I am.

Vegeta: Thief is no place in battle.

Sly: Tell that to my Cooper Instinct.

Velvet Crowe, 1st:

Velvet: I don’t like eating raccoons.

Sly: That’s kind of relief to hear.

Velvet: They taste like garbage.


Velvet: Show me what you got.

Sly: That and what I got from you.

Velvet: Brave to steal from me.


Sly: Betrayed and revenge, ouch.

Velvet: I don’t need your pity.

Sly: Sorry, just trying to comfort you.


Sly: Nothing to steal here.

Velvet: You could try taking my arm.

Sly: Hey, I’m not that kind of thief.

Vergil, 1st:

Vergil: Trying to take my sword, are you?

Sly: Looks crazy enough to steal.

Vergil: A foolish thief for his death.


Vergil: Have you ever fought demons?

Sly: First time for anything.

Vergil: Stop wasting my time.


Sly: You're dark and serious.

Vergil: And you're in the way.

Sly: A way for me to steal.


Sly: Okay, this might be trouble.

Vergil: Trouble for me to waste energy on you.

Sly: Now I feel angry towards you.

Vixen, 1st:

Vixen: I sense why you’re here.

Sly: No likes a spoiler.

Vixen: The raccoon spirit told me.


Vixen: You can’t take this totem.

Sly: Not my first tough heist.

Vixen: No, really. It’s bond to me.


Sly: You’re connected to every animal?

Vixen: All from the animal kingdom.

Sly: Show me how you steal as a raccoon.


Sly: Think you can out-thief me?

Vixen: Got the raccoon’s sneakiness.

Sly: Not as good as the real deal.

Wolverine, 1st:

Wolverine: You feeling lucky, bub?

Sly: Very lucky here, sir.

Wolverine: Well, that’s about to change.


Wolverine: All animal world, crazy.

Sly: Your world is crazier.

Wolverine: Guess we got our own craziness.


Sly: Metal bones, talk about metal!

Wolverine: There’s a sad tale behind it.

Sly: I can tell that much.


Sly: Don’t suppose you could give me that metal.

Wolverine: It’s staying right in my body.

Sly: Yeah, I thought so.

Wonder Woman, 1st:

Wonder Woman: Halt in the name of the Regime.

Sly: Didn’t you guys got beaten?

Wonder Woman: We’re about to make our return.


Wonder Woman: Another criminal to punish.

Sly: I only steal from other thieves.

Wonder Woman: That makes you worse than them.


Sly: Looking for something?

Wonder Woman: Return the crown now!

Sly: Your mom said you’re no longer wear this.


Sly: A sword like that deserves in better hands.

Wonder Woman: Try saying that after I cut you.

Sly: It’s now or never, Sly.

Super Move

Cooper Thieving Legacy: Sly shouts with his cane held behind him and then swings it to smack on the opponent. The opponent stumbles back and saw that Sly is gone, but he is still close and using his binocucom to check what he/she has saying “Time to steal” before sneaking behind the opponent to perform the stealth takedown followed by the Silent Obliteration. Then Sly changes into his costumes in order: he tackles the opponent with the samurai shield, slams the big iron ball of his jailbird costume, leaps for a fierce smackdown with the sabretooth costume, jumping above the opponent and firing arrows at him/her, and upper slash the opponent before slowing down time to keep him/her in the air. Sly jumps high and slams the opponent down with his cane.

Victory Pose

Sly smirks at the screen and twirl his cane around fast before throwing down a smoke bomb, vanishing with only the Cooper calling card in his place.


When I woke up after the blimp exploded, I thought I was in ancient Egypt. Turns out I was sent to another world with superheroes and villains and had the unfortune to meet one angry thunder guy. *Image Sly is running through the ancient ruins of an Egyptian city known as Kahndaq with a bag on his back and an angry Black Adam is chasing him from behind trying to blast the raccoon with lightning* Well, I may have taken a few golds and jewels, but he got plenty in his castle, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I take some. Then I met Green Arrow and we gotten along pretty well with stealing from the rich and gives some to the poor. *Image shows Sly and Green Arrow looking down at the criminals tied up and some poor getting some money, they disappear from the scene* It felt good just like back home, and I even formed a new Cooper Gang becoming a family. If only Bentley and Murray could be here, they would love these guys and hope Carmelita doesn’t think about arresting them. *Image shows Sly’s new Cooper Gang being Catra, the Atom, Joker, and She-Hulk, images of his old Cooper Gang and Carmelita appears on the right as he thinks of them* Now to decide where and who to steal from next.

KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!

Sly Cooper is my favorite thief fictional character of all times beside some others as the most would see him as a thief, but others would know better. Hope you like how I made his Super Move cool with the costumes he got from Thieves in Time.

Last character of the 10th DLC Pack is Carmen Sandiego from the 2019 Netflix series, Carmen Sandiego.

KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this story will go!

Shadow Joestar's Injustice 2 DLC - Chapter 41 - ShadowJoestar (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.